Suggestion - Rule 2.1 / Revision of the 2015 Forum Organization Changes - Ban on non-roleplay organizations

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Prague, Czech republic, European Union,
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:

The rule in question is 2.1 - Play Realistically. This rule is in my opinion not only the most important one of all, as it distinguishes a serious RP environment from any other DarkRP and Semi-Serious Roleplay server out there, setting the theme and the level of conduct expected out of every single player during their time spent on the server. Sadly, however, this rule also seems to be the one that is the most neglected, and in my opinion, as is and has been the opinion of many others, the neglect of this rule is the very reason for PERPheads being and slowly becoming a community and server, that is not dedicated to roleplay at all. For the past 7 years of my time spent on PERPheads, I've watched as the community grew, changed, and transformed and ultimately even stagnated in many ways, but for the majority of that time, the only change which could be indisputably observed was the slow and steady decline of not only the quality of roleplay but also of roleplay's presence on the server itself. This has started in late-2015 with the change of rules on how organizations can appear on the forums by @Bolli and has inevitably lead to the near extinction of not only serious organizations today, but of roleplay itself. For those unfamiliar with the 2015 post (2015 Forum Organization Changes), it basically states that all organizations posted onto the forums are to be taken ICly and criminal ones will not be allowed to post about their criminal activities. A good change in theory, but a terrible one in practice.

At the beginning of last year, I created a discussion of the same name(Ban on non-roleplay organizations), attempting to discuss this possibility, and I've been met with interesting results, about half the people partaking in the discussion were against this idea, while to my surprise the other half was supportive of it, despite extreme flak and heavy resistance from the opposition. The main point of that discussion was ultimately the fact that the server thrived and was the closest to its theme, setting, and level of conduct expected by the rules, it has ever been. After the change and the staff team ultimately deciding to not intervene and to not enforce 2.1 at all, has to lead the server into the state it finds itself today, with predominantly unrealistic organizations, which in turn show new players and set a precedent of realism and serious RP as something optional and not sought after, ever only feeding the problem.
Please go over the discussion, as I go into much more detail about the nature of this issue within it.
In my original thread, I made a few examples of organizations that are mainly responsible for the decline of realism, roleplay, and the creation of an environment that not only encourages new and old players alike to turn away from serious RP, but also an environment that enforces this practice by looking down and systematically dominating players and organizations who attempt to focus on such things. However, since the last time I've made that example, the list only grew, so I will elaborate with an updated one now. These are predominantly the organizations that take Roleplay as an option, don't recognize the need for roleplay at all, or simply dismiss it as a waste of time that could, in turn, be spent on more raiding and more power-growing.

Olsen Banden

The list of course goes much further, but we would be here all day if I had to list every single one.

Your version of the rule: My version of the rules is ultimately the same as it is in its current state:

"2.1 Play Realistically

This game mode aims to emulate real life, and as such, players are expected to play realistically at all times; exceptions can be made where appropriate - any such Exceptions are purely determined by an administrator’s discretion."

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

With that said, I however wish to urge and call out the staff team for their lack of action and, finally take responsibility for the decline of roleplay within the community. Take charge and begin enforcing and preserving roleplay as it was intended to be done with the server in the first place. It all ultimately lies within the title of the server itself: Perpheads PERP [Workshop DL|Highly Customized|Serious RP|TDMCar

Did you catch that? "Serious RP" . ...It was intended to be a serious roleplay server and it has not been standing true to that name for years now. So with this thread, I formally urge you to either hear out my plea and finally restore the server to what it should be and prohibit the creation and the functioning of organizations that are beyond reasonable doubt unrealistic and anti-roleplay in general, as well as indeed adhere to 2.1 as it stands and enforce it in its full capacity onto players who simply do not attempt to even dish out the slightest piece of roleplay, or to decline this final call for reason and at the very least, stop misleading new players into thinking this is a serious roleplay environment and remove that portion of the text from the server's title.

Thank you for your time reading this.
With kind regards,
Obidan66 / Eddie Grey.
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"People play and make organisations to have some fun on the server and I'm sorry that you can't see the funny side in some orgs. It wouldn't be fair or any fun to force every org to run like an army."
@celaion Hi, thank you for your reply. I presume that you are quoting McGlinchy's comment made on the original discussion. Next time it would be worthwhile for the sake of context and everyone understanding the meaning to make that known.

Firstly, while that is true to have been said, it is not a fact, it is a personal point of view of a single member of this community, not a decisive verdict. To however counter and elaborate onto the point made, as I couldn't back then... People have fun in many different ways and fun is a concept that means something else to a lot of different people. With this server being marketed, advertised, and intended to be a serious roleplay community, the fun would naturally be perceived as roleplay adequate to the level that is expected by the server's rules and definitions. That is however not the current state of the server, hence why this thread was made in order to change that.

