State of Roleplay - 2023

How would you rate Role play on here?

  • Great quality

    Votes: 21 18.6%
  • Average quality

    Votes: 35 31.0%
  • Bad quality

    Votes: 20 17.7%
  • Toxic culture

    Votes: 37 32.7%

  • Total voters
Whether or not you feel like this will not change that the world simply isn’t the same as it was many years ago when gaming really took off. Sad for some, that isn’t going to come back, we’re more accountable for the things we say and do online, and honestly I think for the most part that’s a good thing. A lot of the time, all the “snowflake culture” this and that feels like an excuse for things that just shouldn’t have been acceptable and in the case of PERP we are never going back to how some things were. Majority are fine with that and get on with it.
I agree, with what you have said, I am not saying let people "slurs" again. I am saying the quality of roleplay & how toxic some people are is shocking. Imo as a community, we should try to fix the qauilty of roleplay and try to rid the community of Toxic culture.

Thank you for your feedback.
lets go back to when the pd was run by literal paedophiles
I heard about this, but I wasn't around when this got found out. I am glad Perp removed those disgusting people from this community, hopefully, Perp reported the matter to the Police.

Let's prevent something like this from happening again.

never the less, thank you for your feedback.
There will always be some toxicity in gaming communities where someone can lose and someone else gains. I used to play on an Arma 3 server where every player had literally millions so "losing" meant losing like 0.001% of their wealth, and people were still toxic.

But the big difference between Perpheads and that Arma 3 server for me is that on Perp, you really do have to engage in crim roleplay to get fucked over by crims and "toxic gameplay" sometimes arises. But if you engage in passive and friendly RP yourself, and not one that has risk, you tend to not experience that gameplay.

TL;DR when you have the possibility of losing, someone is always going to get angry. And this community's "toxic players" are like angels compared to other DarkRP servers or other games.

P.S - Props to the Staff Team for being one of the best at fostering new players I've ever seen on Gmod, on other servers where mistakes would happen it would be "Sorry nothing we can do" and you'd be banned, but here if you make mistakes and are honest you're treated well. So keep it up and this community will definitely continue to chug on with life.
ah yes, the annual, RP is shit post from someone who no-one knows. Providing EXPERT insight into the state of RP on perp without any "solutions" to the problems. Im shocked @obidan66 hasnt hopped on the bandwagen with his annual "delete unrealistic org" post.

Honestly if you think its gone down hill so much, come up with suggestions and make it better. If you cant do that then creating a post and poll on the forums wont do anything.
ah yes, the annual, RP is shit post from someone who no-one knows. Providing EXPERT insight into the state of RP on perp without any "solutions" to the problems. Im shocked @obidan66 hasnt hopped on the bandwagen with his annual "delete unrealistic org" post.

Honestly if you think its gone down hill so much, come up with suggestions and make it better. If you cant do that then creating a post and poll on the forums wont do anything.
I just wanted feedback before I make a massive post about how to improve RP and everything else. If a small number of people dislike the way the roleplay is carried out it would be pointless to suggest things that would impact & improve because the majority don't see an issue with it.

But again, thank you for your feedback.
  • Old
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I used to play some really serious rp gta servers (not nopixel garbage) and I've seen some whitelisted text only gmod rp servers and the amount of RP on these servers makes perpheads look like a tdm server but its not really a bad thing
I feel like I need to comment on this as a Perpheads "veteran" who has been around since November the 30th 2013.

The community itself is amazing. It has improved my communication skills, provided me with hours of entertainment and it has given me friends that I've met in real life @Madda.

With the risk of sounding like an old man, Perpheads is not what it used to be. Evocity was a primitive version of what we have today with limited possibilities to roleplay. It reminded me of DarkRP but with stricter server rules that forced players to use their imagination which often led to entertaining solutions to in-game interaction. When we switched map to Paralake things changed and more props and features were added. Back then it felt like you knew more people who were a part of the community. I have always prioritized PassiveRP over the criminal lifestyle. I love to interact with people and pretend to be a certain character. However, I have always been struggling with people with AK-47's and Lamborghinis who exclusively join the server to powergrow and raid others.

