Regarding recent incidents

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Hello there,

As you may be aware, some rather serious allegations have been made against two of our former staff members in the last couple of months. The kind of behaviour that was allegedly is obviously not okay, so has been looked upon very seriously.

It does however seem like people think that myself, @TinySlayer and @Bolli let this go "unchecked", however this is not true. I'll run you through the latest incident, since that seems to be the thing people are questioning. The initial evidence was credible, however very vague, as it did not really include specific incidents or information but rather just smaller hints.
Myself, Tiny and Bolli did however act upon it, and did the things we saw necessary with the evidence that was given to us. Also let me make it clear that NO such allegations had ever been made up until this point against the person in question, at least none that reached senior administration.

Now obviously, the evidence that emerged yesterday, was very serious and further backed up the claims. However, this evidence was not presented before yesterday, and even I saw it for the first time in the shoutbox, we can't act upon evidence that we don't know exists at all.

I hope this clears some stuff up, and I hope that you understand that we take this very seriously. However we do need to be confronted about this, although some say this has been going on for 2 years it's difficult for us to look into it if we never know it's taking place.

If you do experience this, or have any evidence against it please do send us the evidence, rather than posting it around other places.


Senior Administration
It's a real shame that these staff members even wriggled their way into their positions; They got staff to be more of an authoritative figure to be able to gain the victims trust more easily, truly sickening what people do nowadays.
It saddens me to see how this happened, one of the offenders being in the same org I was in makes me really pissed off. The fact I someone like that really shows that you can't even trust staff members anymore.
At least PLPD (Online) took the reports seriously and actually looked for more evidence and did not just wait for evidence to be provided. Both these people were quickly removed from the PD. Both of these are still allowed on the forums, teamspeak and server....
Right now the community's faith in Senior Administration is understandably shaken.

What's most important now is that action is taken against the individuals involved and that you are seen to be taking said action. Don't do it all behind closed doors. There should be clear, public consequences for people like this, and the rest of the community should be warned about their malicious and disgusting actions.
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