Ban on non-roleplay organizations

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Prague, Czech republic, European Union,
The idea is simple. Ever since the organization change in 2015 made by Bolli, it is forbidden to post official criminal / illegal organizations in the Organization section of the forums. This has subsequently led to an unprecedented influx if "minge" organizations, that are based on a meme, a joke or generally just banter for the sake of banter and provide no actual value to enhancing roleplay or anything else.

Banning organizations that are unrealistic and generally based on not roleplaying would be the only logical move to come closer to the earlier more serious, balanced and working state of PERPheads as it was in 2013-2015. Making and encouraging these organizations is not only counterproductive to the server's entire basis, which is Roleplay itself, but to the community at large, promoting FailRP and creating a toxic environment for old and new players alike.

I could go on and list all the examples of these organizations, but I'll only list a few to prove a point. I'm sure you can create an accurate picture of the rest.

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This seems a bit over the top, no?
While some of the org names etc are a bit stupid, most of the ones listed were actual organisations on the server.
Sure it's supposed to be somewhat like real life but what real difference does having a dumb named/themed organisation have to do with the actual roleplay on the server? This is a game after all not everything needs to be exactly like real life
Actually its a very mild and logical step to a better more functioning community, tolerating this in the first place is a bit over the top.
These organizations are not legit in any way and are not functioning, they provide no value to any roleplay or anything else on the server other than chaos and general carnage, openly promoting FailRP, their ranking structures are usually non-existent or fully based on unrealistic banter.
Earlier today I made a post regarding Criminal RP in general as it is these days and as it was in the past. Two different things that could not be compared by any means today. Raiding and basing are fine, but roleplay is the main focus and driving force of the server. If you want aimless killing for the sake of killing and grinding for money to get luxury cars, I'd suggest moving to a Cop n Robbers server or purchasing GTA Online instead.
Bruh, I was in mega-lolis and countless other minge orgs, simply because of the fact that there weren't any other options. So I have witnessed what they truly are first hand. Minge orgs are dominant in number to actual organizations that quickly fall simply because of the fact that they cannot compete with non-stop grinding and raiding orgs which don't focus on Roleplay, let alone would they know what roleplay is.

Edit: Also the most viewed organization is Robin Ljungberg's La Cosa Nostra. As far as the overall number of messages goes, you are correct that Mega-Lolis had more replies, but I wouldn't attribute the quality of an organization or its roleplay to the amount of spam its page gets...
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Thats how you portrait minge orgs and it makes me laugh

I want to kill what makes PERP broken. Ive been here for a while longer so Im certain you can't comprehend that because you never actually saw what it was like when PERPheads was functional and working as intended, hence why you cant recognize that state of things.

The vault of memes has an amazing roleplay backstory how fucking dare you say it should be banned? My organisation has existed since 2017 and is based on an ancient meme crypt which has to be protected at all costs, with creatively themed ranks including Vault Novitiate, Guardian, Centurion, Lord Inquisitor, Chancellor and Executive. I am ashamed Eddie Grey.

Otherwise I agree
While your org is certainly the least "mingy" out of all the examples I have made, I must agree. You have to admit that it isn't exactly based on realism and its theme is mostly OOC.

I do however apologize if I have gotten the wrong impression.
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