Nowadays you cannot spawn at City Hall without hearing gunfire within the first 2 minutes, encounter a violent and racist sweatervest and see multiple people being run over by cars while crossing the road. It is the new "norm" and personally I will never get used to it. This overall gameplay of "cops vs robbers" has ruined the immersion of a realistic atmosphere. In my opinion, passive roleplay peaked around 6 years ago. Server rules were more strictly enforced by staff and players expected a certain amount of realism from others. Major improvements have been made to Paralake Police Department which is great. I recently became a member of the Road Traffic Unit within PLPD. I've concluded that traffic laws are constantly broken by 90-95 % of all players. It contributes to the normalization of unrealistic behavior.

This server still has so much potential and it would be a shame if the development in unrealistic behavior continues.

When discussing this topic with people I often refer to server rule 2.1, which is the "foundation" of the game mode on a serious roleplay server.


Thanks to @Jinx for addressing this concern.
I said the RP was better in the past, but I didn't give a time frame of when it was better. The quality of Roleplay now Vs a few years ago is still shockingly toxic.
I don't agree with Racism or Slave Roleplay, I am saying the quality of Roleplay was better back then vs now in its current state. Thank you for your feedback.
Then what time-frame are you talking about? The only thing that you mentioned was that you played since 2015 and that “PLPD only shoot people rather than RPing” and that the community is “toxic”

Everything you said are just blanket statements and point towards no other particular issue than something that seems anecdotal at best.

What was better about RP previously? What is toxic?

There are so many rules and informative resources that protect players and their right to engage/disengage from RP situations whilst providing them with a lot of useful information that protects them and allows for RP to be more than a TDM.

In the last few months since coming back, there have been a handful of staff-ran and community-ran events such as Fight Club, Waypo Boxing, the Jigsaw event, Halloween zombie event, building contests in summer and winter. People building interactive shops, casinos, or buildings such as the vending machine, the slot machine or the plinko/hoop arcade games. All the passive RP comes from the players themselves wanting to engage in that and creating the environment for it, such as when the PLPD ran a border patrol by the City Hall. On the contrary, you have people that prefer raiding, basing and growing or the people that prefer to solely play jobs. The beauty of the server, whether people want to admit it or not, is that all of these things can simultaneously co-exist on the server and what part of it you engage in mostly depends on your actions more so than anyone else’s.
I feel like I need to comment on this as a Perpheads "veteran" who has been around since November the 30th 2013.

The community itself is amazing. It has improved my communication skills, provided me with hours of entertainment and it has given me friends that I've met in real life @Madda.

With the risk of sounding like an old man, Perpheads is not what it used to be. Evocity was a primitive version of what we have today with limited possibilities to roleplay. It reminded me of DarkRP but with stricter server rules that forced players to use their imagination which often led to entertaining solutions to in-game interaction. When we switched map to Paralake things changed and more props and features were added. Back then it felt like you knew more people who were a part of the community. I have always prioritized PassiveRP over the criminal lifestyle. I love to interact with people and pretend to be a certain character. However, I have always been struggling with people with AK-47's and Lamborghinis who exclusively join the server to powergrow and raid others.

Nowadays you cannot spawn at City Hall without hearing gunfire within the first 2 minutes, encounter a violent and racist sweatervest and see multiple people being run over by cars while crossing the road. It is the new "norm" and personally I will never get used to it. This overall gameplay of "cops vs robbers" has ruined the immersion of a realistic atmosphere. In my opinion, passive roleplay peaked around 6 years ago. Server rules were more strictly enforced by staff and players expected a certain amount of realism from others. Major improvements have been made to Paralake Police Department which is great. I recently became a member of the Road Traffic Unit within PLPD. I've concluded that traffic laws are constantly broken by 90-95 % of all players. It contributes to the normalization of unrealistic behavior.

