Big loss in players?

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So as many of you know I've returned to perp not long ago.
But I/A lot of other players feel like there is a big part missing, which is of course a lot of players..

1. How come there has been such a big loss in players?
2. And how do we attract more players to the community?
3. What happens if perp keeps losing players?

Please take your time to answer these questions, because any of you could have something that may be useful to help the server grow..
Clearly, one of the major reasons that we lost players was the Olsen Banden situation. As to attract more players, a great way was the suggested player owned economy. Other than that, maybe more profit from legal jobs, such as fishing and couriers so new players could get more money, and they can get a step in the right place. Even though we lost a lot of players, we still have plenty. Now i'm gonna sound like Bert here, but more American players might help. You guys populate the server during the day, we can populate it during the night so those of you who are on can still play. Also, maybe making firearms more expensive to craft? One of the reasons a lot of new players are leaving is because when they try to base, 6+ people raid them with AK47's ready to kill them on sight, even if they're unarmed. That just ties right back around to the idea of making legal jobs more profitable. Basically saying, make the game mode a bit "easier" and less crime based would tremendously help new players transition from places like DarpRP and CityRP to our style of play. They get money, they learn the rules and such, and once they get an understanding of how to play, they can choose their own path, because right now it's base and raid or go cop.
1. The main cause of loss of players if from either bans or people just leaving due to boredom. People always try to stay in the community for longer by applying for positions like PD command positions or trying to get into staff but when they cant get that they just leave because there's nothing to do. They got the car they got the guns and the rep (mostly) and all there is left to do is raid and get into shootouts and even that gets boring eventually.

2. The best way to attract players to a community is to either improve or add more content for players to enjoy. For example, I heard about Monolith through one of my mates and I watched their trailer and it looked pretty sick and that was just basic advertising. If you make some sort of short video showing what perp has to offer then people will most likely distribute it if its good enough. Bare in mind you also need to make sure you don't lie in the video, for example, shooting guns with weapon attachments you cant obtain in the game through normal means.

3. If the servers player base lowers too much it could mean fewer donations coming in. I have no idea how the donation system works for this server and that's something you need to ask @Fredy but if I have a quick guess it would mean Fredy might need to spend his on money for the server to stay up and he might not be able to pay for other things and in many cases in the past for other servers it would mean the server would be shut down. This is highly unlikely as you will see a lot of people sell VIP for in-game money.
If you make some sort of short video showing what perp has to offer then people will most likely distribute it if its good enough. Bare in mind you also need to make sure you don't lie in the video, for example, shooting guns with weapon attachments you cant obtain in the game through normal means.
Imo these 2 are pretty nice eyyy, 2nd one is better.

And they wondered why i was so happy getting mugged a few days ago....
tellin you, more people would join if the pd was simpler and people were nicer. Sure more sweaters would be in the mix, but those sweaters are all of the veterans you see walking the streets of paralake, but phat chance anything will change. This place has more gridlock than the US govt.
If the owners wanna attract more players , they need to implement a new update that will catch people's attention and motivate them to play it.
I don't really know what the coders are working on but i hope they do work on something, but as you can see i suggested a few things on the suggestion section and 1 topic is there almost a year.nothing being dealt with and it fucks the server.
The new drugs update haven't got much enthusiasm around it so it will stay the same until something new will happen
New players find it too hard. I was totally against this idea, but I feel like there needs to be atleast a temporary rule where you cannot engage in illegal activities with someone not in your organization. The swarms of people playing as groups of 20-30 over the past year is retarded and incredibly unfair. It might seem like a dumb change, but atleast it means you have to be a bit more careful in what you do based on the people you have online at the time from your org

Obviously an exception of some type would have to be made for players without organizations in some way.

Something similar to this would benefit new players however.
PD whitelist is mainly the big issue here, eBolli doesn't fancy the idea and so do I. Back when Olsen was around POs could do nothing but just get slaughtered every now and then including taking forever just to get to a decent rank with some kind of power (Corporal/Remington). It should be reverted back to the old system, maybe give it a minimum play time limit like 4 hours so they are familiar with rules and laws and just straight up start them from the rank of Officer with a service weapon when they complete the job exam. Who cares if a troll might slip in, it still happens and you can just blacklist them, ban them and refund anything that was lost due to them. Players are leaving due to not enough motivation and attention span where they can't be arsed to grind for a rank aswell as not having enough ways of making good legal money.
New players find it too hard. I was totally against this idea, but I feel like there needs to be atleast a temporary rule where you cannot engage in illegal activities with someone not in your organization. The swarms of people playing as groups of 20-30 over the past year is retarded and incredibly unfair. It might seem like a dumb change, but atleast it means you have to be a bit more careful in what you do based on the people you have online at the time from your org

Obviously an exception of some type would have to be made for players without organizations in some way.

