Can't be the only one that thinks that the (IBM) Lenovo Thinkpads are fucking nice for work, they look durable and have that nice clit mouse.
Depending on what you want I put some stuff together.
Lenovo ThinkPad E590 is nice with a Core i5 8265U.
Lenovo ThinkPad E495 AMD Ryzen 5 3500U has a Vega 8 and is better than the integrated graphics on the Intel version. You will get less CPU performance (not sure how much, cba to look up benchmarks) but definitely a lot more heat headroom and power efficiency which is nice for the battery.
ASUS Zenbook Flip 13" FHD i5-8265U also has some very nice design IMO
A budget would be nice, I'm just throwing 700 Euro laptops at your way at this point,