My second point for that comment is that, as McGlinchy states that it wouldn't be fair to force a certain way of conduct onto people, which btw is inherently against the nature of the server and rules that are meant to be enforced by the staff, it isn't fair towards the people that are forced due to the inaction of the staff to tolerate a lack of roleplay being forced onto them. The argument made can go both ways. McGlinchy also either intentionally or unintentionally twisted or failed to comprehend the meaning of the original thread. I'm not proposing to force people to run organizations like armies, but rather make them run realistically. Do you want your organization to be disorganized? Go for it, but make it in a way that is believable, street gangs and militias are often very disorganized in real life, and yet they function to some extent and are perfectly reasonable and realistic templates to be used.

To finish my point, this isn't about forcing people to roleplay in a certain way. It is to force people who don't roleplay or roleplay something which is beyond reasonable doubt unrealistic or against the themes and settings of the server, to roleplay realistically and adequately for a serious roleplay setting.

Feel free to respond to this if you wish, but I'd like to hear your own thoughts now and not the untitled quotes of others.

Thank you.
Orgs being fun and full of jokes is pretty much the reason why a lot of players still join the server. Rather than limiting these orgs we should continue to pursue the avoidance of 2 hour long shootouts by focusing on enforcing 3.4.

@celaion did make a fair point - if a bit rude; you are writing a tonne of waffle around pretty weak points to make it look well-refined and rational. I strongly disagree with your suggestion.
@joey Thank you for your reply.

I have two questions for you regarding that then. First, how do you know that we aren't losing more players than we're gaining because of the server being unserious and organizations mostly being dominated by a fail-RP / non-RP majority?

Second, why do you wish to be a staff member if you then decide to enforce only certain rules while ignoring or downplaying others and how do you reflect on the current state of roleplay on the server? (The second portion of the question applies only if you are a player/staff member that actually values / partakes in serious roleplay)

Also 3.4 and 2 hour long shootouts are at this time not the topics of this thread and suggestion.

And while I agree that I may on occasion write in a bit too long and for some obviously difficult to comprehend manner, I'd like to ask which point precisely do you disagree with and why?

PERP encourages players to stay in character and have some moderately good roleplay. The playerbase is not suited towards some forced heavy & extreme roleplay. With recent limits to orgs being too powerful we have gained players, you are correct. Staff have been encouraging orgs to respect their own lives more.

Surely between playing in august and this week (the gaps in your playtime) you should see that staff are starting to make orgs flee, hide and disperse. The new raiding rules are actively suppressing such militarised RP from orgs.

I disagree with the idea of outright banning these types of orgs.
Enforcing this wouldn't change anything as it isn't the root of the problem, orgs are private and their naming schemes don't actually affect anyone.

People will always act the way they want, over time Perp has lost its serious aspect and people adapted to it, enforcing realistic org names won't change that.
@joey PERPheads PERP within its title and its rules does not "encourage" some moderately good roleplay. It /demands/ serious roleplay. Nothing more, nothing less. It r/requires/ a player to RP and behave in a realistic manner at all times. You as a staff member should've been made aware of that difference. It is not a manner of perspective, this is a non-negotiable fact. The only way it wouldn't is if the 2.1 rule was removed and the "Serious RP" portion of the server's name along with it.

The player base has been in the past suited towards a much more serious roleplay setting and standard, the likes of which this server hasn't seen for quite some time now, but it is factual that in the past it did work.

Personally, gunfights and their regulations in regards to Organizations are not really a concern that this thread discusses, but since you brought it up, organizations should value their lives just as much as anyone else, this is also something which should not just be encouraged by the staff, but decisively enforced in any and all appropriate situations. The fact that we even talk about people not respecting fearRP and such, which are the basics of roleplay, is, in my opinion, ridiculous and stands as either a sign of failure and weakness on the part of the staff or their unwillingness to act due to their own agendas or ulterior motives.

The fact that people want to kill each other is just fine by me. But the reason... The backstory, the effort, and the narrative of the conflict are what matters.

Lastly, I accept your opinion and your stance on the subject but I would like to point out that by doing so and openly disagreeing with the removal of organizations that have nothing to do with roleplay or roleplay in an unrealistic fashion (FailRP), you as a staff member, are openly allowing FailRP to remain and are simultaneously failing to enforce 2.1. That by the way, by definition constitutes a failure to act upon your duties.
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@Xeronise Thank you for the reply.

