Workbenches was the last thing we needed

@Strobez The total crafting time is decreased by 0.6% per crafting level. So if you got level 50, then items will be crafted 30% faster.

Just saw that this was missing from the update log, added it now.

And more items are to come for the people with high crafting level, but at this point no one got level 50 from what I’ve been told.
Why were workbenches added? It's annoying that you have to look at the workbench while you craft and that whatever you are crafting ends up in the storage of the workbench. This is also a waste of my time. This shitty update was the last thing we needed. Do the developers really think that crappy updates like these will save Perpheads? Add something new instead of ruining what we already have.

Can’t comment for some reason....

Thank you for this constructive thread o_O

Sorry to hear that your time is wasted, but can you please explain how it’s wasted? You actually save time by using the workbench!
It allows you to craft several firearms without having to run to a storage container and it decreases the crafting time by 0.6% per crafting level!

Thanks for calling our work shit! Comments like that will really save perp and make us spend several hours per day coding and making models.

I would argue that this is something that has been asked for. There are accepted suggestions where players have requested that it should be possible to have several items in the crafting queue. To make this possible, we must have a storage container attached to the workbench. Also how does this ruin what you already had?
@Mr.Bomb Also, you don’t have to look at it while crafting! You only have to look at it to begin crafting, this is so your items don’t turn up in your friends workbench.
From what I gathered the workbenches can only be placed in specific spots, just like the chemistry tables or whatever they're called.
I like the fact that it requires a bazaar shop for you to craft stuff as I've seen bazaar being quite a dead-o recently.

But honestly. This is confusing for newer players. At least include some tips for them. Sure we all had to figure it all out where things are, but at least we didn't have the periodic table split across so many NPC stores.
I guess this is a true point, a new player buying a Workbench wouldn't know where to place it and/or how to click F1 > Mixtures to craft it. We can add some instructional text when you hover over the item in your inventory to solve this! Thanks for your feedback.
it sounds like a stove to me but with some other differences and features
how about you calm the fuck down? i wasn't a big fan of the moon update that Fredy made but i didn't shit all over the developers for it?
i reckon if you tried anything like this, you'd end up with a bricked pc
We have been releasing updates that you guys want, and I've constantly said that we're going to release the bigger ones in the new year. This specific update improves the speed of crafting, adds an element of progression, allows for items that weren't previously in the game to be crafted, adds a framework for queued crafting. All of these things have been asked for, so no this isn't a new cosmetic update like the moon was, thought and time and effort and the community's input was put into it. Again, this was a small update that can be improved & worked on in the near future so I don't see any need for fuss?

We're removed marksmanship, added festive items, decreased gun prices, added the ability to resign whilst blackscreened, begun planning for a new map, added the ability to search ziptied players, given SS non-lethal force items, improved the speed & lack of progression when it comes to crafting, set up every position for and nuance and released two legacy maps. We have CLEARLY been trying to improve the quality of life on the server, so for anybody to say we're not adding new 'features' is delusional.
@Samuel Sir ur name is not @Ayjay ,however how can you not understand what i typed there,

to craft crowbars u need a workbench now to place a workbench u need a propety,thus meaning i cant craft crowbars like old times with a stove at subs storage
omg ayjay you misinterpreted the point of my reply by a mile
my point was that me disliking certain updates doesn't matter at all, i can dislike X change or Y change if it was neccesary or not, but that doesn't mean i should go around saying "wow shit fucking update what the fuck are devs doing so fucking stupid"

i was literally defending the devs but ok
@Moon I do consider myself a ayjay, thank you very much.

Well, i would suggest you read the rules then. It is not allowed to place props in public like that. But who cares about rules right? :banghead:
I was relating to the first paragraph of your first reply. The way to convey an opinion better.
@Moon No, I’m sorry but that’s a terrible idea. Maybe you should instead follow the rules? Workbench solves this issue, and it can’t catch on fire. Also makes crafting go faster, especially when crafting several items.
look i love a good moan as much as the next guy but this really isnt the right thing to moan about