Search results

  1. Ash

    pretty good thanks, thought i'd pop on and see what's changed. How are you?

    pretty good thanks, thought i'd pop on and see what's changed. How are you?
  2. Ash

    not bad cheers, just thought i'd come back on the server since i've got a bit of time free

    not bad cheers, just thought i'd come back on the server since i've got a bit of time free
  3. Ash

    howdy howdy, how's you

    howdy howdy, how's you
  4. Ash

    A Level/GCSE Results Day Thread

    Long time since I've posted lol, thought I'd post here since I've been gone revising for some time lol. Maths: A English Lit: A English Lang: A Physics: A Biology: A Chemistry: A HSC: A* Drama: A Music: C History: C Somehow I got an A in Maths... no idea how that happened :D
  5. Ash

    soon haha, looking forward to playing again

    soon haha, looking forward to playing again
  6. Ash

    I will return haha, after my exams :D

    I will return haha, after my exams :D
  7. Ash

    from the shoutbox or the server? can't keep track of the amount of bans you have mate

    from the shoutbox or the server? can't keep track of the amount of bans you have mate
  8. Ash

    That's unfortunate then :(

    That's unfortunate then :(
  9. Ash

    beg in the ban appeal section like a cunt please

    beg in the ban appeal section like a cunt please
  10. Ash

    I'm not sure i'm going to be that active lol

    I'm not sure i'm going to be that active lol
  11. Ash

    Recommendation for Ash

    Thanks mate, it was brilliant patrolling around with someone who knows what they are doing lol and them jokes were class
  12. Ash

    It's been good

    Moron, damn. You've been here as long as I can remember lol, you've been brilliant in the community and always did your best to satisfy the staff team and community. Wish you the best :)
  13. Ash

    Thanks :D

    Thanks :D
  14. Ash

    Helloo :D

    Helloo :D
  15. Ash

    Hey :)

    Hey :)
  16. Ash

    Ash's Resignation

    Well, it's came to the time hahah. I've decided to resign from my role as I feel that I'm just taking an Administrator role. I've generally got bored of the gamemode as I'm sure everyone will eventually, unfortunately that time is now for me. Over the last couple of months I grown old of Perp...
  17. Ash

    indeed i'm not dead :D

    indeed i'm not dead :D
  18. Ash

    Perp Action Request.

    Denied They had more than enough valid reasons to take the necessary actions to kill you.
  19. Ash

    my little brother used that account lol, that's why all the aids videos and subscriptions are on...

    my little brother used that account lol, that's why all the aids videos and subscriptions are on there :D
  20. Ash

    jeez no thank you, i'd hope that no one would find those :)

    jeez no thank you, i'd hope that no one would find those :)
  21. Ash

    AR on Bryan Mills

    Pending, Awaiting a demo from @Soyd
  22. Ash

    AR on Chris

    Denied, I believe the circumstances given by Chris are valid and the escape plan was also valid. In future, I recommend staying on the right side of the road, and next time at least say something other than driving off.
  23. Ash

    Ben Harper

    Accepted, As the user is banned currently (gg), the ban time will be increased.
  24. Ash

    Police Woman Is Breaking the law

    Accepted, The user will receive a Forum PM regarding the actions which should be taken in that scenario and further punishments may occur.
  25. Ash

    AR on Smoof + Saltguy in the Suburbs 3.

    Accepted, Smoof has been banned from the server for 2 weeks following his bad record already. -As for Saltguy, I'm just clarifying things with Aaron before any actions are taken.
  26. Ash

    AR on cguy2900{KBR}/Andy Henderson

    Accepted, User has been banned, he was also recently unbanned yesterday.
  27. Ash

    AR on Haruto Koyo / Insanity

    Accepted, The user will be dealt with accordingly, in future try to keep 'harsh' comments out of OOC.
  28. Ash

    AR on Stomper and DELTA

    Accepted, Both users will be punished as their actions were unnecessary and also resulted in their deaths. (2 Day Ban)
  29. Ash

    AR on Jones_Fire

    Accepted, The user has been warned for their actions and will be further, sternly spoke to in-game. If there's further problems, here's the user's details for another Action Request: Jones_Fire Jones Newton STEAM_0:0:64836815
  30. Ash

    AR on Johnz

    Accepted, The user has been warned for their actions and will be further, sternly spoke to in-game. If there's further problems, here's the user's details for another Action Request: Johnz John Neely STEAM_0:0:62486346