It isn't about their inner rank names (not for the absolute most part), it's about the fact that a player and or an organization either adheres to 2.1 and roleplays in a realistic fashion as per the standard of the rules of the server. Or they don't.
"People will always act the way they want" is not an excuse nor is it a fact. People should always act the way they want, within the rules of the server and the theme set by it, because if they don't, then it's grounds for punishment. That's staffing 101. You are correct that PERP has lost its seriousness, but names are not the main issue at all. The main issue is the mindset of the players and the staff alike.
All this thread really is is a formal plea to the staff to do their job and adhere to 2.1, removing the organizations that do not, holding every player to the same standard of roleplay expected as per the rules and the serious roleplay nature of the original intention of the server.

Please don't take this as an insult, but rather as a constructive and friendly critique... You failed to understand the meaning of the thread and its core message. It's not just about names and titles. It's about how players and more specifically organizations behave at their core.
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None of the orgs listed are even active except Olsen and lolis, the latter of whom go by “Mensa Society” now Because it’s a better RP org name.

I genuinely at the moment don’t think this is an issue. Let’s just go over the listed orgs:
Olsen: Some decent RPers in the org like @Dom_ and the likes.
Megalolis: Now go by a different name and play the server more seriously.
Anime conversion camp: Was never actually active in game or even registered as an organisation as far as I know, posted in spite of megalolis.
The ERPetrators: Parody post of @CensoredExe ’s org post, was never actually registered in the first place.
Marmite: Were the funniest fucking org on PERP.
Ayjay is a pedo: Meme org that lasted like a day probably.
The rest, well, look at the dates of the post...

The point of this discussion is a decent idea but at the same time, this isn’t really a problem nowadays. So what if people are just using weird org names and using organisations as a private chat? Makes no difference to the game mode.

Granted, it should be enforced that only “serious” RP oriented orgs become big list but again thats not really preventable if the role players and good shooters arent the same group of people.
Correct me if I´m wrong but you wrote a suggestion containing roughly 1.5k words to revise a rule and at the end of your suggestion you basically say you don´t want it revised it at all and you blame the staff team for the lack of organisation roleplay. Making it solely our fault that people decide they do not want to roleplay.

I am greatly in favor of roleplaying on the server (mainly because I lack the fps to do anything else) but in my experience forcing something down on people will always cause them to dislike it. So instead of punishing people for not roleplaying we should instead make incentives for people to roleplay and reward them once they show exemplary roleplaying skills. this is something we do already.

In my honest opinion it's better to let people choose how they want to play on the server rather than forcing a certain way of playing the game upon them. People aren't joining the server just for the roleplay anymore in contrary to 2015. They join for a lot of different reasons, since there are a lot of substitutes you can use if it's solely roleplay you're looking for.

I also noticed a trend of comparing 2020/2021 perpheads to 2015 perpheads and how it used to be better in terms of playerbase, rule enforcement, staff team and community. But we tend to forget that we only look back to the good stuff, we don't seem to remember that people were getting long bans for walking across the intersection, that there was a bigger gap back then between the staff team and playerbase, that the staff team wasn't as invested in creating a joyful experience for users and that all complaints people had were not been taken as serious as they are now.

Instead of just telling the staff team that we're doing a bad job and we should act up more. please make suggestions on how we can endorse RP since if we punish everyone that does not roleplay to a certain standard then there will be no one left to roleplay with.
Lets start my response with a quote from you.
You are correct that PERP has lost its seriousness, but names are not the main issue at all. The main issue is the mindset of the players and the staff alike.
Now this is the whole reason that this suggestion is not going to work. People do not play PERP for seriousness anymore. The focus of the game has been shifting more to Cops vs Orgs and the occasional PassiveRP. I have no problem with this at all but it means that enforcing serious organisations does not fit in the meta anymore.

Going full SeriousRP is a bit outdated. The server has become looser in the enforcing and the behaviours from the players. I think this is a good shift and am not sure what other thinks but it is a fact.

Then I saw this from you.
Personally, gunfights and their regulations in regards to Organizations are not really a concern that this thread discusses, but since you brought it up, organizations should value their lives just as much as anyone else, this is also something which should not just be encouraged by the staff, but decisively enforced in any and all appropriate situations. The fact that we even talk about people not respecting fearRP and such, which are the basics of roleplay, is, in my opinion, ridiculous and stands as either a sign of failure and weakness on the part of the staff or their unwillingness to act due to their own agendas or ulterior motives.

This seems to bring up alot of different points merged into one.
- FearRP
- Failure of staff / Bias

Lets pick them off.
FearRP is still present but not in its original definition. If you have a big org you know you can take more risks as you have people who will do everything to help you reach your goal. Reaching your goal likely money or weapons is the ultimate goal of the game. I think you will have to go into more clarity what you mean by this then.

