Dream job

I would advise against applying for med school late, if you enter the work force your chances of getting accepting into med school for your MD are slim, just due to how competitive it is, also if you get accepted know 100% prior to acceptance what you want to study.
ye maths is one of my strongest points, just comes naturally to me
As a kid i wanted to be a police officer but i get a gut feeling its going to be a really difficult and i wont be able to be a decent officer. What makes me feel this way is because of how most of U.S citizens tend to fight the law rather than appreciate the work and i just cant seem to break that barrier of confidence to have the balls to be the law. My second option was possibly being EMS i do love how their work is done and the respect they get and deserve. Overall i love helping people in any way so maybe ill look into EMS :)
Enforcer @ayjay ツ
Appreciation for LEOs has pummeled even in Austria but I love my job and I would never trade it for anything else. You should follow your dreams and let people see how they CAN trust the law. Don't let action of some fools give up your dreams.
cmon g don't be a fed, and also you don't want to get shot, just come to the UK if you want to be a fed, less chance of getting shot or killed.
AI writing code is the most retarded thing i have ever heard. You would always have to tell the AI what to code, check the code for mistakes and introduce the AI to new systems, languages or standards. I will never ever see that work.
EDIT: I only found some articles on small, almost fake news like websites that have a million ads. I found some open source code which were just long lists of if this then do that. Where did you ever hear about this