Looking for a fast economy car with good trunk space.

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Great Britain
So then, I've been looking for a good 4 door car that looks professional, is fast enough to evade a few cops if necessary, and has enough room for some guns, and a wrench or some shit in the trunk. At the moment, I'm focused on a few cars, the Dodge Charger 2012, the Range Rover, and the BMW M5 E34. Feel free to give any ideas below.
The Audi S5 Is good at all those things, i would personally recommend that to you.
Rx8, goes 60, trunk space and is a decent looking car
Escalade has like 7 trunk spaces and is pretty good to evade some cops and climbs hills xD
Tesla S - Is a decent car, 4 seater and has a pretty speed, also I'm assuming the coders has made it so that it does not use any fuel at all.
100% Caddilac escalade on this one you can transport 6 people 7 trunk spaces can barge through roadblocks good to ram cops out of the way and its intimidating :D
Toyota Supra. 2 trunk space slots, slow as fuck, and looks like a girl car. Did i mention its a 2 seater?
(If your that dumb to understand the joke, im speechless.)
Now for the real deal. Never had a good car BUT (very strong but) i bet the Dodge Charger 2012 is gonna suit your needs perfect.
I would say... the Toyota prius...
It has a big trunk, it has 20 km per liter, and it reaches 70 mph. So yeah.
Citreon C4 top speed 50
5 seater
3 trunk slots
Looks like a prius
Easy to drive even it it spins out at 50
Very interesting body kit and looks like voldermorts nose
The best steering wheel ever
It's great to hear all these suggestions from you guys, I have my mind set on the 2012 dodge ATM but any more ideas would be welcomed, also to help other people choose a good car.