Failure / Bias of staff,
I think this is a very big allegation and would love to see examples or context to this. Yes everyone has their agenda but I do not think staff mixes those agenda's with their Staff agenda's. Saying they are the reason of this is factually incorrect and I think it has nothing to do with why the organisations are alot "looser" then before.

Lets be fair. Staff are here to enforce rulebreaks not to manage your organisation or another ones into serious ORG RP. If you want this it is up to you to make a serious organisation and the freedom to make it less serious is in my opinion a beautifull addition to perp.

So please provide the context. Cause in my opinion PERP's meta has shifted and is definetly not as serious as it used to be, and I think that is a good thing
I do agree that 2.1 needs more enforcement in general as a lot of people get away with too much in rp these days but I really don't think orgs should be affected, they are private enough to let people do as they please.

The new breed of 4:3 esport players just wont care about these changes, getting them to follow 3.4 let alone 2.1 is hard enough. This suggestion is something straight out of 2015, it just wont work anymore.
@BigBenji Thank you for your reply, I see some good points.

However, I have issues with some things you said. First... Olsen is not a roleplaying organization. It's probably the most notorious non-roleplay raiding organization in the history of this community and the entire group has nothing to do with the word roleplay. Just out of curiosity, what is Olsen? Is it a gang? Is it a mafia? A para-military group? Is it a political movement or a militia?

You cant give me an answer for that one, because there isn't one. It's none of those things because Olsen has no theme. It has no backstory or deeper purpose. It's just a group of people that don't roleplay, wear the same clothes, and do only two things. Raid without any other reason beyond the fact that they can and grow just because they need to fund their raiding.

I was previously a member of Mega Lolis for a few weeks, it has indeed been quite some time back, but I was for a time at the second leadership position, just so that I could see how these things look from the inside. What did I see? No roleplay. No theme, other than anime memes on the forums and people wearing the same color of clothes to be able to identify themselves in a firefight. Not a single bit of RP. Maybe that's different now... But I'm willing to bet that it isn't and the fact that they changed their name doesn't mean they suddenly start focusing on roleplay, creating a backstory and a theme for their group.

While the other examples are older, they are still relevant because perfectly show just how bad it can get. Marmite? AyJay is a pedo? Anime conversion camp.... I am genuinely surprised that this hasn't been labeled as a DarkRP server yet, because really... DarkRP has more actual RP in it that PERP had for the last 2 years.

The fact that you find some of these examples funny, yet you don't seem to have anything against them only further proves my point, the mindset of the staff is partly to blame for the decline of roleplay within the community, precisely because of their inaction and their tolerance towards blatant rulebreaking of 2.1 and FailRPers.

If you want to have a private org with your buddies and have funny names as ranks and some dorky name for the title. Sure. But you're not a gang. You're not a mafia, nor a paramilitary group. The only thing that sort of behavior could pass as in a serious RP setting is a group of like-minded mentally ill individuals and attempting to RP as anything else would in that situation be FailRP in itself.

To lastly address your final paragraph. There are no shooters and there are no roleplayers. There are only players that are all to be held to the same standard of RP if either of them do not meet that standard, as defined by 2.1, they are to be held accountable. Organizations themselves who are collectively in violation of 2.1 should be forcibly dissolved and prohibited.

If you disagree with this, then you have to at least agree that 2.1 should instead be removed or changed and the "Serious RP" portion of the server's name should be removed, as it is misleading and factually incorrect because the server's own staff don't follow it.
Joining the server at the start of 2020 it's mostly been robbers vs robbers or robbers vs cops, I've encountered little to no roleplay and orgs aren't the problems even if this rule would be enforced people would still grow in their base for 10 hours and forcing orgs to change their org name and forcing people and removing orgs that don't roleplay just doesn't work and will drive players away since most players play for the gunplay (which is really good and not like any other server),
Thank you @THE SPOOK for your reply, been looking forward to your input.

To prevent repeating myself a lot I'm gonna condense it and focus only on the core of your message, hope you don't take offense to that. : )

Yes, I partly blame the staff team for the current state of RP on the server, as clearly they have chosen to ignore the 2.1 rule in its full capacity.

I'm very much aware that you are a good RPer, have had the pleasure of RPing with you myself at the Continental, and can't complain at all, so you must of all people know that simply encouraging RP does not work. RP has to be preserved, protected by rules, and staff willing to enforce those rules. If you want to have a Roleplay server, you can't just have rules about RP or have them and not enforce them and expect RP to thrive, the latter is unfortunately the current state of things. Encouraging RP does not work, not as much as it would be necessary to make an actual difference.

