Big loss in players?

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Parts Unknown
Please, give up. Its pathetic at this point. It's at the point of no return... Its just gonna get worse or gain 10 extra players that leave in 1 week.
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La Cosa Nostra
I think the biggest issue is bigger organisations raiding people with less to no money. If they get raided it takes them maybe even a few hours to get their equipment , gun etc back. I think we should have a rule where you can't raid someone before they have 24 hours of playtime to make it fair for everyone and give them a headstart.

Not at all, we're doing the exact opposite.
Or at least I am, and no one gets to raid sweaters etc with me knowing they're trying to do so.
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Not at all, we're doing the exact opposite.
Or at least I am, and no one gets to raid sweaters etc with me knowing they're trying to do so.
Robin's org I think still has the biggest discipline on who to raid. But I still see flaws.

But to be honest. If we want to save perp all players have to work together. Give a helping hand to new players.
Why would you do so? Well PERP is boring for most of you right? Helping someone out might give you a purpose. Besides if we help people out at least 70% more should stay logically speaking.
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La Cosa Nostra
Robin's org I think still has the biggest discipline on who to raid. But I still see flaws.

But to be honest. If we want to save perp all players have to work together. Give a helping hand to new players.
Why would you do so? Well PERP is boring for most of you right? Helping someone out might give you a purpose. Besides if we help people out at least 70% more should stay logically speaking.

Yeah, I obviously can't be on all the time to keep everyone in shack but when I am, no one does shit without me knowing, trust me.
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Don't get me started on how people below the rank of Lieutenant have to address people like me with "Sir" with a recent Code of Ethics change, my personality hates it and don't want to be in a position of power where my colleagues have to address me formally without risking a reprimand.

I didn't know this was a thing yet and this really doesn't help the case. This change benefits noone. It's just there to make people feel powerful.
I can say for sure, the PD is a big reason for the loss in players, wether you want to admit it or not. Reprimands, Warnings, blah blah blah. Can we just ageee it's absolutely ridiculous what you get reprimands for now? It's good to have and it worked fine in the start, just like IA but now it's just a place to punish (mostly) new players for small mistakes they weren't aware they made. Yes, a reprimand is removed from your record but it's not exactly a motivational speech he gets. He gets shouted at and gets a negative report on his profile and there. His motivation is lost. It would be far better for the reprimanding supervisor (or IA) to tell him how to improve instead of giving out pointless infractions.

Another thing is how much time you have to put in it now. The time limit and 3 stages are ridiculous. Let's be honest, most new players join to be a cop. Needing so long playtime before you're even able to apply is ridiculous.

The PD has gone downhill. The initial whitelist idea is good, although it has failed and so has the PD with all it's restrictions and policies. Unless something is done, mainly from the PD, it's not gonna get better.

Deleted member 6228

I didn't know this was a thing yet and this really doesn't help the case. This change benefits noone. It's just there to make people feel powerful.
I can say for sure, the PD is a big reason for the loss in players, wether you want to admit it or not. Reprimands, Warnings, blah blah blah. Can we just ageee it's absolutely ridiculous what you get reprimands for now? It's good to have and it worked fine in the start, just like IA but now it's just a place to punish (mostly) new players for small mistakes they weren't aware they made. Yes, a reprimand is removed from your record but it's not exactly a motivational speech he gets. He gets shouted at and gets a negative report on his profile and there. His motivation is lost. It would be far better for the reprimanding supervisor (or IA) to tell him how to improve instead of giving out pointless infractions.

Another thing is how much time you have to put in it now. The time limit and 3 stages are ridiculous. Let's be honest, most new players join to be a cop. Needing so long playtime before you're even able to apply is ridiculous.

The PD has gone downhill. The initial whitelist idea is good, although it has failed and so has the PD with all it's restrictions and policies. Unless something is done, mainly from the PD, it's not gonna get better.

I 100% agree but everytime this has been raised the stubborn chiefs of department refuse to do anything to solve it. They complain plpd online wont work but it seemed fine before the whitelist.
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I didn't know this was a thing yet and this really doesn't help the case. This change benefits noone. It's just there to make people feel powerful.
I can say for sure, the PD is a big reason for the loss in players, wether you want to admit it or not. Reprimands, Warnings, blah blah blah. Can we just ageee it's absolutely ridiculous what you get reprimands for now? It's good to have and it worked fine in the start, just like IA but now it's just a place to punish (mostly) new players for small mistakes they weren't aware they made. Yes, a reprimand is removed from your record but it's not exactly a motivational speech he gets. He gets shouted at and gets a negative report on his profile and there. His motivation is lost. It would be far better for the reprimanding supervisor (or IA) to tell him how to improve instead of giving out pointless infractions.

