VOTE! Unbanning outstanding members of the community

Which players should be unbanned?

  • Those whose ban already got reduced to 6 months but they still have to wait for almost 3 months

    Votes: 20 22.2%
  • Those who are still permanently banned for being involved in something stupid

    Votes: 32 35.6%
  • Those who cheated for a little time like Lamar Clark who was an outstanding player aswell

    Votes: 42 46.7%
  • Nobody because every banned player is a good raider and I don't want them to raid me no more :(

    Votes: 29 32.2%

  • Total voters
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Hello, as a great member of this community I have decided to make a nice poll so everybody can vote if every player with over 3 months of playtime should be unbanned (except cheaters and other very very very bad people). Since this guy who I am especially talking of now didn't do anything to harm players to get himself a good break from the community he was addicted to, to prevent any further mental damage from happening to himself.

Thank you for your honest votes! =)
In my opinion, I think the whole ban system should be wiped, with exception of a few, and everyone should have a fresh start.

Hello, as a great member of this community I have decided to make a nice poll so everybody can vote if every player with over 3 months of playtime should be unbanned (except cheaters and other very very very bad people). Since this guy who I am especially talking of now didn't do anything to harm players to get himself a good break from the community he was addicted to, to prevent any further mental damage from happening to himself.

Thank you for your honest votes! =)

I don't think they will unban you because of that.
i still love you #nohomo
the fact people taking cheaters so god damn seriously to the extent of them literally NEVER coming back is ridiculous, 1 year bans for cheaters. Keep perma's for doxing and ddos'. If you cant forgive someone for cheating on GarrysMod then I really cant be bothered with you

I'd argue personally that my toxicity has been far more damaging than 95% of the cheaters yet I'm still here today. #BanHusky ???
If you're gonna try to make a somewhat serious discussion, don't include such retarded poll answers.
They were already kind enough to wipe a majority of bans on people were not the worst of the worst and who really decides who is which members are "outstanding".
Considering the average IQ of the PERP community, this is not something that should be left up to them.
TBH theres two different types of cheaters, people who come on and cheat straight from the get go and pretend to be good, then you have people who did it because they was bored and wanted something to do IE shokron
keep cheaters banned, don't want them here. They cheated once so they'll probably try again.
Disappointed in your opinion personally, thought you would understand seeing as you play other games such as cs which all allow them back after 2 years. It's not a good mindset, we all make mistakes and if they are notable players its worth the risk is it not?
If you think about it fredy would be losing money because of cheaters.
Having constant cheaters makes players not wanna play no more which leads to no donations.
If one cheater is forgiven ome peraon would have the mind set of "ok this guy was cheating and he got unbanned within months" and then cheats until caught and its a chain reaction.
But we all know this is a childs game, most of us havent fully developed our brains yet (not in a bad way) and make stupid decisions.
I say cheaters need to do some like slave work or work under the community to prove theyre trusted and can be welcomed back. As well as having their whole computer checked and they should be monitored in game.
As for the thing i said above probably wont happen because u know its going to be ignored and everything im typing right now is pretty pointless, im writing this because im bored as shit in class and fuck my business class thanks for reading.
except cheaters and other very very very bad people

"Those who cheated for a little time like Lamar Clark who was an outstanding player aswell"

keep cheaters banned, don't want them here. They cheated once so they'll probably try again.
I can tell you from my experience its definitely not true, as i said in my apeal, it was a mistake, i was super angry for a while and at the time didnt care, i was an i think atleast known member and i was a member for a long time and i can tell you for sure that ill never cheat again in any game, its not worth it.

Disappointed in your opinion personally, thought you would understand seeing as you play other games such as cs which all allow them back after 2 years. It's not a good mindset, we all make mistakes and if they are notable players its worth the risk is it not?