Letting people choose the level of seriousness of their roleplay, will leave you with 9/10 people choosing not to roleplay at all and only Rule-Play (that is by the way a term used in serious RP communities as following the rules to their bare minimum without any roleplay at all, in order to appear as someone roleplaying while actually not doing so and is usually a bannable offense).

In regards to the 2015 era, yes things weren't ideal, but they sure were better than now. Longer ban times meant fewer rule-breakers, the staff team wasn't invested in creating a joyful experience, and yet the experience was much more joyful than now. As to complaints and a bigger gap between staff and players, I can't say because I wasn't very much interested in those aspects at the time, but it's entirely possible. However the main point being, despite all those drawbacks, the server was maximum capacity every day and the abundance and the quality of RP was unparalleled by the absolute majority of all comparable servers out there. ( Excluding ClockWork and NutScript based ones)

Lastly... I wish there was another way, but I don't think there is. The fact is that in its current form rule 2.1 is being ignored by staff and therefore they are doing a bad job. Either remove/change the rule or do what should be done.

By the way, if you punish everyone who doesn't roleplay, you will have more people to RP with because, right now... There aren't basically any people who roleplay except for a stubborn few who I applaud. The count can only go up. Right now, you have no one to roleplay with.
I'm not sure you understand the consequences of "Organizations themselves who are collectively in violation of 2.1 should be forcibly dissolved and prohibited." at all.

If this were to happen and you were to force your perspective of roleplay onto a group in an organization serverwide, you'd wipe out about 50% of the organizations on perp. A lower playercount will end up causing people to be less interested in hopping on the server, further causing a lower playercount. This is the exact thing that happened in 2016-2017. Low playercounts made people uninterested in joining the server because of a lack of activity. (part of that was because of school and work, but school is still going on even during covid, yet player numbers are more than fine now)

Putting our feet down and straight up prohibiting organizations because they don't conform to the server's name (specifically "Serious RP") will do nothing more than drive those who don't want to conform to your ideas, away. Using an iron fist (which is what it seems like you're trying to do) to rule out "FailRP" organizations and players, in my eyes won't do much more than drive people to leave the server. If you want to maintain player interests, then implementing things that encourage roleplay and reward you for doing so in the long run, would be much more beneficial. Forum awards used to be a drive for some roleplay organizations back in 2014-15. That is no longer the status quo.

It needs to be beneficial, not just for the person doing it but for everybody involved, to passively roleplay, or add depth to their organization or character. With how gameplay mechanics are right now, and the way the server is running right now, it serves no purpose because current gameplay mechanics are far too arcade feeling.

There are no consequences to haphazardly raiding a property, fight the defenders, take the drugs, fight the cops, slowly leave the area, spot a cop car entering the scene, turn yourself around, chase the cop then kill him because of "muh dna".
That needs to change.

The metagame of perp right now is as you're saying. "No roleplay. No theme, other than anime memes on the forums and people wearing the same color of clothes to be able to identify themselves in a firefight."
There's not much more to perp than get money, get faster cars, progress. And because of this, people are looking for a more efficient way to do it, and here you go; The creation of an organization that wears the same uniform for identification purposes, bases together in big groups, raids properties for additional profit and hand picks the best shooters for the highest win rates.
@Exnem Hi, thanks for your reply and apologies for the delayed response. These take a bit to make in order to have some value.

Anyway, let's start with getting one thing clear. There is no "My perspective of roleplay", either there IS roleplay or there ISNT roleplay. And currently, there isn't any. On top of that, it really isn't my perspective, it is the perspective of the currently written rules and the definition of what a roleplay server is. In addition, yes... The population would take an initial hit. There would be some resistance, but ultimately the decreasing of numbers would stabilize and some would even come back and attempt to try and play the game as it was intended to be played. The numbers would for a time be lower, but as new players would start to join and more older players would begin to adapt, the population would grow once more untainted by the public allowance of FailRP and blatant ignorance of certain rules. This means that new players would be introduced into an environment that is from the beginning centered around roleplay and in accordance with the rules that are ALL enforced by staff in the same way.

Simply and only encouraging roleplay does not work, because you (meaning the staff team) have been trying to do that for over a year maybe two now with little to no results and definitely no impact on the general population or the overall state of the server. Sometimes problems cant be negotiated and encouraged away but need to be rooted out stem by stem.

I do however fully agree with your next points in regards to the design of the server mechanics and of little to no consequences of raiding and risking lives.

When it comes to the last portion of your post, that is simply the sad truth of the current state of things on the server and within the community itself.

Thank you,