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  1. Death Howl

    Here we go again.

    Hey there some of you may know me and be fed up with these but I decided recently to once again return so its I Death Howl back from the grave for the 8th time. I started way back in 2014 when we were still in evocity, earning my first ban by simply parking and not looking if that sweater moved...
  2. Death Howl

    The big poker guide.

    Hey guys with the casino and poker added in the update everyone is there playing but a few have no clue how to play poker.The version of poker we have is called Texas Holdem one of the most popular kinds of poker but what ks is? Poker has several actions and we are going to go over them. Check...
  3. Death Howl

    Issues and general discussion about the poker update.

    Hey guys im making this thread for @Fredy and the devs to find the issues with poker right now and fix them when possible. Just post any issues or bugs here for the devs and also your opinion on the game itself. Poker is a great way to get together with the community and have a laugh its the...
  4. Death Howl

    Holiday and broke mic.

    Hey guys i will be on holiday from the 14th to 21st but i will not be police until sometime after due to a broken mic. I already made a inactivity notice so dont worry bout that. (On phone due to broken tablet charger)
  5. Death Howl

    Star Conflict?

    Hey guys I have been involved with this game for awhile but I noticed barely any meantion about it. Star Conflict is the smaller brother of War Thunder featuring very interesting space ship classes and roles suiting them for many situations from small interceptors able to knock out enemy systems...
  6. Death Howl

    Thumbs up for a few.

    Hey guys I was recently reinstated into the PLPD but I am so impressed by some of these officers that I just have to meantion them. These officers while not perfect under the right circumstances has potential to go very far so here are a few of my meantions. Leon Jennings forum name unknown and...
  7. Death Howl

    New Job

    Hey guys just a activity notice regarding my new job. You see one of the biggest things I wanted was a use for my life and I never stopped searching. Thats why I went inactive but now that I have a job I have somewhat more time on my hands. However I now work 12 hour shifts on a four on and...
  8. Death Howl

    So much for enjoying the update

    Well guys I was expecting to get back into perp only to get plagued by the lag spikes which some of the community even staff members are suffering from. Due to this I cannot return to the server and I will not file a reinstatement for the PLPD. Even if I wipe every single byte from my computer...
  9. Death Howl

    Lag Spike Info Thread

    Hello guys I have like many others been getting lag spikes effecting my gameplay severely but I have wondered how many are being effected and how. I have created this thread to ask anyone effected to come forward and share their experiences with the lag spikes and hopefully find a fix that will...
  10. Death Howl

    [SOLVED]Yet another Garrys Mod problem.

    Hey there I have recently been having issues with my sound leading to major problems on the server. Somehow I only get half the sound the rest including some people is seriously quiet and I can't figure out why. This is not limited to perp this has happened on other gamemodes. Im sure it it...
  11. Death Howl

    Gun Corporation Reloaded

    Welcome to one of the most proud weapon suppliers in Paralake City. Specialising in high quality firearms and able to suit all needs our business will be a fixture in the arms market. Our firearms carry our signature care and pride but a few of them may also have a few extras either included or...
  12. Death Howl

    Hey im- Not again.....

    Hello its Death Howl yet again I bet your sick and tired of these huh? Yes I have returned infact I did sometime ago getting myself fully reinstated into a now fully Whitelisted police force. I will be bringing back Gun Corporation my old weapon selling org with new additions like modified...
  13. Death Howl

    Dispatch FAQ, Tips and Tricks

    Hey guys Death Howl here ignore my lack of tag as I am infact a dispatcher still but forget about me. You are here because you have some interest in the dispatch division or you need a bit of help. I have been part of the dispatch division almost since it has been running and been getting a good...
  14. Death Howl

    I returned to a muggle life.

    Hey guys I bet you know me from the ten thousand times I went inactive and I bet you are wondering what its about. Well I have been visiting a hogwarts RP and then had most of its staff team wanting me to make an app for mod. So here I am currently an admin on a 60 slot mostly full hogwarts RP...
  15. Death Howl

    Now look what you all done!

