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Ben Walker




I feel that after I tarnished my reputation back in 2015 I am ready and able to return to the position if Enforcer. I really do regret what I did and it cost me my position. After almost a year since being demoted I want to come back to help the community. I understand that the reason I was denied previously was because of what I did and that will always be there. I want one more chance to prove myself. After the responses on my previous app I can see that a lot of people, including @xhantium feel I could become enforcer again, even after what I did to him and I am thankful for that.

I have recently been putting more time into police work to improve my ability to roleplay and I am the rank of Sgt. In the PD I am a PTO and have been doing Applications, Interviews before they were removed and supervised patrols. These are all steps people must take in order to become a Senior Officer and it really has been fun for me. My previous experience as a Moderator reinforces my application as I know how the system works and proved that I am able to enforce the rules well and with good discretion.

Along with work in the PLPD I have been partaking in jobs such as Medic, Roadcrew worker, Mayor and I was actually a delivery guy and courier for a short period. These jobs are sometimes a tad boring but I managed to interact with other members of the community I don't usually see.
With the recent departure of two Moderators I feel like more are needed to ensure the server is well administrated. I want to be able to help people out on the server again with the role of enforcer, I regret what I did and I hope that now I will be able to do it again.

My warnings/bans:
Over my 4 months playtime I have accumulated 3 warnings and 1 ban. This is over 3 years. My warnings are atleast 6 months old and my one ban, of which I got in mid april this year, was something stupid for me to do. I believe that the people I affected have forgiven me for this.



ARE YOU ACTIVE: I am active both on Teamspeak, the forums and ingame.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY: Thank you for reading and I really do hope I can return to enforcer. I would not bother making another application if I were not serious about it and if I intended on breaking the trust given to you as Enforcer again.
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Georgia, United States
Your a wonderful person, and so interactive. You help people when they need help, and I just think you should get the position. You can make a difference to the community, hopefully. Therefore my decision is support.


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hes been very nice to everyone (apart from when you raided me in the office and killed all our org (but i dont want to talk about that))
i think hes gained his trust again and is ready to be back on the staff team good luck and here is a picture of a guy
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United Kingdom
Would love to see Walker as a Staff member again. He is an all round nice guy and very trust worthy. I think that he definitely deserves a position on the staff team again!
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Parts Unknown
Personally i feel like it would be better to get some fresh blood into the staff team instead of recruiting old resigned/demoted members. In my opinion you are biased, just like you had to lobby around to get this perfectly valid AR denied. Was that all because you wanted to make this application and didn't want to ruin the record? And that sad attempt of revenge police complaint on me, yea top kek.

Yeah sure I'm properly gonna get hated on since you seem to rack up quite the likes on your application but i felt like i had to voice my opinion regardless. Goodluck on your application, it will most likely be accepted either way.
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Walker, we've had a lot of ups and downs on the forums (Mostly because I'm a dumb American with guns) but hopefully that will change, I like you in character, and I believe that as long as there's no no-clipping to snipe or whatever I've heard from your past you're a good candidate. +Support

Deleted member 4141

As I do not actively use the forums anymore all of what will be said is past experience and opinions and what not.

What I think of Walker is a little sheep who relentlessly got his nose into anything if it had involved his friends. Any argument with the likes of Standish (And all his other friends on here) involved would result in Walker getting engaged in one way or another. Endlessly defending his friends even if what they were saying was wrong or such because that's the type of crowd Walker associated himself with - I have no idea if he still does this or not but this is what he would do though he wasn't the only one.

With this app, it just feels like its the same shit over again, one common point of the applicants nowadays being their 'involvement' within the PLPD and how they deem that being worthy of becoming enforcer. Your only points being that you feel as though there's a lack of staff, you do things in the PLPD and that you understand why you got demoted. What about PassiveRP, roleplaying as other jobs or just doing something different which brings the quality of roleplay up for others? From what I've lastly seen before I stopped playing on the server, is the focus on criminal roleplay and police roleplay and the applicants using their police roleplay as a reason to become enforcer? What about individuality and trying to separate yourself from the other applicants? There seems to be none of that in this application. What about your activity on the forums? What about you proving yourself to be suitable for the enforcer role?

You claim you want to help people, what about now? You can help people without a rank and I've seen it done throughout my time on perp where normal players have helped eachother and I know even I myself have done so. No rank or power required. So why do you feel as though you need enforcer to help when a lot of us know that you can actually barely do anything with enforcer? The reason your application got denied last time was because you had yet to prove yourself and from what I've seen, there has been no proving yourself (Keep in mind I only pop onto the forums from time to time and i dont play on the server) Or if there has been then it's been very minimal.

To add on, a lot of the times responses to enforcer applications only contribute very little to the actual decision of who gets accepted, especially if they are supportive as the senior staff needs to look on the negatives of the said person to see if they have what it takes or not, just go look at Bean Can's last application where he had a large proportion of disagrees and a fair amount of supports and -supports and he got accepted. So in actual reality I feel as though there has been minimal effort placed into this along with perhaps you just wanting a rank again (This is what I have gathered from all of this) If you feel as though what I had said above is not true Walker then instead of disagreeing or something, prove me wrong.

Also I agree with @Slayerduck about how there should be newer staff which we haven't had yet instead of getting the old staff up there again.

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Berlin, Germany
Considering you have been staff member before, and are an active member of PLPD, showing exmplary rule & law knowledge, I will be fully supporting this application. I feel you would be a great addition to the staff team, as you obviously know how to conduct yourself as one.

Good luck!
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Manchester, United Kingdom
+Support - Walker was a great member of staff. The situation on which he was forced out of the staff team must now be forgetten as it was a long time ago and Walker has changed as a person.

When he was a member of staff, he was helpful and I used to love doing sits with him.

Repromote this nigga
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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Who honestly cares if he got demoted? literally this guy was one of the people who actually helped me do reports when I was staff because no one could be bothered or was "busy" meaning playing other games.

  • What I think of Walker is a little sheep who relentlessly got his nose into anything if it had involved his friends. Any argument with the likes of Standish (And all his other friends on here) involved would result in Walker getting engaged in one way or another. Endlessly defending his friends even if what they were saying was wrong or such because that's the type of crowd Walker associated himself with - I have no idea if he still does this or not but this is what he would do though he wasn't the only one.

Walker could be a sheep but at-least it shows that his not a Rim-licker, if you follow the crowd and don't change then people don't complain, some people like you may like change but we all have different opinions, the only case Walker defended his friends was remotely in character.

Now I ain't going to sugar coat anything but yes, Xhantium was busy one day and asked me to upload a video of Walker abusing his power and post it to Bolli for him now this was in like late 2015 around October time now that's around 9 months and during this time he has proved himself to me and others while I've been unbanned and has stayed out of trouble.

  • Personally i feel like it would be better to get some fresh blood into the staff team instead of recruiting old resigned/demoted members.

Fresh blood has a potential of not working with back in our day the new staff who had bad records did more reports and gained more source ban records than the good players with a good record as the people with a bad record knew what rules they broke and knew them like the back of there hands.
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