Deleted member 1235
For everyone here, we all had that first game or first experience that eventually got us into gaming. I'm curious to know what everyone's first (or earliest memory) gaming experience was.
For me I can boil it down to two things. In 2002/2003 I remember playing a Lego pizza delivery game on floppy disc and school. In afterschool club they had a PS1 with a racing game that me and my twin would always play (literally just go in circles).
We told my grandma about this and she showed us her mega drive she got herself back when She retired in the 1990's (she's 84 now but can still play sonic). After this me and my twin brother were hooked on video games.
My elder brother already had a PS1, and we would watch him play Dino crisis or resident evil 1 (which I was too scared to play lol)
Come Christmas 2003, my dad got us a PS2, which came with: Half life 1, cel damage override, road trip, and crash bandicute (I think). For the next 10 or so years we did what everyone did and purchase 100s of ps2 games. Such as conflict desert storm, all the gta games, Star Wars battlefront 1 and 2.
Then in around 2008 with the launch of GTA 4 my eldest brother purchased a Xbox 360 (we never owned a original Xbox) along with GTA. This collection lasted until 2012, where my parents got me and my twin our first gaming PC.
And since then it's been glorious
along with and Xbox one and PS4.
However now I'm grown up I never have the time or money to play video games anymore.
Oh and throw in some runescape and habbo (where the real rp happened). I was there when they started the afro man in the pool thing but left before more came
I played video games now I don't
For me I can boil it down to two things. In 2002/2003 I remember playing a Lego pizza delivery game on floppy disc and school. In afterschool club they had a PS1 with a racing game that me and my twin would always play (literally just go in circles).
We told my grandma about this and she showed us her mega drive she got herself back when She retired in the 1990's (she's 84 now but can still play sonic). After this me and my twin brother were hooked on video games.
My elder brother already had a PS1, and we would watch him play Dino crisis or resident evil 1 (which I was too scared to play lol)
Come Christmas 2003, my dad got us a PS2, which came with: Half life 1, cel damage override, road trip, and crash bandicute (I think). For the next 10 or so years we did what everyone did and purchase 100s of ps2 games. Such as conflict desert storm, all the gta games, Star Wars battlefront 1 and 2.
Then in around 2008 with the launch of GTA 4 my eldest brother purchased a Xbox 360 (we never owned a original Xbox) along with GTA. This collection lasted until 2012, where my parents got me and my twin our first gaming PC.
And since then it's been glorious

However now I'm grown up I never have the time or money to play video games anymore.
Oh and throw in some runescape and habbo (where the real rp happened). I was there when they started the afro man in the pool thing but left before more came
I played video games now I don't