Lower TFU armor

how about you use the mp7 because it basically ignores armour ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
wwaaaa tfu op, remove them
then dom provides some facts about how they are op
Honestly these discussions about this subject are just stupid, reason why is simply because they don't lead anywhere...

We won't have a nerf on TFU in how much armour they have nor will they never be removed, TFU is simply SWAT with another name and the fact that it's whitelisted. It's stupid and cringeworthy when people come out like this asking for a change when they don't look at the numbers or why they loose, what you have to see first is why are you loosing fights in the first place,

Most of the time when criminals start a shootout they win, that's a fact. The initial shootout is almost always won by criminals as firstly; There aren't always TFU at the location, Secondly; Police officers are taken by the element of surprise.

What usually happens after the shootout is the criminals who are wanted have 10IQ and drive around in their cars, get spotted, get chased, PD is on their tail, they start a shootout, die, then cry about it because TFU is apparently OP?
Just actually had a look at his activity and he’s been meeting the Activity Policy requirements each month by having 6+ hours of activity as an officer. Don’t know where you’re getting the argument of him “not being active” from. Additionally, your PD rank allows you to look at his activity anyway so surely wouldn’t this post be pointless?
But tfu is still unfair for new players, maybe only let em go tfu if it is REALLY necessary to win.
It isn’t unfair to new players. Sure, they’re new and have a lot less experience and you could argue that as being unfair but it provides them with a learning curve to tackle and overcome like pretty much every other multiplayer FPS game
"tfu is still unfair to new players" so are other criminals. The differences of a new player getting raided by TFU or by a group of 5 citizens armed with assault rifles, grenades and/or other explosives, are minimal, as they will most likely lose in either scenario. Fact is that being a new player is unfair, not necessarily because of TFU, due to a combination of inexperience, lack of funds, and simply being overwhelmed.
Higher armour, probably marksman 100, new players probably don't have an AK and are using pistols/remingtons that do nothing against tfu.
Too many people, both tfu and criminals, rely one luck in my opinion, and I can say from first hand experiance TFU get destroyed daily.
"tfu is still unfair to new players" so are other criminals. The differences of a new player getting raided by TFU or by a group of 5 citizens armed with assault rifles, grenades and/or other explosives, are minimal, as they will most likely lose in either scenario. Fact is that being a new player is unfair, not necessarily because of TFU, due to a combination of inexperience, lack of funds, and simply being overwhelmed.

New players won't have grenades to fuck the SWAT van, they won't have armour shredders like the AK. Meanwhile defending a base with a remington or spas vs unarmoured opponents is easier than taking down tfu that eats shotgun shells for breakfast.
TFU is OP vs the only guns that predominantly new players will use.

New players won't have the resources to defend against bombs and grenades from criminals either, your point is invalid.