Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

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Leeds, England.
Hey guys,

I'd first off like to thank everybody for their responses, we have had some really constructive feedback, this has helped us understand the exact issues that need the most attention in the community. The survey which I attatched to this thread had these results:

Do you believe that gun prices should be lowered?

YES - 65.1%
NO - 34.9%

This specific issue has proven to be something which many members of the community feel strongly about. For the past couple of years, material prices have continued to rise on the server. We understand that this can take a lot of fun out of the gamemode, higher prices equal a bigger loss, with PERPHeads being a relatively fast-paced gamemode, this seemingly has deterred some players from taking part in criminial activities generally.

We plan to generally decrease material prices to a fair point where losing a firearm will not be as big of a loss to a player. We will experiment with material prices over time, and attempt to find a way which will work well with the economy and the gamemode generally. We will attempt to further balance materials with the introduction of activites such as mining.

What needs the most attention in terms of development?

MAP - 14%
OTHER - 25.5%

Legal Opportunities
We have had a lot of ideas floating about in regards to this issue - In the near future we plan on adding more opportunities such as mining, this would allow for players to go to a designated area of the map (such as stongehenge) and mine for specific ores, there would then be a way to smelt these ores & use/sell them for a profit. Other ideas such as wood cutting and farming have also been talked about, we will be speaking more about this in the near future, and will attempt to introduce more legal opportunities into the gamemode. A lack of things to do are evidently making the gamemode extremely stagnant, therefore this will certainly be addressed.


Marksmanship changes
Marksmanship is a relatively complex way of dealing with firearms, many attributes of guns change based on how high your skill level is for that specific marksmanship category. It's clear that this is causing a huge divide between new and old players, the grind to achieve the highest levels can be tedious and costly for players.

We plan on experimenting with marksmanship, many ideas are floating around, but it is likely that we will attempt to remove this specific feature entirely (whilst balancing guns to a point where they are not unusuable yet equally aren't lasers). The important fact about this change will be that everybody is on the same level playing field, regardless of their playtime, or how much money they have acquired.


I have briefly talked about this point - Paralake is a great map and we have @xquality to thank for this, but many of us have been playing it for years and roaming the same mundane streets can get tiring. I personally will be taking lead of the planning and development of a new map for the server, along with other willing participants who wish to be involved in the development process. In the meantime we will be switching between maps we have previously used on the server, as voted for in this poll.


Resources for new players
I've talked about a help resource previously and have personally failed to deliver, however I can assure you that a straight forward wiki-style resource for new players will be introduced early next year. Other improvements in terms of in-game mechanics will also be addressed. Including: making drugs for newer players simpler, protecting newer players from more experienced ones and other quality of life updates for our less experienced members.


Next year will be full of great new updates, before that, we will also be hopefully seeing the long-awaited organsation update coming from @Fredy - Many brilliant features will be worked and and pumped out in 2020, we will be focusing heavily on retaining your interest for longer periods of time, introducing an overhaul of the most prominent aspects of the gamemode generally.

Other issues
I personally will not be addressing anything that does not involve development. You have all voiced concerns regarding things such as: communication from the staff team, complexity regarding the PD, concerns regarding punishments, rule enforcement, encouragement of roleplay etc. I will ensure that all of these issues are fed back to Senior Administration and are taken seriously.

I hope this is somewhat of a start in terms of communication, I'd like to thank you all again for your engagement with us and it's brilliant to see the recent surge of players following @Bolli's Evocity update. If you have any other Ideas/Suggestions, I will be going through them all when I begin development after Christmas is over.

Thank you!
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