Something similar to this would benefit new players however.
That's true , for new people to play the server alone is almost impossible because they have no lead on what to do and where to go.
1: ORG limits, no more shitty zergs where everyone who is left on the server is teamed up (ecks d).
3: PD needs to stop being too serious

but lets face it, this community is retarded and will keep dying. sorry to tell you the truth.

Now ban me for saying retarded and lose more players.
PD whitelist is mainly the big issue here, eBolli doesn't fancy the idea and so do I. Back when Olsen was around POs could do nothing but just get slaughtered every now and then including taking forever just to get to a decent rank with some kind of power (Corporal/Remington). It should be reverted back to the old system, maybe give it a minimum play time limit like 4 hours so they are familiar with rules and laws and just straight up start them from the rank of Officer with a service weapon when they complete the job exam. Who cares if a troll might slip in, it still happens and you can just blacklist them, ban them and refund anything that was lost due to them. Players are leaving due to not enough motivation and attention span where they can't be arsed to grind for a rank aswell as not having enough ways of making good legal money.

I wouldnt say that the whitelist is really the issue. Its better to have things organized. I believe the issue is how seriously they take PLPD. They need to understand that people are not there to act professionaly and pretend to be real life cops instead people join it to have fun just like they join the server. I dont see that much fun in having to grind for a rank or position nor having to follow crappy policies just because real life officers do so. Another thing that annoys me which is kind of out of topic is how underpowered officers are. People are gonna argue that real life officers are given the same equipment but actual officers dont deal with things perp deals everyday and that means no shootouts every day, they are given their equipment because there is no need for something else. Not to mention how stupid TFU is. They made it so hard to get that i barely see any on the server, maybe 1-2 when it should be full. Anyways this is kind of out of topic
3: PD needs to stop being too serious
@Aquaa full time job in a virtual police department btw
Not to mention how stupid TFU is. They made it so hard to get that i barely see any on the server, maybe 1-2 when it should
You barely see any when there are 40 people on at peak times right now when all there is left to so for people is just grow and maybe raid to kill some cops+lack of a mayor makes it even harder. We have done some Stage 2 for our TFO cycle so you may soon see more TFOs in gear soon enough altough we should have more than RTU does...idk who doesnt want to shoot up criminals instead of ticketing Mini Coopers.
hey need to understand that people are not there to act professionaly and pretend to be real life cops instead
Don't get me started on how people below the rank of Lieutenant have to address people like me with "Sir" with a recent Code of Ethics change, my personality hates it and don't want to be in a position of power where my colleagues have to address me formally without risking a reprimand.
1: ORG limits, no more shitty zergs where everyone who is left on the server is teamed up (ecks d).
3: PD needs to stop being too serious

but lets face it, this community is retarded and will keep dying. sorry to tell you the truth.

Now ban me for saying retarded and lose more players.
You sir. You are a daredevil.

But in all seriousness. Org limits should be a thing. They allow more orgs to be made. It means new players don't get raped by zergs. Orgs get competition from other orgs.

About the IAs and ARs and general rule enforcement. Users which have clear intention to play on the server get long bans. I myself left quite a bit of time ago even though my ban expired. I did a tiny mistake and clearly had interests to keep playing.

Plpd stuff I agree. Yes it's more organized, but TFU and all gives new players the feeling that they can't do anything. I mean solo raiding isn't even a thing. And if you do manage to pull it off an angry mob of police comes and shoots you. (I don't mind the last part, because losing guns is a thing I do all the time)
I miss swat, because it allowed me to learn the core mechanics of the server. Yes I might've not been the best shot, but the point is: it was fun and not serious.
I am not against TFU fyi.
The whole PD structure I don't mind. But of course I don't because I got recognized a bit in plpd.
But about the seriousness. All it does is it allows more realistic approach towards players.
Clearly, one of the major reasons that we lost players was the Olsen Banden situation
*Olsen band3n gets removed and server dies anyway*

