How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

should we bring back the old PD?

  • yes

  • no

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If you're talking about the same person I think you are they also had a fairly dodgy record for their rank and experience and showed impatient and volatile behaviour
@Collier nevertheless, he was elligible and had a very positive recent record, we were even told off for bringing old stuff in to the mix, yet we continued to look for literally any way to either deny or prolong this guy. In the end he was promoted anyway, but over a month late due to us not wanting to BECAUSE OF HIS PERSONAL ACTIONS
Not gonna lie, we've all been there, cut a few cheeky corners thanks to some friends who held higher positions. For example thanks to Walker, I pretty much made as much progress in 2 months as some people did in over half a year, all because we were quite good friends and he had some influence. At the time I didn't really care about kind of cheating my way through, and I kinda don't care to this day because it's so meaningless to me now. But it's undeniable that these sort of scenarios exist, to either a lesser or greater extent even today, I wouldn't really care much right now but when there's some honestly legit people I see out there that try their hardest and get overtaken by some guy who I guess "has the right contacts", it looks pretty shitty from and outside point of view, thought 3 years later we would be past all this but I guess it's just human nature.
Personally most of the friends I made in the PD became my friends because I thought they were good or they thought I was good. Take @Hendricks for instance. I only vaguely remembered him from 2015 but became good friends with him in part because I noticed him being a good Officer.

Hell I, myself, applied successfully for Senior just 2 months before I got Lt. but then I didn't think I had friends that would've fast tracked me tbh

The point I am trying to make is that a lot of the times talent is spotted in the PD and an effort is made to promote them, the people involved often become friends from there and I don't think it has much to do with bias
@Collier I have plenty of examples but dont want to go on the matter publically without hard proof to provide but feel free to pm me
This PLPD system would have been fine if the server had many players on daily. The server has barely scraped 50 players the entire week. If you compare (2016? 2017? few years ago) PERP where the server always hit 70/70 (something like that) to TODAY. We're basically comparing eating ice cream to being spat on. That's why I voted to revert back to the old PLPD, since it works with a smaller player-base. Keiwam is speaking truth and I think many can agree that SOME higher-ranks are being biased, which is inevitable.
@KeiwaM Nice to see that you for once have left the alien conspiracy discord, where you don't look at facts. Well everything that is said on discord is facts, right?

It's also nice that you took the time to reply to this "thread". As you did not seem to have time to have a friendly discussion with me and SMT on ts.

You say the PD don't listen, that we instead send out forms etc..? We just had a PUBLIC FORUM a couple of days ago, where everyone could join and talk.

If you joined the public forum we could have a healthy discussion. But guess it's better to complain?

Most points brought up in this thread has already been brought in previous threads and PD have replied to them. What do you mean about recent situation? You act like everyone knows about what you talk about in your conspiracy discord. Please enlighten us.
@Creepis well I know it exist, do not know the name of it or owner of it. But I know our friend @KeiwaM is a member and he is getting his "information" from there.
Seems very unlikely, if it existed I'm sure I would've been in there.
@Imperial Watch Yes, big big joke. Just did it for the laughs.

Good points and ideas were brought up and from a SMT point we found it to be refreshing and good. But then again, you are not active in the PD so I guess you found it boring..?