I just think the server has become alot more harder then what it was in 2015-16. The high quality metal update making crafting more complicated meant that not as many people crafted, the new gun system that made marksmanship so key and made guns go up in price, the pd update that although now is much easier to get into it was like that for like 1 year and i think it did make alot of people quit the server as there was such an addiction on trying to get a high rank and when people got demoted or someone got promoted who didnt deserve it, it made people angry.
Although i think perp is getting slightly better then what it was like months back it just isn't the same and there is not as much action.
We need a simpler server that isnt such a chore to get guns and fun things, so there is more action and a fun less toxic community where people dont get so angry when they lose something.
(sorry if theres spelling errors i kinda just wanted to write this quick as i dont give a fuck as i dont play the server that much to care)