Another thing is how much time you have to put in it now. The time limit and 3 stages are ridiculous. Let's be honest, most new players join to be a cop. Needing so long playtime before you're even able to apply is ridiculous.

The PD has gone downhill. The initial whitelist idea is good, although it has failed and so has the PD with all it's restrictions and policies. Unless something is done, mainly from the PD, it's not gonna get better.
Personally I think as a cop you learn the core mechanics.

I remember when I joined I didn't know anyone and I started building connections through the police job. I started to learn place names by asking to patrol with an experienced officer. I got taught how to enforce laws and how guns work with the SWAT job.
I never experienced trolls in the old system. Ofc there was no seriousness and people yelling on the radio, but that's what the dispatcher was there for. To deal with Chaos.
Police felt like a really nice tutorial with free guns for beginners.
I get it. The new system is designed to defeat bigger orgs. But that makes standalone players (1-3 people) unable to do anything.
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Mustvee, Estonia
I didn't know this was a thing yet and this really doesn't help the case. This change benefits noone. It's just there to make people feel powerful.
I can say for sure, the PD is a big reason for the loss in players, wether you want to admit it or not. Reprimands, Warnings, blah blah blah. Can we just ageee it's absolutely ridiculous what you get reprimands for now? It's good to have and it worked fine in the start, just like IA but now it's just a place to punish (mostly) new players for small mistakes they weren't aware they made. Yes, a reprimand is removed from your record but it's not exactly a motivational speech he gets. He gets shouted at and gets a negative report on his profile and there. His motivation is lost. It would be far better for the reprimanding supervisor (or IA) to tell him how to improve instead of giving out pointless infractions.

Another thing is how much time you have to put in it now. The time limit and 3 stages are ridiculous. Let's be honest, most new players join to be a cop. Needing so long playtime before you're even able to apply is ridiculous.

The PD has gone downhill. The initial whitelist idea is good, although it has failed and so has the PD with all it's restrictions and policies. Unless something is done, mainly from the PD, it's not gonna get better.
You've made a big mistake. Ayjay is going to reply with a huge essay and will lock the thread now, and you'll be banned for slander too.
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United Kingdom
The new system is designed to defeat bigger orgs. But that makes standalone players (1-3 people) unable to do anything
Literally this lmao, it makes it so unbalanced for people who only play with a few friends or are looking to get started. Then any argument that is tossed at them gets bounced back with the generic argument that every criminal has the ability to get snipers and how cops are always outnumbered.

You can give cops whatever you want, AS50s, they will still lose? And then what will you blame? The need for explosives because clearly their arsenal doesn't allow them to win enough. Just over 2 years ago cops were literally equipped with only pistols (12 cops maximum) and 4 SWAT members with rifles, there was hardly any complaining about weaponry and cops were still winning raids quite regularly, complaining only began when people saw that they can get things if they cry about it enough. With the low player count right now its even more inevitable that criminals will stick in a tight group against the police because there are less players over all, its all in shambles.


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I didn't know this was a thing yet and this really doesn't help the case. This change benefits noone. It's just there to make people feel powerful.
I can say for sure, the PD is a big reason for the loss in players, wether you want to admit it or not. Reprimands, Warnings, blah blah blah. Can we just ageee it's absolutely ridiculous what you get reprimands for now? It's good to have and it worked fine in the start, just like IA but now it's just a place to punish (mostly) new players for small mistakes they weren't aware they made. Yes, a reprimand is removed from your record but it's not exactly a motivational speech he gets. He gets shouted at and gets a negative report on his profile and there. His motivation is lost. It would be far better for the reprimanding supervisor (or IA) to tell him how to improve instead of giving out pointless infractions.

Another thing is how much time you have to put in it now. The time limit and 3 stages are ridiculous. Let's be honest, most new players join to be a cop. Needing so long playtime before you're even able to apply is ridiculous.

The PD has gone downhill. The initial whitelist idea is good, although it has failed and so has the PD with all it's restrictions and policies. Unless something is done, mainly from the PD, it's not gonna get better.

You hold the rank of Sergeant, you hold a quite a high rank in the Police Department. If you think you have found a problem, contact your commanding officer ( @Smudger ) and present a solution instead of just presenting the problem. I agree that in some cases the complaint committee can be a bit harsh in their punishments and we are currently working on that, we are implementing mandatory training that can be given instead of disciplinary actions.

