What do you do?

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IKEA - Northern Europe
So the question is; what do you do besides playing perp?
I'll start; I study law a lot atm as it's the only subject I got in school as I finished everything else. Also I'm a referee in ice-hockey and I love taking long walks with my fat dogs, I do take a lot of pictures, I don't have to many games installed as I wish to keep a large space of my harddrive for pictures.
I like playing football!
I shoot heroin on a friday night with the bois, other than that I pretend i'm doing something useful.

(Don't do drugs its bad you retards)
I like to roll myself in honey, prance about while covering myself in breadcrumbs in a seductive manner, then looking in the mirror and repetedly whispering "Yeah you like that big boy".

Also I rage at russians in csgo silver lobbies
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Politics, History and then maybe some political history. If I'm not on the forums or playing on the PC then I tend to be out with some friends or watching some war documentary. I also do a lot of work with Sky News as most of you know :D. I also sleep a lot.... like a lot.
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I do homework, get beat down, play cs, Rdming on darkrp servers and other shitty perp servers. And if i dont do that i take a walk with my fat dog:
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Recently, a lot of my time has been spent on studying, especially due to being banned for just over one month, it has given me some time to get my grades up in school which is great.

Over the past 6 months I have not been doing very much, my main focus is simply passing exams in school as it is what sets me up for a larger future - far more important than anything I will get on Garry's Mod.

I do have a lot of pets which I have to do different things with but that is all :)
I'm a nurse at a dsc ward, and spending my time playing games and playing with my cat. I love cats, I love every kind of cat.
I just wanna hug all them, but I can't.
Can't hug every cat, cause that would be crazy.
So anyway, I am a cat lover, and I love to run. I'm sorry, I'm thinkin' about cats again, I really love cats.:cat:
Studying, Drinking (Feat. @MoronPipllyd), Netflix, anime, doing everything in my power to get Head Boy at my school, bitching at people to do things for me, admiring my Devilishly handsome looks, pretending to look for a job, staring at forums waiting for my positive rating to go up. Sleeping, honestly, I do a lot of sleeping, I get 7 hours at night, I get 2 hours after school, and weekends both of those numbers double :)
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