Search results

  1. flugs

    Internet problems on higher pop

    Good afternoon perpheads Thought it was worth a try making a post to see if anybody else has suffered with this. For about a month now I've been having an issue where my internet will drop out every 5-10 minutes when I'm playing the server on higher pop. No issues on low pop, me and @Mallard...
  2. flugs

    Police Suggestion Traffic Gear Suggestions

    Suggestion Title: Traffic Gear Suggestions Suggestion Description: I have two changes I pose for Traffic Gear; I think there should be an easier way to gear down from traffic gear (given that we have less armour) and I think the playermodel design should be different for traffic gear. I pose...
  3. flugs

    Police Suggestion Siren Changes

    Suggestion Title: Siren Changes Suggestion Description: I think it would be good if we had more sirens and a different way to use them. The way I would propose it work is when you press Q you toggle your siren on and it will activate the traditional "wail" sound. Instead of holding down ALT to...
  4. flugs

    Server Suggestion PPS Broadcast

    Suggestion Title: PPS Broadcast Suggestion Description: Add a broadcast feature for the Paralake Parcel Service, maybe /pps or something like that. Why should this be added?: - I have seen loads of advertisements prefaced with "Paralake Parcel Service" of really good quality and it would be...
  5. flugs

    Theft of a Motor Vehicle

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New law What law do you wish to change/add: Why should this change/addition be made: Currently there is no robust punishment for car theft. If threat of violence is used against another then robbery would fit the bill, and other driving offences...
  6. flugs

    RTU Leaflet

  7. flugs

    Server Suggestion Indicators automatically switch off after making a turn

    Suggestion Title: Indicators automatically switch off after making a full turn Suggestion Description: Suggesting to make it so that when you’ve made a full turn, your respective direction indicator will switch off automatically. I like that they stay on in some circumstances, and I think they...
  8. flugs

    Server Suggestion Players or status Discord command

    Suggestion Title: Players or status Discord command Suggestion Description: Add a command to the Discord bot which prints the number of players on the server (x/128) and or other common statistics such as the map, connection URL and etcetera. Why should this be added?: - Commonly seen and...
  9. flugs


    The absolute man. Whilst I do have a long list of people I’ve met here who definitely deserve this recommendation, genuine inspirations like @Collier and such incredible friends as @blackdown, @Mim, @Jack (both of them), @McGlinchy, @Skudist and many more, this has been a long time coming...
  10. flugs

    Police Suggestion Assign all units - Dispatch

    Brief description of idea: Add an "assign all units" button to the incident menu for Dispatchers. What benefits would this idea have for the department: It would allow incidents to be assigned much more swiftly, allowing a faster and more effective response to any high-priority situations where...
  11. flugs


    Hey all, My old & faithful DEL died yesterday. I had been thinking about replacing it recently, but it felt like a good kick in the right direction. I've currently got my sights set on MAC, more specifically a 1TB SSD MacBook Pro. Right now, it suits my need of office apps and adobe software...
  12. flugs

    Server Suggestion Add more seat positions

    Suggestion Title: Add more seat positions Suggestion Description: It's very known by now that some cars, despite having a certain amount of seats in their model, do not allow you to sit in all of their seats. I am unsure as to whether this is intended or not (in which case, I would be suggesting...
  13. flugs

    Ban Apology (Collier)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Collier How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks Your Steam Name: flugs Your Roleplay Name: Jackson McSnuffles / Jacob Blooregard Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:91646864 Why were you banned/blacklisted...
  14. flugs

    Add submission form to staff complaints

    Description of the idea: Add a submission form similar to the ones used for bug reports, refund requests, etc, to the staff complaints section. Why should this be added? (pros): Far more straightforward for new and old players to create complaints, who cannot find the template (or just don't...
  15. flugs

    Doing it properly this time.

    Hey everyone, Before I get into the post, go ahead and get your resigning to SA jokes out of the way. Monsters. Anyway: As of recent, my life has been moving at super-speed. A lot of things have been changing for the better, and I'm incredibly happy with the direction things are moving at the...
  16. flugs

    Stepping Down

    Hey all Anyone who knows me well enough will know that I love to write a long message, but I’ll try keep this one relatively short (no “half a bible” @Madda @Collier )! Basically, I was recently reminded that my mock exams are coming up and how desperately I need to revise for these to get an...
  17. flugs

    Mim, Inchs and Shay

    I meant to post this a while ago but I completely forgot :(. I’d like to recommend @Inchs, @Mimball and @Shay for all their support while I was Enforcer. They always provided logs for me and would support me in any situation where I didn’t know what I was doing, they’d always be a message away...
  18. flugs

    Organisation API

    Description of the idea: We have a perpheads web api, but it’s a little empty right now and the only one I’ve ever got to use practically is the city information branch. I think another couple of headers should be added to the API, it should go -> organisations(public list of...
  19. flugs

    Continental Hotel

    Welcome to the Continental. About us The Continental Hotel is a new organisation created by Testa Lagusa based in Paralake. It is a mostly passive orginisation that wants nothing more than some good roleplay and to have fun. However, we do participate in criminal activity when convenient to...
  20. flugs

    The Complete Starter Guide

    So as the title suggests, this is a guide for new players but it's not like all the other guides that are hosted on forums, I've made a website for my guide and structured it with experience in mind. It's fully supported on any device and contains (in my opinion) all the information you should...
  21. flugs

    Massive FPS drops when tabbing back into GMod

    Hey, recently I've been experiencing a really bad issue in which whenever I tab out of my game at any time there's a high chance that when I tab back in my FPS drops massively and makes the game unplayable. Sometimes it passes but most of the time I have to disconnect and this has cost me lots...
  22. flugs

    VR Advice

    So I’ve got a birthday coming up, as well as some money saved so I thought Id get a VR for half life alyx and pavlov. Has anyone got any recommendations on which one to get or whether I should even get one? I was looking at the oculus rift or the new valve ones but they expensive asf Thanks
  23. flugs


    The names Danita Hudson (Justin Marshk, Toby Mellor, Toby Hudson, Chang Chong, Justin Hudson). I been here quite a long time and I am here to stay, you may know me as that kid who threw 3 molotovs in the pd or the squeaker who sells coffee at bazaar. But jokes aside I'm back and happy to be so...
  24. flugs


    I have really enjoyed my time here at PERPHEADS. It has been one of the greatest experiences of my life.. but nothing lasts forever. I've been slowly losing my time to play perp for the last week - so I took time off. It was well accepted and I thank you all for that.. but I have been having...
  25. flugs


    dee rose