Scariest Experiences/Memories you've had!

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Hello Everyone!

So.. I got kinda bored, and I love scary stuff and experiences etc. I love listening to creepy experiences, and paranormal activity's so I thought I would ask what is YOUR most creepy experiences you've had.

Mine is personally either being shaken in my bed, or hearing someone say my name beside me without their being any.
This doesn't only have to be paranormal experiences obviously, just generally!
Actually when I was about 3 years old, I fell down stairs and had so many bulges on my head I looked like the devil lmao.
Almost fell off the top floor of this thing a year and a half ago. Bout 15 stories up. Can see the entire city from there.

Wasn't fun.
My family almost drowned me
When I was around 4-5 me and my family went on vacation, where we rented one of those foot paddle boats with the slides on top. At that time I didn't know how to swim, so I was wearing floaties (I think that's what they're called). I slid down the slide, all of a sudden I was located under the boat. Next to the paddles. My family didn't know where I was and neither did I. My family stopped paddling when they noticed I was missing but the wheel just kept turning. I was swimming as fast as I knew how to. My mom luckly looked under the boat and dragged me out.

Attempted assassination from a tiny bee
When I was around 3, I got stung by a bee. Neither me or my family knew I was allergic. But I wasn't just slightly allergic. I was the most allergic you can get on a scale. I went into full shock 5min after the sting and couldn't breathe. Was transported with an ambulance to the hospital, where I thought I was safe, but no. A doctor did a mistake and gave me an adult dose of adrenaline. They had to monitor me for a day after, ready to get my heart back to work if it stopped.

Dog attack inside a forest
This happened around the time I joined PERP. I was walking my neighbor's dog, the most caring, loving and friendly mixed breed Pitbull and something else. She always looked after me and it honestly still makes me tear up when I think about her.
When we went for walks, she'd never bark at anyone or anything. She'd only ever stand at attention, not moving and putting herself inbetween the danger. There was one day, I came to her doggy house cage thing, got her collar ready (she didn't wear it when inside it), placed it at her door and she just stuck her head into it like she did always. She was just happy to get to go for a walk. We went into the forest for a walk, going off the path for a few meters. We stumbled upon a wasp nest, got stung like hell and then went back on track. She was hurt a bit, but that wasn't going to stop her from her walk. Whilst walking we hear barking in the distance coming closer and closer until we saw a hunting breed type of dog. It was just charging us. I was scared, I left my grip off the rope (or whatever you call it) holding her and she just stood there, silent. The dog charged her and she grabbed it by the neck and sent it flying downhill, but not before doing a 360. She ran after it, but came back exhausted. We tried going home, but she just kept on laying down. She was really tired and hurt. We got to her home, I untied her, put off he collar. She was alright for a few days, but passed away later due to an unrelated reason. God I miss you Kim. Tearing up writing about this. You were the most goodest girl.

I've got a lot of stories like this, even some ghost stories from inside my family. My life is a mess and with that you get tons of stories.
I'd love to hear more of your stories! Also it was a good thing you didn't start to run under that dogs attack. That's the mistake people do, if you run you show weakness to a dog, like most Animals you need to play big, and if it comes to it a Dog can bite hard, but it was a week snout or whatever you call it, if you hold in, it can't open up it's mouth.

1 Thing that would always be suggested, is biting a dog in the ear if it tries to do something, as that indicates Alpha Male. Usually makes dogs respect you unless they are really really fucked in their head.
If my grandpa was here, she was gonna win. She survived losing her arm and losing 3 liters of blood.. Yet SOMEHOW despite that it should be impossible survived, then she has had Cancer 2 times, and Blood Clot 5 times and gotten wrong medicine so she was almost Transparent and today she's almost as healthy and fresh a 72 Year old woman can be.

Anyways good to see you survived!
I had paddo's one time, got a bad trip, was thinking for 8 hours I was being stabbed and killed.
Felt real but was just in my living room lmao
good times,
Your furry tactics don't work irl chief. Bit my grandma in the ear to assert dominance but now she mad af and crying like the weak beta she is.
Walking my dog by the river and saw some chavs sitting on one of the benches a bit far from the riverbank. Looked over at them, then back to the path as I kept walking, heard one of them laugh, one stood up and started charging towards me. Kept my pace and kept walking, he eventually caught up to me and said "Y'alright you got a fiver?". Thought this was some shitty attempt at a mugging so I shook my head and kept walking, he followed behind me, thought a few times he was reaching for something in his pocket. He started saying shit like "Oh I'll buy that dog off you. I'll buy it off you." So I just kept walking, he eventually fucked off. Might've been taking the piss, but thank fuck he left.
Another story:

My cousin has 4 children, one of them being the only girl. She's around 8 and we're quite good pals as she comes around sometimes just to hang out since PC games are cool yo. She's a bright child, honestly sometimes even more mature than I or many adults are or ever will be. Anyhow, she never had imaginary friends growing up, still doesn't.

Except.. Well she sees my dead grandpa. Not only that she sees him, she talks to him. She knows information none of us ever knew about and only discovered when we checked up on it (even had to do some real digging). I always want to ask her to ask my grandpa is he's somewhat proud of what I've become (He died when I was 3 and is the main reason why me and my mom moved back to Slovenia), but I never get myself to do it as I am very sceptical when it comes to these things.

Anyhow, she carried over some of his skills. At 8, she's an amazing beekeeper (which my grandpa was, it was his life) - Her teacher is actually quite impressed and is the one who brought this to our attention.

It's really scary to thing about the possibility of an afterlife. I was denying the possibility of it existing for all my life. But this really made me think there might be something more to us than just flesh and what we are now.

Another thing is, that he doesn't go around with her. She can only talk to him at the graveyard, nowhere else. She tells him how we're doing and they just talk. She can describe him the way he was the day before he died. Same outfit - The only photo of him the day before his death is standing next to me on a hill. She never got to see this photo as I am the only one who has it and never really bothered to show it to her.