An open discussion about the quality of roleplay

Will the formation of a board of police supervisors help to improve the quality of police RP?

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Hello PERPHeads,
As i'm sure you all know, I love going cop. I think the RP opportunities are simply second to none and a lot of the supervisors (regular cops less so) are some of the best RPrs the community has to offer.
However, we all know that PERP is essentially a game of cops and robbers, and the cops don't stand a chance. It's fine saying "police suck git gud noob" but that doesn't change anything. All too often we see those who sweat out drug growing just racing around in their cars until they get cops to chase them. Obviously, a dodge charger has limited chances against a bugatti(@Garo.k @Andoyan) or a P1 (@Standish) and it's rare that those driving them ever actually engage in some roleplay simply because they know their car can fly off at light speed back to their base.
So, what I am asking you, the community, is the following;
  1. Do you think there is an issue of balance between the police force and those who chose to roleplay as criminals?
  2. What can the police force do to improve(I'm sure @Jordan and the board will take notice once formed)?
  3. In your time in the community, has the quality of roleplay overall improved?
As the title says, this is an open discussion so please be respectful of the views of others and make sure you stick to the forum rules (i know i am a fat hypocrite).
If you could also respond to the poll attached to this thread about the formation of the board of supervisors that would be great. I'm interested to see what you think having a board will do.
Police officers have many advantages when it comes to stopping criminals. They can request a warrant to force entry, work in groups to stop a perpetrator and use equipment which is merely impossible to get otherwise. They also have more advanced ways of communication; such as radio and trusty panic buttons.
Criminals also have advantages. They get a wide variety of weapons which differ from police. They also have cars which can reach immense speeds; however this comes to a disadvantages as finding places to hide are very limited.
I think everything is balanced out well enough considering that Officers have much more advanced equipment than Criminals or Civillians; whereas Criminals have a wide array of weapons and higher powered weapons against Police Officers.
What I hope to see from the board, is that they'll be able to help in effectively picking good leaders for the police. Whilst there's only a handful of two of supervisors, I feel they are not respected or taken seriously. I've witnessed on many occasions people ignore sergeants and LT's orders,for reasons unknown. Now I've always been cop. Ever since evo city I've roleplayed as police. I think the thing is, because it's so appealing, many new and less rp experienced players join police first. What I'd like to see,is the police get a non Op upgrade to be equal to criminals. I would also like to see some sort of emphasis on passive rp. It's great fun and I enjoy doing it,but others don't because you get no real profit. Overall though. Do quality has improved since I first clicked connect to server in 2013.
There's some imbalance when it comes to cops vs criminals, though not as much as some people would have you think. Cops have many advantages, armour, comms, medics to heal and revive them. Criminals have the faster cars and the better weapons, they can also build their bases to hinder police raids. So equipment-wise, it's not that imbalanced. I wouldn't mind seeing another Police Interceptor slot added for traffic officer to help in car chases but aside from that everything is good. The imbalance comes when the server's lack of PassiveRP means that it's all out cops vs criminals, and when large orgs ally with each other they can easily overwhelm the cops with the element of surprise. For example the people basing at Hungries lately have had a lot of clashes with the cops, and their base is not easy to raid as there tend to be 10 or more people basing there, all training Ak47s and Remingtons at the only door to the building, spraying any cop unfortunate enough to enter. The cops are therefore forced to sit outside the base taking potshots at the basers through windows and doors, whittling them down 1 by 1, which works eventually save for the fact that the basers just call in another organisation, which then attacks the cops from behind and above, completely destroying them.

TL;DR When half the server teams up against the cops they don't stand a chance.