But considering the server has existed for such a long time its no surprise the veteran players are starting to lose interest
But in all seriousness. Org limits should be a thing. They allow more orgs to be made. It means new players don't get raped by zergs. Orgs get competition from other orgs.
Yeah, If there is a group limit of 10, or something like that... people will be forced to raid friends, AND I DON'T SEE A PROBLEM WITH THIS AS ITS A GAME AND PEOPLE TAKE RAIDS AND MUGGINGS WAYYYY TO SERIOUS.
Have fun and raid etc, stop growing 24/7 while beating your dick to the TV on the wall. Thats why, when im TFU i try going around and say in LOOC show me the drugs ecks dee to have some fun.. but no one does because they care about 5 mins of respawning and 1 m4 and 10 mins of growing time. Pussys...
Veterans being choked by realism that they never wanted whilst new people are quickly scared of by the grind fest that now calls themself PLPD.
Yeah I wonder why the server is dying too...?

Also fix Core Dark - Blue so I can haunt the forums again. This right now is fucking disgusting.
PD whitelist is mainly the big issue here, eBolli doesn't fancy the idea and so do I. Back when Olsen was around POs could do nothing but just get slaughtered every now and then including taking forever just to get to a decent rank with some kind of power (Corporal/Remington). It should be reverted back to the old system, maybe give it a minimum play time limit like 4 hours so they are familiar with rules and laws and just straight up start them from the rank of Officer with a service weapon when they complete the job exam. Who cares if a troll might slip in, it still happens and you can just blacklist them, ban them and refund anything that was lost due to them. Players are leaving due to not enough motivation and attention span where they can't be arsed to grind for a rank aswell as not having enough ways of making good legal money.

PD Whitelist doesn't need to be the problem. Just how the whitelist system works.

One thing you could do, like i've already previously stated is doing one or two sessions to learn simple police tactics, along with use-of-force and such. Then Probies receives a firearm just like any other officer, however they'd need supervision while outside the station like they have now.

or something like it
change change change. All this gay shit makes people leave.. The m4 recoil.. Im pretty sure that made a good amount of people "happy". Also the rifle marksmanship.. u want "new" people to be invited and be able to play without struggle but u force them to spend all their money on rifle marksmanship.

Because as i see it. when new people join they have 3 options if they want to go along with the criminal side of perp.
1: spend 20k on drugs and planters to grow, but have no guns or rifle marksmanship to defend.
2: spend 20k on rifle marksmanship but then have no gun and no money to buy drugs.
3: buy a gun and have little to no money left to do anything and no rifle marksmanship to use that gun.
4: leave because, lets face it... this server isn't friendly to newplayers.
Clearly, one of the major reasons that we lost players was the Olsen Banden situation. As to attract more players, a great way was the suggested player owned economy. Other than that, maybe more profit from legal jobs, such as fishing and couriers so new players could get more money, and they can get a step in the right place. Even though we lost a lot of players, we still have plenty. Now i'm gonna sound like Bert here, but more American players might help. You guys populate the server during the day, we can populate it during the night so those of you who are on can still play. Also, maybe making firearms more expensive to craft? One of the reasons a lot of new players are leaving is because when they try to base, 6+ people raid them with AK47's ready to kill them on sight, even if they're unarmed.
I mean... the player economy is a bit weird. For instance I pay people the crafting price while they could charge me for their work. So that makes weapons really cheap. But at the same time no one crafts at bazaar anymore. So...
But since the weapons are cheap the sweater can also buy a shotgun or a deagle for quite cheap.
change change change. All this gay shit makes people leave.. The m4 recoil.. Im pretty sure that made a good amount of people "happy". Also the rifle marksmanship.. u want "new" people to be invited and be able to play without struggle but u force them to spend all their money on rifle marksmanship.

Because as i see it. when new people join they have 3 options if they want to go along with the criminal side of perp.
1: spend 20k on drugs and planters to grow, but have no guns or rifle marksmanship to defend.
2: spend 20k on rifle marksmanship but then have no gun and no money to buy drugs.
3: buy a gun and have little to no money left to do anything and no rifle marksmanship to use that gun.
4: leave because, lets face it... this server isn't friendly to newplayers.
And then a zerg comes and rapes them after they overcome all these things. I mean I bobby doors of sweaters and in the end I'll give them stuff just to help them and show that not everyone is a toxic cunt. Big ups to @XShai123 for giving a sweater an ak74u as a reverse raid gift.