I totally agree, its not worth it (ill use myself as an exemple) i grinded for what i had, and ive put alot of time into the server, if I EVER EVER EVER EVER EVERRRR get a chance to play again I WOULD NOT CHEAT.
Disappointed in your opinion personally, thought you would understand seeing as you play other games such as cs which all allow them back after 2 years. It's not a good mindset, we all make mistakes and if they are notable players its worth the risk is it not?
No lol. Even CS doesn't allow cheaters back after 2 years. The only thing that happens is that their VAC ban disappears off their profile, but they're still banned and have a ban on record.
Cheating is one the worst offense inside a video game.

The system already got reset to give everyone that deserves a new chance. But seeing that some didn't get unbanned, there's probably a reason.

If someone cheats they can fuck right off. Even if they just try it out. No one forced you to try it. You didn't break that rule by accident. It's one of the only rules which can only be broken by forcing yourself to break it. Not by accident.
I can tell you from my experience its definitely not true, as i said in my apeal, it was a mistake, i was super angry for a while and at the time didnt care, i was an i think atleast known member and i was a member for a long time and i can tell you for sure that ill never cheat again in any game, its not worth it.

I totally agree, its not worth it (ill use myself as an exemple) i grinded for what i had, and ive put alot of time into the server, if I EVER EVER EVER EVER EVERRRR get a chance to play again I WOULD NOT CHEAT.
Oh yes, because you can easily just say that, you've downloaded the cheat once because you were "angry" what doesn't stop you from getting "angry" again? I've been a member of this community since the start, I've never even once thought of cheating, never ever been so mad that I thought

hehe guys look at me i got a wallhack let me cheat haha lol!!!!!

The only game I've ever cheated on must've been like Combat Arms and some DarkRP servers.

And sure enough let's say that's true with you but what people often do is that they download a cheat expect not to be caught because they're super clever and don't do anything suspicious, but once they get caught they all go
buhu look at me i didn't mean to cheat i feel so bad dude i just wanna get back omg pls let me back

I don't want players who decide to have an unfair advantage over others with cheats.
No lol. Even CS doesn't allow cheaters back after 2 years. The only thing that happens is that their VAC ban disappears off their profile, but they're still banned and have a ban on record.
Cheating is one the worst offense inside a video game.

The system already got reset to give everyone that deserves a new chance. But seeing that some didn't get unbanned, there's probably a reason.

If someone cheats they can fuck right off. Even if they just try it out. No one forced you to try it. You didn't break that rule by accident. It's one of the only rules which can only be broken by forcing yourself to break it. Not by accident.

It does allow people to buy a new account and play from that one even if they hacked on another one though which is giving them unlimited chances. Yes its allowed so Valve can get more money from people buying new accounts but still this is Gmod , a server about having fun :)
No lol. Even CS doesn't allow cheaters back after 2 years. The only thing that happens is that their VAC ban disappears off their profile, but they're still banned and have a ban on record.
Don't even try and tell me how CS works thanks, they are allowed to return to competitive gaming after 2 years on a different account.

if someone cheats they can fuck right off. Even if they just try it out. No one forced you to try it. You didn't break that rule by accident. It's one of the only rules which can only be broken by forcing yourself to break it. Not by accident.
So by this logic anyone that deliberately breaks any rule shouldn't be unbanned? Should mass rdm'rs not be unbanned? maybe people who just minge shouldn't be allowed back also.

I don't know who you are at all so I'm assuming you aren't "close" to any cheaters that were notable in the community but I can assure you they will have a far more positive impact than half of the people already unbanned. "Cheaters are so bad omgomgomgomgomg cancer people" again its a shit mindset, you assume that every cheater had the mindset of "I want to ruin this fuckers day" instead of maybe being "angry" which by the way I dont believe for a second before you judge the excuse of "being angry".

All I'm saying is that if you give Mass rdm'rs, ddosers and people who dox a second chance why not cheaters?
Have to agree with husky, the two cheaters I was close too, shokron and rayz both did it for fun after the gamemode got stale with no updates and I know for a fact that if either came back they wouldn't cheat
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