Big loss in players?

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We have planned a meeting with all Command Teams that will be held today, there we will discuss your concerns and ideas. We do definitely not ignore your ideas or concerns. As both me and ayjay have said, if you have identified a specific problem, contact us and we will look at it and see if we need to implement change.

Samuel, the thing is that the things we find a problem, the command members might NOT find a problem, although it is a problem to new players. What'll happen then? You'll look at it and say "We think it's okay" and it'll continue?

I have nothing but respect for the effort and hard work you put in to it but half the time, people don't get listened to. I know I hold the rank of sergeant, and I'm happy that I made it this far (even though I have a LOA rn.) and it has been a good journey and I really do think I've evolved from the start. That being said, it has also been a very long journey full of things that I personally hate, eg. the complaint system. Within the first week of me being sergeant, I got my first 4 complaints (all not-sustained btw) for such petty reasons, but the IA still had to investigate them and waste their own and my time on writing statements and investigating.

Here's my solution: Stop making the PD so strict with rules and policies. If someone makes a mistake, let them know in a nice and friendly manner, train them a bit and then continue with your life.

Another thing that I find an issue is the Complaint Dispute Committee. It's all the highest ranked people in the PD, they know their stuff. But why isn't there some lower ranked people to give their input too? They might not have as much experience, although they can see the story from a side that high ranked people will not understand, exactly becuase they ARE high ranked.

I've several times submitted issues to "Your Voice Count" (Anonymously I think) but these issues have not been adressed. Why should I have to give up my anonymity just for an issue to be adressed? It should be like making a complaint, completely anonymous but taken 100% serious.

As I said @Samuel I will be adressing my issues as soon as I'm home from Boarding School but just here is a quick recap of issues. And these are not only MY opinion but the opinion of many people in this community, as seen in this thread.

EDIT: Another thing is, if some officers feel unfairly treated by someone eg. the complaint committe, dispute committe or even the chiefs, there's noone to go to. The chiefs are all a part of these and therefore there's no higher authority to go to. When I was a section sergeant in the very beginning, this was an issue I heard from alot of the new officers in my division.
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Probationary Officers can be field promoted, Academy Command can also allow them to do their stage 3 earlier.

I think we can both agree that it is incredibly difficult currantly for a PO to earn himself a field promotion due to them not being able to get themselves into scenarios where they can prove themselves unless they have a shit handler like @Exrobite who almost got me shot to death by @John Daymon
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We have had the same application process for the past year or so.
Player count dropping since the past year


This is clearly more of a joke. I don't know the clear cause of this. But deffinetly influenced the player drop a bit.


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I think we can both agree that it is incredibly difficult currantly for a PO to earn himself a field promotion due to them not being able to get themselves into scenarios where they can prove themselves unless they have a shit handler like @Exrobite who almost got me shot to death by @John Daymon

Field promotions are rare yes, I do not think the solution is to field promote everyone. Its better to have a working application process.

To the PO suggestions; what about making them a Po for 2-3 days and then they will get promoted to officer without having to go through any tests or trainings.
@Samuel @ayjay ツ

So, the waiting period for a PO is just to let them have a chance to go on-duty and spectate other officers. We will keep the PO rank in the new application process but they will only be required to watch a introduction video that gives them everything they need, then they have to attend a academy server session were they will be introduced to the police job and all equipment. We will focus more on teaching than just testing them. We will hopefully release the new application process during next month. When the new PLPD-Online is done we will have more tools to allow POs to progress faster and allow them to do tests on the website rather than on the server. The waiting times for Stage 3 have always been a problem and we are now trying to fix that. I saw a suggestion somewhere that we should give them pistols, one of the reasons this rank was added was because we received a lot of complaints involving new officers misusing their firearms. We are aware that POs ingame have a hard time during shootouts as the only thing they can do is keep the perimeter until someone kills them. This is one of the things we will speak about in the Command meeting later today.

Player count dropping since the past year
Has it? Pretty sure that we had a full server quite a lot during the end of 2017. We have had less applicants since we release the rank PO. We are now trying to fix that by making sure that they can progess to Officer faster.


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Samuel, the thing is that the things we find a problem, the command members might NOT find a problem, although it is a problem to new players. What'll happen then? You'll look at it and say "We think it's okay" and it'll continue?

I understand that it can be hard to suggest changes when you Command Team sees no problem. I will bring this up at our meeting later today and see if we can implement a routine to deal with suggestions.

I have nothing but respect for the effort and hard work you put in to it but half the time, people don't get listened to.

You bring something to me and ajay and it will be looked at. We will speak to the rest of the Command Teams today to make sure suggestions get considered at all times.

Within the first week of me being sergeant, I got my first 4 complaints (all not-sustained btw) for such petty reasons, but the IA still had to investigate them and waste their own and my time on writing statements and investigating.

Yes, this is quite a new problem. When I first built the IA system back when we used the PH forums, we received 1-2 complaints every week. The current IA system needs to be looked at and reworked in some areas. I am quite often closing IA complaints as either they do not provide evidence or the reason for the complaint is so petty that its not worth investigating. People seem to think that you should never report an officer via F6 when they break laws. In some cases its better if staff deal with the officer than via an IA complaint. We are going to review the IA complaint submission system when we code the new PLPD-Online.

Here's my solution: Stop making the PD so strict with rules and policies. If someone makes a mistake, let them know in a nice and friendly manner, train them a bit and then continue with your life.

What policies should we not have? We are currently working on adding mandatory training/counseling that can be given instead of a Written Warning.