This server still has so much potential and it would be a shame if the development in unrealistic behavior continues.

When discussing this topic with people I often refer to server rule 2.1, which is the "foundation" of the game mode on a serious roleplay server.

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Thanks to @Jinx for addressing this concern.
6 years ago, people didn’t have access to every possible gun, explosive or car though.

I strongly disagree that it’s the players that are the problem. When events are hosted, or people create an environment that encourages passiveRP, it nearly always has positive engagement/retention.

The issue, in my personal opinion, is that the PERP economy is far too diluted. All those years ago that you mention, having 1 million was considered rich. Having a singular sports car set you apart from the rest of the community. Basing and growing was far more impactful or detrimental because of how significant growing and selling was at the time. Getting a ticket for committing any sort of crime actually created a dent in people’s bank. Organisation rivalries were more genuine because there was a lot to be gained from allying with other players or trying to take others down. People would unironically play Roadcrew, Courier, Taxi or whatever else because it was a means to getting money so that you could eventually afford that upgrade, gun or buying resources to grow drugs. Levelling up skills and becoming an “expert” had a lot more prestige to it because of the work that it required and how rare people that had a maxed stat were.

To put it simply, things were a lot more exclusive and harder to attain - which meant that people couldn’t afford to be reckless/careless or to die in a raid, go back to storage and then raid a different property again.

A new player can currently join the community, and within 2 months and just getting to know the right people, have a sports car, million/s in their bank, skills maxed and an array of things in their storage at their disposal. This was unheard of back then, things like that would just not happen.

Most people have simply hit a wall in terms of progression and have no incentive or need to participate in passiveRP because they have done it a hundreds times over in the months or years that they played. People are simply bored and the biggest thrill out of the server at that point is to raid people or engage in shootouts.

As for the staff or how things were moderated, this staff team is significantly better than what we had years ago. You were seen as a player worthy of a ban for running intersection faster than you were for grooming, being discriminative or trying to elicit things outside of the server. Lol
ah yes, the annual, RP is shit post from someone who no-one knows. Providing EXPERT insight into the state of RP on perp without any "solutions" to the problems. Im shocked @obidan66 hasnt hopped on the bandwagen with his annual "delete unrealistic org" post.

Honestly if you think its gone down hill so much, come up with suggestions and make it better. If you cant do that then creating a post and poll on the forums wont do anything.

Kind of a low blow. But whatever. Not surprised tho, this shit has been getting worse and worse and now it's literally DarkRP levels of toxic non-rp mingery. That's my opinion at least you don't have to agree with it. Maybe Serious RP is just unappealing to most people these days.
Many solutions have been suggested over the years by myself and many others. All of them have been denied however for either being things that would take time and resources away from developing the next minor police patch number 10 million or for simply changing the rules in favor of serious RP which the staff is either unwilling or unable to maintain, because the current state of things is more favorable to and profitable for the server's ownership and their staff since maintaining a high level of roleplay is more time-consuming and doesn't generate extra income in the form of VIP sales since those literally cater towards activities that have nothing or very little to do with roleplay.

Edit: @Aquaa page received.
Are you actually suggesting anyone in PERP ownership cares about making money?
Don't know, but to sustain itself the server must generate income. Surely that must to a certain degree be a factor in the over all decision-making process regarding the server's trajectory no? If it doesnt, then my mistake. Surely there are other reasons then.
Many solutions have been suggested over the years by myself and many others. All of them have been denied however for either being things that would take time and resources away from developing the next minor police patch number 10 million or for simply changing the rules in favor of serious RP which the staff is either unwilling or unable to maintain, because the current state of things is more favorable to and profitable for the server's ownership and their staff since maintaining a high level of roleplay is more time-consuming and doesn't generate extra income in the form of VIP sales since those literally cater towards activities that have nothing or very little to do with roleplay.
Thanks man, this thread was getting a bit too serious, needed a joke to lighten it up.
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