Crazy shit that happened at your school

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United States
Some girl shot herself in a bathroom, a teacher found the body and the school went on lockdown. Pretty sure the teacher quit the same day because of the trauma.
20 kids got in trouble for some marijuana-related issues. some ginger kid snitched on some kids because of snapchat
Someone started scratching at my throat and cut it really badly, bled a lot that day. Couldnt even punch him since he was holding me at an angle
I used to go to a school where bad things happened daily, here's some stuff that happened

And a disclaimer, no, this shit is not made up, I've seen all of this stuff happen in my 4 years at this school.

A guy threw powerful fireworks in the cafetaria when we went back to class, so he pretty much threw it in a huge crowd of people.
A guy took a waterpipe, vodka, coke, marijuana with him to school.
A girl got stabbed in the cafetaria
A guy bashed someones head in with a rock in a computer class ( I've told stories about this to some people, so.. some people of perpheads will know who did it lol )
Cops were called way too many times as a " joke ".
A guy threw a table + a chair at a teacher, right in the head, yep. All because he started talking about her mother so she said " your mom " back.
Loads and loads of students fighting teachers.
Guy walking around the school with a screwdriver and other wood-working equipment, holding them like icepicks.
A guy smashed a window in with his bare fist.

A lot more stuff happened but it's very late, haven't slept in a while so my brains aren't functioning.
Another school came to our gate in our last year and we got into a massive fight with 30+ people at the top of the road, someone got stabbed, then the police was called by the school then everyone dipped.

We had two people a year above me who also killed people because their relationship wasn't approved of by others (but didn't happen in school but the bullying led up to them being weird like this)

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There's quite a few things actually.

Firstly this guy who used to teach me science was a weird guy but as a kid you think he's a 'cool" teacher

Remember walking back from the field in PE to the changing rooms and my classmate was on the floor. We all thought he was messing about but turns out he had a heart attack. Was all good in the end.

A boy in the year above me who I'd known for like 8 years, broke his collar bone after playing with mates near the end of the school year. Got it treated at hospital and went home then died in his sleep from some internal bleeding. Kids who broke his collar bone in the first place felt so guilty and became depressed asf. Was all a accident too.

In year 9 some of the year 11s thought a good end of year prank would be to fill condoms with bleach and piss (which I think creates chlorine gas) and throw them at people. Got chased by police round the school .

Our school also had gates which the public often mistook as a normal alley, so strangers would often walk through our school until they decided to lock the gates.

And lastly, people on motorbikes driving through the school grounds.

No stabbings or murders.
Guy holding up the class with a knife then getting tasered by police
The teacher who everyone thought was a pedo is actually a pedo fucking year 9 girls
Yikes, where do I even begin with south florida...

Fist fights happening every other day at the start of the year

Was taking a Geometry end of course practice test and this mexican kid got caught with his phone so our teacher (a black haitian with a thick accent) confiscated his phone until the end of the test and the kid wasn’t having it so he was going through his pockets and all that. The teacher shoved him off of him then they tussled a little bit and the mexican ended up punching the teacher in the shoulder. Cops came, 3 months and 3k ticket smh.

A freshman girl went to the building and floor where our VERY IMPORTANT End of Course assessments were being administered and decided to hold up her lighter to the fire sprinkler to trigger it. Not only did she do this, but she also broke the water pipe supplying all that water and flooded the whole entire floor. Test was post poned and I had an extra 3 days to study!!!

Last but definitely not least (cba to continue writing more stories i can talk all day about this shit im from florida bruh) is when a few months ago a girl made school shooting threats to Columbine (Pumped up kicks meme?) just a few days off from the 21st anniversary of the original shooting. She made the fbi watch list pretty quickly and they were tracking her every move. She eventually landed in Colorado and bought a shotgun from a private seller and ended up dying to a self inflicted gun shot wound 2 days later. Shit was really crazy considering I’ve seen the girl around my school several times and I always thought there was something wrong with her.