Why aren't you playing?

Why aren't you playing?

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Assuming you are referring to the "Paralake City Council", the next steps would've been (almost 2 years ago):
  • Electing a Speaker to run the meetings.
  • Electing two Deputy Speakers to deputise the Speaker.
  • Recruiting Council Clerks to help proofread motions.
all of which has not happened (after the referendum in which direct-democracy was to be implemented). No information followed and everything was set on a stand-still by the initiator.
Considering the simplicity, today I would prefer the parliamentary system to come back (with a minimum of 14 seats, preferably 20). However, this would require our coder, responsible for this, to do something about it (@TinySlayer)
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Why I am not playing?

Almost all new players I bring along quit within the day, overcomplicating things, changing things which don't need a change, blaming the community for their decisions while not listening to them, time invested into the game is too much (Weapons leveling is retarded as described by all my friends who left within the day)
Honestly, (even though I might've been active recently) I just have the feeling there is nothing really to do. When I'm on the server, I either go on duty as police officer or I spread national-socialist propaganda and/or try to win the mayoral election to turn Paralake into an Empire. However, last point only makes fun if there are enough people on the server.

Furthermore, the current mayor role has become painfully restricting. Recently, many ways the mayor was able to do politics were removed, such as changing the number of officers who can go on duty. Right now you can only change taxes and higher or slightly lower the other job limits, none of which is extremely influential (with exception of sales tax of course, with which it is only possible to have a little fun as mayor).
How can we fix this? Well, I do and do not think that we should give the mayor abilities to pass laws (for which it would make sense to create a constitution) and give them more space in terms of rules when it comes to behaviour towards institutions or people. But what should happen is that the role of the mayor should be shifted towards the City Council once it gets reimplemented in its parliamentary form with more councillors (for more see below)
The PLPD should not be the real "head of state" of Paralake.

One thing many people would agree was fun and populating the server was the Paralake City Council or the idea of it.

Ever since November 2017, it has become a stand-still as no information followed, how everything shall proceed after the referendum making the City Council direct-democratic.
I'm honest, I also have voted for a direct-democracy. But rethinking (also rethinking the current server population), it would be more fun and populating to reimplement the parliamentary system, but as we've learned not with 7 councillors, but with at least 15 or why not 20? This would not just higher the number of active councillors but also would encourage people to establish parties and populate the debates.
This would also remove the PLPD power monopoly and give the Council (and therefore the people) some power.

Therefore I ask the developers behind this, (@TinySlayer), it almost has been 2 years since anything happened with the Paralake City Council, please reimplement the Paralake City Council in its parliamentary form with around 15-20 councillors, it would be one major but also small (in terms of development and in comparison to things like the solar system or weapons updates) change that would bring some fun in the Server.


One last thing, please, please, please look into more legal opportunities to earn money. It would bring something new and refreshing to the server and possibly would gain more new players as that would be something that would set us apart from DarkRP servers and also would be a way of getting money without risking to get your door blown up from the PD or a criminal organisation.
The hammer editor is a pain in the ass to learn, on top of that, when you first launch hammer in the gmod category you have to add css textures manually, and there was little to no info that i could find on doing that.
But once you do get past that point, you're pretty much free to do whatever you can. I'd do it myself, but I've only ever learned like 50% of the thing, and that percentage is mostly just creating a basic map.
Hammer is quite easy to learn, it just gets harder once you hit the limits or want to do something really complex, optimisation is also something you need to teach yourself but tbh it's just a bunch of nodraw textures and areaportals
-Ban lengths are too long, we complain about a dying playerbase yet it's the selection of ban lengths that dissuades people returning to the server once their ban expires

-Stupid unnecessary updates, I understand you've put a lot of time and work into some of the recent updates but really, none of us asked for them (see; license plate update, cool yes, but needed to save the playerbase? No. Or even, sun and moon cycle; I don't ever even look at the fucking sky unless I see it in the corner of my vision or through r_3dsky 0.)

-Biased things, people don't like it at all, some people may see these biased actions (see; anything in the PD that follows 'role fairness and equality' or whatever the bollocks) and feel that the PD doesn't want to see their progress, and only wants to see their friends pushed through the ranks, so they give up and leave.

-Similar to the other point, lack of desired and requested content updates, it's all well and good that we've got a post about this but isn't this the 2nd thread that's been brought up about what the community wants? And since then we've recieved updates no-one asked for, and seemingly no progress has been made (to my knowledge) about the things that were spoken about in the last thread.

I think one of the best ways to excite people about new updates is to stop calling them "coming soon coolio updato", and actually give us a roadmap of what you're developing, it gives us named things to look forward to, and maybe even an ETA on these updates to! Secrecy is fucking annoying!

(also a chunk of the community is leaving to play NaziRP, i don't personally enjoy it but i can see the fun some other people have in it; see @Husky @Samuel @Hendricks.)
Who taught you? I sure as fuck had essentially no help, even asked XQ, and he was very vague. I know what a map consists of and how to build one, it's just all the technical shit that happens behind it that I can't get my head around.
There is no communication between the server owners and the community.
I have no clue if anything is being worked on, and what their intentions are and also which way they wish to bring the community, there is also no roadmap.

Because if we knew any of this, we'd know whether or not we should continue spending our time here, or if we should move on.
I for one have burned out completely, there isn't a thing that I haven't or have done on perp that appears appealing to me for me to get on again. The only thing I can't predict is when I'm on duty, and even then that's barely since I'm dead half the time.

I would love some rpg styled system where we could gain resources and use them to create raw materials to either sell to shops or other players. Maybe a job that involves transporting said materials from point A to point B, and when nobody is in the job position the materials would transfer slowly to feed the system, and the job being there purely for the interaction if they wanted to, etc.
it'd be nice to see if the server owners could actually reply to the thread instead of going through senior administration staff. I'd actually like to know what they personally have to say about some of the statements made in this thread!
I'd actually prefer that Fredy roast everyone with a side of information instead of letting his volunteer slaves do it for him, cause it clearly isn't working this way.
the property name idea is terrible. no idea if thats been changed for better server performance?
if it has, then atleast make it so we can see what properties are owned at the bank.

revert the recoil change.

nerf the remis damage.

make perp less grindy.
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