Another thing is how much time you have to put in it now. The time limit and 3 stages are ridiculous. Let's be honest, most new players join to be a cop. Needing so long playtime before you're even able to apply is ridiculous.
There is no time requirement to apply for the rank of Officer. We are currently working on remaking the application process to make it faster and give better training. You have held the rank of Police Training Officer, did you bring these concerns to the Head of Academy?

The PD has gone downhill. The initial whitelist idea is good, although it has failed and so has the PD with all it's restrictions and policies. Unless something is done, mainly from the PD, it's not gonna get better.

Why do you not tell us the problems and then suggest solutions then?
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Mustvee, Estonia
You hold the rank of Sergeant, you hold a quite a high rank in the Police Department. If you think you have found a problem, contact your commanding officer ( @Smudger ) and present a solution instead of just presenting the problem. I agree that in some cases the complaint committee can be a bit harsh in their punishments and we are currently working on that, we are implementing mandatory training that can be given instead of disciplinary actions.

There is no time requirement to apply for the rank of Officer. We are currently working on remaking the application process to make it faster and give better training. You have held the rank of Police Training Officer, did you bring these concerns to the Head of Academy?

Why do you not tell us the problems and then suggest solutions then?
Mage did suggest a solution but what you did was lock the thread and tell him to take to PSD.
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United Kingdom
Why do you not tell us the problems and then suggest solutions then?
Because it seems like every time there is a public discussion thread on the forums it just gets shut, which completely ruins the whole point of a public discussion. Instead you get told to send a "ticket to the help desk" which is completely private and secluded from the forums. You hear out from people all the time, yet thread after thread gets shut and I don't see anything done apart from some policies being added, which literally screams inconsistency because its just some words within a document which are open to interpretation based on who reads it. Rather than ask us for suggestions and solutions? Why not read the dozens of threads that have already complained about the state of the PD and go from that? I guess all the ideas must clearly be shit because they ask for things to either be brought back to how they used to be, or because they don't benefit the small minority of people at the top who are in charge of the whole thing.

what a joke to even post such a phrase Samuel
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"Another thing is how much time you have to put in it now. The time limit and 3 stages are ridiculous. Let's be honest, most new players join to be a cop. Needing so long playtime before you're even able to apply is ridiculous."
There is no time requirement to apply for the rank of Officer. We are currently working on remaking the application process to make it faster and give better training. You have held the rank of Police Training Officer, did you bring these concerns to the Head of Academy?
I am quite sure he meant the limit of 1 week and the whole process. Stage 1, stage 2 and then finally after 5 days stage 3. It shouldn't even take a day to be honest. I joined the server primarily because I wanted to play cop. I didn't want to join any other servers which had the whitelisting system in tact at the time. I just loved the fact that all you needed to do is fill out the form and go on duty.
The form was just hard enough for people not interested to fail.

"The PD has gone downhill. The initial whitelist idea is good, although it has failed and so has the PD with all it's restrictions and policies. Unless something is done, mainly from the PD, it's not gonna get better."

Why do you not tell us the problems and then suggest solutions then?
Quite sure we're all making a point about the whitelisting system here.
I had the same case with DB KILLER. The application process took so long that he was really hyped for stage 1. He was losing interest at stage 2. And at stage 3 lost all interest. Doing it quite a bit afterwards.
I have many other cases like AGENT XD aka Jesper Star. He lost full interest into PERP because he didn't know how to even approach stage 3.

After all I get it. The community might think an addition is good when it really isn't. Just like if you would ask them if they'd get 5mil/min as citizen. Of course they would.


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Mage did suggest a solution but what you did was lock the thread and tell him to take to PSD.

I did not lock it?

Was locked as there was no need for it to be open. We have heard the feedback and we are already working on changes. But some changes in that thread will not be made. Most of his ideas were not solutions to the problems he and others took up. In this case I asked @KeiwaM for solutions, not Mage. Mage have had the chance to suggest changes and me and ajay have considered them. Changes don't happen overnight, almost everything that have been suggested requires server development. We have already planned to nerf the TFU van, remake the application process and to make sure that new players can easily join the PD without having to spend several hours on unessaracy things. We will at some point during next month, present the changes that have been planned.

We have planned a meeting with all Command Teams that will be held today, there we will discuss your concerns and ideas. We do definitely not ignore your ideas or concerns. As both me and ayjay have said, if you have identified a specific problem, contact us and we will look at it and see if we need to implement change.
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Parts Unknown
You can give cops whatever you want, AS50s, they will still lose?
That sounds like a great plan!