    Well hello Death Howl and a few of you discovered my hideout and what I have been doing in the past few months. Well you made me miss this community and I decided that I should get involved once again. The reason why I left was that I believed that I was stuck with barely anything but my car and...
  16. Death Howl

    The Transporters

    The Transporters are a world wide organisation who specialise in transporting anything in any situation any by anyone no matter what. The Transporters were founded by Frank Martin the most well known driver world wide being hired by millionares for any kind of job. After the fall of the Private...
  17. Death Howl

    [Suggestion] Rule 4.10

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 4.10 Camping/waiting at job NPC's Your version of the rule: Players should not stand around the NPC for long periods of time waiting for a slot or attempting to block other players from trying to talk with the NPC. One players cannot get what they want they...
  18. Death Howl

    IC Stories section/thread?

    There are a few creative people around and many like myself who can write a whole story if we wanted to but what if we wanted to dive deep into a character and see what their everyday life is like. I have been considering writing some sort of Diary for my character Corporal James Anders and some...
  19. Death Howl

    Oh hey im back!

    Hey guys now that the good weather has returned to the usual we and windy in the UK I find myself coming back to the community once more. I have several things to sort out and catch up on but I hope you welcome me back and help me readjust. Note for the senior admins please investigate my VIP...
  20. Death Howl

    My turn for a break.

    As I am writing this I am packing for a holiday away from the job centre and any stress I will be gone for about a week and I will be out of contact due to lack of WIFI. Yes I know I have not been around for sometime but my life is not perfect and I have not found the time.
  21. Death Howl

    4.10 Intentionally causing stress (Working title)

    Title can be changed could not think of a good name. Another noissuese if the template is wrong my copying on my tablet can mess up. Your version of the rule: Players should not intentionally troll, stall, discriminate or mess around in serious situations or should be kept to a minimum...
  22. Death Howl

    Life Issues

    We all have life issues but mine has reached a milestone and is now effecting me too much. Not many know this but I currently have severe money issues which is now causing alot of stress and potential depression. I have been aware of it and tried everything but right now im just losing hope...
  23. Death Howl

    That moment when (Work Edition)

    Hey guys bringing you another 'That moment when' This time it is going to be at work or trying to get work. Yes interviews count so here is mine as an example that I just had. That moment when you are in a phone interview and your phone thinks it has suddenly gone flat when its at 5% and turns...
  24. Death Howl

    Starting out in the Police Force

    Hey guys Death Howl here bringing you a useful guide for those wanting to try out the police force. So you have passed the test but can you really perform your duty as you should do? Officers in the force must be understanding, ethical, unbiased and ready to enforce the law at anytime unsure...
  25. Death Howl

    Blackmark System

    Topic: Blackmark/Warning system Short explanation (in notes): - In-game warning system once you reach a certain amount or warnings punishments get more severe. - For Government jobs - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): You know that time when you give a warning to a bad...
  26. Death Howl

    Well im back and better than ever

    Hey guys me for the- Umm nevermind lost count. Anyway I regret my activity due to being very busy with a course with the Prince's Trust. I have had one hell of a time and it has improved me very well. I would love to say see you on the server but I have several complications. You see i'm 20...
  27. Death Howl

    Getting to know members

    Hey guys Death here. I want to see how well everyone gets along together so here is a little game. For every post someone has to reply to it then another replys to the reply and it goes on until we run out of people. I want you to post when you first knew the member then what you think about...
  28. Death Howl

    Dealing with Medics

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: (Whatever number you want) Dealing with medics in a shootout. Your version of the rule: Players should not attack medics unless they pose a direct threat including trying to revive police. The medics should also abide by fear RP and not attempt to revive...
  29. Death Howl

    Police - Securing Public Areas

    If I were to ask you which area has the most gunfights your answer would probably be Bazaar one of the most public places of them all. Due to this the police are under heavy strain and tends to get crowded and attacked leading to a mess of both police and Civilians while the Dispatcher watching...
  30. Death Howl

    Hello again

    Well I am back now well partly I may not be very active but I will be on and getting used to the server. To be honest I would be suprised if I am still police whitelisted im going for a new me so you may find me doing something I have never done before and I will see you on the server. @Sneaky...