I have a Plan A and Plan B even though they are basically the same job but one has more stuff involved with it.
Plan A
1. Finish secondary school and go to MBO.
2. Finish MBO and go to HBO.
3. Sign up for Technical Support Officer in how the Dutch call it 'Defensie'
4. Start a family

5. Get my eyes lasered as I have a whopping L+6.5 and R+7.5, I can't see shit without my contacts.
6. When I am about 35 years old they want me to quit (they need young people).
7. Try to get a job at Schiphol Airport as Airplane Technician and I hope to do that until I am an old man.
8. Die happy.
Plan B
If everything fails I'll just join the army and schoot some ISIS members.
If you haven't noticed already I like the army. I did my entire life but then I noticed how much I liked repairing cars, using computers, making miniature planes, break the made planes, fix the broken planes, basically repair anything that has to do with moving and engines etc. (not crippled people) I really found out what I like and I will use it in my future, I'd rather do something I like and get paid almost nothing than I'd do something I don't like doing and get paid shit tons.
What I am trying to say is that you should follow your dreams, or at least try. Do something you love doing, even if it is hard to do. Never stop trying, you stop once you've reached the top of the mountain.
Edit 1:
I might even try to get into the KCT. The Dutch Special Forces.