Deleted member 6228

I did not lock it?

Was locked as there was no need for it to be open. We have heard the feedback and we are already working on changes. But some changes in that thread will not be made. Most of his ideas were not solutions to the problems he and others took up. In this case I asked @KeiwaM for solutions, not Mage. Mage have had the chance to suggest changes and me and ajay have considered them. Changes don't happen overnight, almost everything that have been suggested requires server development. We have already planned to nerf the TFU van, remake the application process and to make sure that new players can easily join the PD without having to spend several hours on unessaracy things. We will at some point during next month, present the changes that have been planned.

We have planned a meeting with all Command Teams that will be held today, there we will discuss your concerns and ideas. We do definitely not ignore your ideas or concerns. As both me and ayjay have said, if you have identified a specific problem, contact us and we will look at it and see if we need to implement change.
How about remove the whitelist like everyone is asking?


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How about remove the whitelist like everyone is asking?

Who is asking for it? and how would this solve any problems. I have only seen suggestions to open up the lowest ranks to everyone and then from Senior Officer and up it's whitelisted. I do partely agree that it has been too hard to become a police officer. We have spent the past two months planning a new application process that will ensure that applicants get better training, and that the process is shorter. We have had the same application process for the past year or so. It have worked fine the only problem is that it takes too long to complete it all.
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One of the main issues I have with how the server currently is probably is the fact that no one without friends on the server can play at all lol, it's impossible for them to start this game, they buy an apartment and try putting plants down, then a big organisation comes in and raids them, and don't give me the bullshit fucking saying; I don't raid sweaters if I see it's a sweater I leave them haha LOL!!!

+1 to this shit. I remember being new and alone and suddenly being bombed and raided for 3 small pots constantly.

From what I've seen, the more the server overcomplicated itself with additions like the PD Whitelist and the likes, the less players we would see. I remember when I joined back in January 2017 and the PD lobby itself was clusterfucked with like 20 people trying to go on duty as a cop or as SWAT. Since the white list came into effect, everyone did 2 things. They Either put loads of effort into building a PD Career or fucked off to another server where theres no Police whitelist and being cop is ezpz.

The bank robbery update also punctured a huge part of the server. I remember back when there was at least 1 bank robbery every day and it was great. Now, whenever i get the 2-11 broadcast, it leads to me going code 3 to the bank just for the server to crash as soon as I pull up to hospital.

I cant say the redevelopment of old features is a bad thing, Because it's not, Its the dev team trying to keep the server fresh. But, that said, due to the bugs that come with it, its never a bad thing to roll the features back to how they were. The only example of this I've seen in my time on PERPheads was the Drug Dealer mugging rule being reverted to allow it again, which was a brilliant example on how sometimes, older features are better.

Now, we can all point fingers at things like the SWAT Van and its use/abuse by known TFO's, And new features being overly complex for newer players, but in reality, the issue is more the latter. New players are more or less forced to wonder the streets alone, being yelled at and branded a "Sweater" By the Veterans of the server, and it takes them about an hour of this to give up on the server.

This server gives you alot to work for, such as marksmanship, cars, stats, crafting levels, and Police ranks. If you're dedicated and enjoy the server alot, then you'll willingly sit through the grind to make it to the top. Unfortunately, there's next to nothing for new players to do here anymore, and the effort seems useless to them.

Tl;Dr: Make the server fun from day 1 and people will stay and play, and add features which give you a sense of accomplishment that DON'T Take weeks upon months of playtime to achieve.

EDIT: Double Post

I do partely agree that it has been too hard to become a police officer. We have spent the past two months planning a new application process that will ensure that applicants get better training, and that the process is shorter. We have had the same application process for the past year or so. It have worked fine the only problem is that it takes too long to complete it all.

Just give PO's an outstanding opportunity to be field promoted, Simple solution right there. Not everyone has the time to take there stage 3 since most academy staff will make you wait until THEY Want you to do it.


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Just give PO's an outstanding opportunity to be field promoted, Simple solution right there. Not everyone has the time to take there stage 3 since most academy staff will make you wait until THEY Want you to do it.

Probationary Officers will not have to wait in a teamspeak channel when we release the new application process. The waiting time from Stage 2 to Stage 3 will also be put down from 5 days. Probationary Officers can be field promoted, Academy Command can also allow them to do their stage 3 earlier.