Thoughts about the future?

finish 3 years of remaining highschool

finish 4-6 years of college

get a middle class job

die off like the rest of society
Okay, in all seriousness
  1. Get A* A* B (predictions) at A-level
  2. Go to University of Birmingham
  3. Computer science bachelors with a first
  4. Don't get fucked by Brexit
  5. Cyber security penetration testing masters
  6. Finish learning Russian and polish
  7. Learn German and French
  8. Get job at GCHQ
  9. Get mad gains
  10. Become a fucking spy agent
  11. Feel cool
  12. Fail steps 8-11
  13. Become a regular penetration tester and get bare dosh
  14. Get admin on perp ennit
  1. ABB A Level
  2. 5 years medical school
  3. FY1/FY2
  4. ACCS
  5. Emergency medicine reg then consultant
Im not going to talk about grades and all that because I personally don't know what to expect. But future plants wise is that after I finish A-Level and 18 im going to go out with a few mates and get propa smashed and hopefully pick up a las on the way. After all the fun time I am hoping that job wise I will be able to get somewhere in the Police. Looking realistically that seems to be a bit far for me to catch atm but if that goes wrong I am hoping to also become a paramedic.
get unbanned on perp, get banned again, play rust, get unbanned on perp due to last chance, gets banned again.
  1. Actually do some revision.
  2. Sit WJEC :booty: A levels in a few weeks
  3. Hopefully get near predicted grades of AAB doing Maths, Physics and Business.
  4. Hopefully get my conventional offer from Cardiff to do either Accountancy or Physics. :wales:
  5. Happy days.
After I'm done with my school I might either

1 join The Danish Royal Navy

2 Become a Danish Police Officer
3 Become a
in the PLPD
4 Learn to code stuff & get better at drawing on computer

5 Become a Firearms Instructor for the Danish Police or Army
6 Get some good grades "good grades in english yes yes :3"
7 Planing on maybe moving to the USA (but the Idea is currently in my box with the Label "Delta's Stupid Ideas")
8 Getting a 2011 CVPI, Chevrolet Tahoe 2017, Ford Mustang 2014, or an 2014-15ish Dodge Charger when I'm older
9 Lose some weight
10 and last but not least be happy for the person I'm!
1 Get some good results in my upcoming exams

2 Sign contract with DR(Next month)

3 Start making good dosh

4 Go to college

5 Learn shit, spit it out at exams, forget it the minute I walk out the door.

6 Get hired more full-time(ish), more dosh.

7 Idk, somethingsomethingsomething.

Gonna take my paramedic exam in about 1.5 years. Furthermore I want to get the Dept. of Education to finally let me leave school early in order to study astrophysics and -dynamics. If that doesnt work I'll just do it the normal way, get my A-levels in 2 years, maybe work for a year with the local fire departement and then study astrophysics and -dynamics.

Finish transferring from and EMT to an Intermediate and go to college to become a pilot. Hopefully I can get a job as a hospital helicopter pilot.
I have a Plan A and Plan B even though they are basically the same job but one has more stuff involved with it.

Plan A

1. Finish secondary school and go to MBO.
2. Finish MBO and go to HBO.
3. Sign up for Technical Support Officer in how the Dutch call it 'Defensie'
4. Start a family :)
5. Get my eyes lasered as I have a whopping L+6.5 and R+7.5, I can't see shit without my contacts.
6. When I am about 35 years old they want me to quit (they need young people).
7. Try to get a job at Schiphol Airport as Airplane Technician and I hope to do that until I am an old man.
8. Die happy.

Plan B

If everything fails I'll just join the army and schoot some ISIS members.

If you haven't noticed already I like the army. I did my entire life but then I noticed how much I liked repairing cars, using computers, making miniature planes, break the made planes, fix the broken planes, basically repair anything that has to do with moving and engines etc. (not crippled people) I really found out what I like and I will use it in my future, I'd rather do something I like and get paid almost nothing than I'd do something I don't like doing and get paid shit tons.

What I am trying to say is that you should follow your dreams, or at least try. Do something you love doing, even if it is hard to do. Never stop trying, you stop once you've reached the top of the mountain.

Edit 1:

I might even try to get into the KCT. The Dutch Special Forces.
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Currently a week away from finishing my first year of Uni doing History & Politics at University of Westminster.

Hopefully going to do a year abroad in my second year to either Sydney,Malta or Frankfurt. Once I finish uni, I'll be enrolled onto a fast track scheme with the Civil Service in the Foreign and Commonwealth office. From here they attach you as a assistant to an assistant (if that makes sense) to a consulate or embassy anywhere in the world.

As I'll be new, they're likely to stick you somewhere shitty like Nigeria or Pakistan for a few years.

Ultimate goal would be permanent secretary to the foreign office :booty:
Join some albanian dudes, move to albania, make drugs, get rich, buy premium for ever and sell premium in-game. Then I would buy every org and create a dinkeroni army and make them all PVP gods like me (xd). Then, with all my money from selling premium I would buy all the cars in-game and upgrade them and then yell how everyone's car is shit and that they should type 'quitsmoking' in console.

Or get a job as a robotics engineer and make a good living out of it, but, you never know!