Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
I've been away from the community for a little while but have been keeping up to date on the forums and saw this post from Aaron.

Im obviously not saying any of the "music" he made was good, or anywhere near it, but what baffled me is the amount of grown men replying with abuse thats insane.
I think people have to remember that this is an online gaming community with children, and I dont see why people have to bully a child online for doing the same type of stupid dumb shit we did when we were that age.

I dont get how grown men can comment under a video of a child just creating a quick video for fun on their favourite gaming community because they lookup to other members and seek recognition from them, but get responses that are obviously way over the top from senior members of the community?

I know this probably isnt popular, but I'd love to hear the communites oppinion on this.

I feel posts like these are just completely unnecerary and tantamount to bullying.

https://gyazo.com/09ff91d33777fbd168f04e9c3441c035 Really? Its just some dumb kid making videos to have fun.
The problem I see with this as much as you say its grown men taking the piss out of children. Aaron dropped a whole "song" on the plpd. And as much as they are role players they just replied back. I really don't see the issue here. Aaron is quick enough to call someone retarded and a cunt but when is called one himself he reports it.
i can respect him for trying but he really do be sometimes bringing it upon himself, of course it doesn't excuse the 'bullying' and I think most of the replies were just memes and criticism given to him for the most part. if Aaron is reading this then it's nothing personal from myself just to be clear on.
I see your point but as others are doing it within the community I think it’s fair to say he’s just looking up to others and trying to get recognition.
I don’t think Aaron’s gonna be giving out yingings any time soon
I mean the other people who are doing these songs are doing good editing and making listenable. one of @Kenty last songs was decent. Aarons songs you cant even hear him. He finds a beat and records his voice puts together and boom song is out. Thats not the effort other people are putting into these things.
In the case of this song specifically, Aaron said himself it wasn't his best work. I doubt he intended for the song to be taken seriously, it's a bit of a shitpost, much like a lot of the responses. His first song on Kay actually got a fairly positive response from the community because it was pretty funny
I’ve been in this community a long time and anyone who says Aaron doesn’t receive abuse on the daily is blind.
Just because it’s a shit post I don’t get how you just decide to throw the fact he’s a literal child out the window, jokes are fine but some of the responses just seem over the top
can you provide some examples of this abuse?
i just went over the thread and it was all memes and some actual criticism, no attacks on him as a person. you shouldn't shitpost if you don't want memey responses and troll posts.

seems to me you got a white knight syndrome more than anything really
I read this and went back to the thread and initially thought maybe I was wrong, though upon reading what the account posted yet again, I’m back at the same conclusion that it just seems over the top imo?
Are we turning into snowflakes now? I don't see how this is bullying, Shittrack gets released. Track gets roasted. What is bullying about this?

If we need to take this all so deep on a gaming community I think something is going wrong but that might just be me. If you can't take negative comments then don't post this is not r/niceguys
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