Another thing that I find an issue is the Complaint Dispute Committee. It's all the highest ranked people in the PD, they know their stuff. But why isn't there some lower ranked people to give their input too? They might not have as much experience, although they can see the story from a side that high ranked people will not understand, exactly becuase they ARE high ranked.

The complaint committee is controlled by the Head of Professional Standards @Max (Max, please consider this and PM me and @KeiwaM with your decision.), its up to him.

I've several times submitted issues to "Your Voice Count" (Anonymously I think) but these issues have not been adressed. Why should I have to give up my anonymity just for an issue to be adressed? It should be like making a complaint, completely anonymous but taken 100% serious.

This was actually something I was thinking about the other day. We do look at all replies submitted via the Your Voice Count form but the problem atm is that you do not get a reply. I will talk to People Service later today and see if we can set up a duplicate IA Complaint System that could be used to address problems. That way you could get a reply and have a discussion.

Another thing is, if some officers feel unfairly treated by someone eg. the complaint committe, dispute committe or even the chiefs, there's noone to go to. The chiefs are all a part of these and therefore there's no higher authority to go to. When I was a section sergeant in the very beginning, this was an issue I heard from alot of the new officers in my division.

I understand that people think that the Chiefs and high ranking officers are immune and nothing will happen if you submit a complaint. This is not the case, we have had a couple of high ranking officers receiving disciplinary actions due to complaints. If you think you have been treated badly by the Chiefs, make an IA complaint. Internal Affairs and Professional Standards are set up so they can work independently in these cases. The Internal Affairs system on PLPD-Online in built in a way were not even the Chief of Department can view his own complaints. I would suggest that if you think that you have been treated badly by a high ranking officer, try to contact People Services first. They can assist you make complaints, talk to the officer its regarding etc...

Now we're outright denying that the population of the server has declined over the year.

No, not what I said was it? I said,

Has it? Pretty sure that we had a full server quite a lot during the end of 2017

I said "Has it?" as I have only noticed a decrease in players the past months. I also said that we had a full server in the end of 2017.
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I said "Has it?" as I have only noticed a decrease in players the past months. I also said that we had a full server in the end of 2017.
I actually left because of that update. Well there was other personal reasons too. But this was probably that I couldn't play with my friend as a cop at the time.
**swat removed** - Tilin cries
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I dont think its the server not being friendly to new people cause it never been that friendly if im honest, it did get worst but it was never that friendly.
When i started perp in the good days i had around 5k in my bank and a pistol or 2 and it was hard to get to a point where i can afford everything i want.
The real problem is that people are cry babys, wether in ars or if they get raided , if they get raided they cry about them not having shit or some people target people or make stupid ars.
Thats only my opinion.
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@Samuel cheers for the reply, I'm glad to hear that changes are coming. Just one thing though.

I understand that people think that the Chiefs and high ranking officers are immune and nothing will happen if you submit a complaint. This is not the case, we have had a couple of high ranking officers receiving disciplinary actions due to complaints. If you think you have been treated badly by the Chiefs, make an IA complaint. Internal Affairs and Professional Standards are set up so they can work independently in these cases. The Internal Affairs system on PLPD-Online in built in a way were not even the Chief of Department can view his own complaints. I would suggest that if you think that you have been treated badly by a high ranking officer, try to contact People Services first. They can assist you make complaints, talk to the officer its regarding etc...

With this I didn't mean that if a high ranking did something wrong in game. I meant if I believe they did their job wrong in a division eg. Complaint Dispute Committee. What then?


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@Samuel cheers for the reply, I'm glad to hear that changes are coming. Just one thing though.

With this I didn't mean that if a high ranking did something wrong in game. I meant if I believe they did their job wrong in a division eg. Complaint Dispute Committee. What then?

The best thing to do in that case is to contact their Line Manager. You can find the Line Mangers at, You could also contact People Services that would help you get in touch with the right people. If you want to stay completely anonymous, make a complaint on the officer and state that its regarding their off server tasks.
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United Kingdom
@Aquaa full time job in a virtual police department btw
Don't get me started on how people below the rank of Lieutenant have to address people like me with "Sir" with a recent Code of Ethics change, my personality hates it and don't want to be in a position of power where my colleagues have to address me formally without risking a reprimand.

I'm out of touch but is this true, like lmao what. I know its "rOlePLaY" but why would you want to be in the PD if you can end up getting a reprimand for not calling someone sir.

Seeing as this seems to have turned into a "Police" topic I'll have to agree. You can't expect to attract new players in a gamemode where the aim is to make money with PD, which is now a drawn out process to even get in, nevermind have fun as a POs are useless; or do drugs, which are nicer now but with gangs of 30 criminals running about people can't make a start. To me the PD in its current state is aiming for the players youd expect on a Arma server and thats simply not going to happen on gmod as the playerbases are so different. Another reason I guess is that you need 1 month since your last ban to apply for an officer, most new players are bound to rack up a ban (Probably did something wrong defending their base idk) so when they want to apply for cop they can't and just quit.

If people wanted super serious PD where you have to spend months to get anything they would go to Arma or another game, gmod should focus on less serious and more fun if you want to attract players.
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I'm out of touch but is this true, like lmao what. I know its "rOlePLaY" but why would you want to be in the PD if you can end up getting a reprimand for not calling someone sir.

Seeing as this seems to have turned into a "Police" topic I'll have to agree. You can't expect to attract new players in a gamemode where the aim is to make money with PD, which is now a drawn out process to even get in, nevermind have fun as a POs are useless; or do drugs, which are nicer now but with gangs of 30 criminals running about people can't make a start.

You know it's a big topic when Walker pipes up again