Current Roleplaying state

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Take this how you want, RP is about being creative, interactive, cooperating and respecting the situations that build around you. RP is not chain robbing people, raids, banks over and over. The server is dam near full with triple digits of people active and RPing and people are killing and robbing people over and over? wtf is wrong with you? Anyone doing this weak shit RP repetitively like I have mentioned should be tossed out of Paralake and maybe the community. Dont waste anyone's time here with that shit. Bring your A game and be creative.
Sadly you can't RP that much apart from the usual food stall... (the gamemode itself is a disguised basewars)
You try to RP and you either get stopped by the police or most members of the staff team.
I like that you tried but the amount of trouble that caused for people, all cars dont have perfect turning. The amount of times i had to get people unstuck because it was such a pain. Again i like you tried with something but in my opinion that didnt / wouldent work.
Not really my problem people trying to ramp over my roundabout maybe the police should’ve been confiscating their vehicles
This is a cops and robbers server I don't get why it's still called RP, roleplay died because most of it's banned by the rules and people instantly complain when something doesn't go their way, staff have told people they SHOULD MAKES F6s if they want to do some "RP" that's not really allowed because it slightly breaks a rule. People have forgotten roleplay>ruleplay
It's pretty easy to drive cars. Have you tried suggesting those people to get a pair of arms?
The roundabout was fine, people just couldn't drive normally.

After some planning permission from the council an "anti-ramping system" was installed.
Right, Role-playing can mean anything!

Some people, for example @Jack Bruhross , enjoy playing criminal whereas some people , like myself,prefer playing police.

Passive role play is very easy and simple to do. Just take the huge market myself, @Mina @Ellie @Collier and other set up. It's not hard to do!
This is Mud Purse's fault! As seen below is the evidence when this man in the video says's "I hope you fragged all the cops in Bazaar" Clearly indicating that he is just a common raid minge.

I don't exactly know what to make out of these comments, it's as if the people here tried role-playing once and it went wrong that one time and never picked it up again.

" RP is not chain robbing people, raids, banks over and over. "

People in this server " role-play " like a robber or thief, whatever the heck they wanna be called. They initiated a role-play situation by robbing someone, therefore police respond and there's a chain-reaction of events that turn into a role-play situation; you're a civilian that gets robbed, they're the thieves that want your shit, and the police Sergeants and what-not will role-play the situation out. If you don't want that then there's nothing much I can say other than do something else.

" Anyone doing this weak shit RP repetitively like I have mentioned should be tossed out of Paralake and maybe the community. "

So since I have raided a couple of times on Perp I should be kicked out of the community? I'm kinda sure you have raided a couple of times as well, if not you've at least took part in some sort of criminal activities, kinda hypocritical don't you think?

" Sadly you can't RP that much apart from the usual food stall... "

I know that you don't mean this but come on, there's so much you can do in the server and you'll be recognized for it, get a friend and make a documentary, make a gas station and put up an Indian accent and drive rude customers out of your store with a machete or baseball bat. There's a LOT that you can do and you'll be flippin' rewarded by the Community Managers.

" the gamemode itself is a disguised basewars "

No it's not, it's evident you know what basewars is and it doesn't come anywhere close to basewars. In basewars all you do is shoot people and there's literally 0 RP besides gun dealers and the such.

" You try to RP and you either get stopped by the police or most members of the staff team. "

If you make some weird role-play where it doesn't abide by the law/rules, then you'll have problems. That's not gonna change. The Staff on the other hand will rarely give a fuck if you make a role-play situation, in fact, they'll even ENCOURAGE you to do it if it means no one gets harmed or angry in the process. If you don't want any problems and if you want to have full permission to do so, you should tell people explicitly this is for role-play purposes.

" roleplay died because most of it's banned by the rules and people instantly complain when something doesn't go their way "

Funniest thing I've read so far; role-play has never died. I always see people like @rogue enjoying his time in Bazaar just selling his furniture, as well as many other people. Nothing really restricts you to make a role-play sit as long as it abides by the rules and every one involves is happy. Of course, you'll get cops that ROLE-PLAY AS COPS strike down your little illegal fighting club for example. You can't complain if you get taken down by the police for doing something illegal.

" staff have told people they SHOULD MAKES F6s if they want to do some "RP" that's not really allowed because it slightly breaks a rule. "

Another thing that can be explained with common sense; if you want to make a role-play sit that involves some rule-break, then you should obviously always contact the Staff team no? Do you want to get banned or warned because a Staff member sees you doing something that isn't allowed, or do you want to make sure and make an F6 so that people know what you're doing? It's not like it takes 10 hours for you to make an F6, all you need to say is; " I'm doing a little role-play thing but it involves a rule-break, can I do it? ", not that hard lol.

" People have forgotten roleplay>ruleplay "

I've done way too many things that are against the rules and still it's shrugged off because it was part of a role-play. I've taken people hostage for pretty much no reason and the cops were happy to co-operate with the role-play situation.


It's not like Perp didn't choose to put guns + drugs into the gamemode if they didn't intent for it to be a shooting role-play server thingy. Stop complaining about it, make yourself a role-play situation and be happy with it. There's a LOT of role-play in the server and if you can't accept being mugged and raided, then play something else. That's all I can say.
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