I used to go to a school where bad things happened daily, here's some stuff that happened
And a disclaimer, no, this shit is not made up, I've seen all of this stuff happen in my 4 years at this school.
A guy threw powerful fireworks in the cafetaria when we went back to class, so he pretty much threw it in a huge crowd of people.
A guy took a waterpipe, vodka, coke, marijuana with him to school.
A girl got stabbed in the cafetaria
A guy bashed someones head in with a rock in a computer class ( I've told stories about this to some people, so.. some people of perpheads will know who did it lol )
Cops were called way too many times as a " joke ".
A guy threw a table + a chair at a teacher, right in the head, yep. All because he started talking about her mother so she said " your mom " back.
Loads and loads of students fighting teachers.
Guy walking around the school with a screwdriver and other wood-working equipment, holding them like icepicks.
A guy smashed a window in with his bare fist.
A lot more stuff happened but it's very late, haven't slept in a while so my brains aren't functioning.