How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

should we bring back the old PD?

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The current Chiefs are great at what they do and I like to believe everyone who holds the rank of Major+ deserves their spot the most otherwise they wouldn't have been chosen.

Every one of us has poured hours into developing our respective areas of the PD and switching around ranks like musical chairs because someone might do a better job (which isn't necessarily true) is absurd and doesn't honor the work everyone in SMT has put in for the PD
To be honest, this whole recent situation has shown a complete lack of leadership and communication. This has led people to doubt if the current leadership are actually wanting the best for the server in it's entirety. Instead it looks like they do whatever they want for their friends, and the entire lower half of the PD is getting completely ignored. Now I know that high command is gonna disagree with this, because they can't actually see the issue. Neither could I when I was Lieutenant of RTU and even when I was a sergeant. I couldn't see the issue, despite being told what was wrong. I can see it now.

A change in leadership is what is needed OR for the higher command to COMMUNICATE with lower ranks. NOT THROUGH POLLS but by actually listening when they say what is wrong instead of disregarding it and saying "Make a ticket"
Do you seriously believe that changing SMTs personell is anywhere near that easy? We hold our ranks for a reason and a leadership change without actually knowing someone else would do a better job completely undermines all the work put into the department by said users. Changing ranks like musical chairs and saying it's easy or even right is ridiculous
I didn't say it is easy, but absolutely NO attempt has been made. How many people in higher command or even any command have been in that position during the downfall? How many peopel currently in command has been in command for more than a year or two now? I think you'll find the answer is a lot of them.

Here's one of my favorite quotes:
"I don't expect it to be easy, I do expect it to be done"
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@Collier This is the point. You're all oblivious to the bias going on in the PD, that people from the outside are annoyed by. Look at the link I sent you yesterday in DMs. Not only are normal players mad about it, even supervisors are angered by this. I'm not naming any names cause PD has a reputation of getting rid of people who disagree with them, but there are plenty of them.
@Collier you literally doomed yourself. Almost all the capable people has left because of the bullshit in the PD. Does that mean the PD should keep running with a corrupt leadership? No of course fucking not.
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