Helper Role seperate to staff


Professional Stripper
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Description of the idea: As we discussed in the meeting, a lot of people believe helper should be a non administrative role but a way for experienced players to show rule and game knowledge by helping new players and being assigned to new players that do not know what to do when joining the server. Bolli said this used to be an issue as people would just apply for enforcer. I dont think that would be an issue as if someone isnt good enough for enforcer they could show they have the incentive to be staff and help from the helper role.

Why should this be added? (pros):
-Makes more sense

What negatives could this have? (cons):
I feel like helper is being given out frivolously with it being a staff role, it will be sad to see the scoreboard filled up with staff roles just like every other dying server using positions of authority as a bribe for activity. I know there is no formal activity requirement but it is definitely an encouragement to join a server where you have a rank over people.
Was it? when? Idk it felt like a surprise with @Ayjay becoming community manager without the community actually having any say, I know I have my reservations but it would've been nice to of been consulted. Also helper just seems like a resting point for failed enforcers.
@flugs Not sure about this at all, community manager was definitely a surprise and while I don't think Ayjay is terrible I think we should've been consulted there are definitely some points that should've been brought up about his previous actions while staff and his conduct while a developer.

Helpers I feel are being brought in, in too large quantities and in some cases its people who aren't as well known as others. I am concerned that this rank is treated like a normal player yet how would they be demoted? And that it is absolutely making the server feel more like DarkRP
Well I mean some helpers are ex cheaters! the worst of the worst it just seems like an appalling system
I think at this point it should just be abolished, I don't really see why these people can't be helpful without the rank and the staff team is more than capable for the dwindling population it just feels like we're being flooded with extra ranks that don't really do much at all. Administrators should also get a say in the application to stop undesirable individuals from getting helper I'm not too sure why people who can't get enforcer are welcomed into the role of a helper which effectively feels like the same rank just lower on the hierarchy.
@LilChicken I'll be pushing extensively for the rank or permissions of helpers to be removed, or at the very least having Administration in on the meetings.

The helper role is being given out like candy to pretty much anyone right now.
I agree, helper shouldn’t be the entry point for staff members tbh. It should be an assistance role, and it should allow users to demonstrate themselves as good community members. + support from me!

I rate this idea 5 stars.
helper isn't an administrative role, if a player thinks we do wrong it is dealt through action requests rather than staff complaints, etc
Since I can't rate your post I am commenting to let you know that I fully support this statement.
I mean you could do your role with no power at all, if that's all you want it for, to prove yourself as ready for enforcer. I just think its a terrible idea that was brought out too quickly with people being appointed without ever even applying as well. As lewis said this rank should be removed or have its permissions taken away, its being given away like its nothing.
@flugs Once again, you DONT have to be helper to Get enforcer
Helper is just someone who casually helps people and not enforce the rules en its stupid that way

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