How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

should we bring back the old PD?

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Thank you Husky Führer for informing us what a GRUELING process it is to get into TFU. <3
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United Kingdom
2 things

PD handpicking TFU members to decide who is TFU and who isn't because they only want good people is okay but as soon as organizations do this its classed as "elitism" and not fair. big XD.

Second, my dear friend @JER clearly showed a major flaw in the PD, once a man on a mission to get SO, this madman got almost a dozen ORs within a couple of weeks. Yet his promotion was handicapped due to incompotent staff sergeants that were super inactive. The problem was later fixed, but the motivation of my very friend was lost as he sat in despair as sorle the monkey beat him to senior officer.

My point is that theres so many stupid ranks and roles now, all subject to being biased to certain members, or holding such power while not even being active that it just ruins the point. The PD was okay back in 2016 with the plpd online thing but the new ranks like staff sgt, major shit like TFU and RTU. Honestly what is the point, Im trying to play a game not apply for a real job with my perpheads CV. Ruined the fun in the server for me.
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I'm not much of a fan of the section system either, maybe I'm biased but back when patrol/traffic command would just meet weekly and promote people based on observation reports was simpler and more effective. Now even Sergeant has to be applied for and you have to take a lead role in a section.
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South Wales, United Kingdom
You say your trying to play a game and granted that is fair we are all here to play, but this server is a "Serious RP" server which means it's aim is to seriously imitate the real world which means we need a realistic pd with realistic ranks that's just plain and simple. I loved the old system too but I will choose this system over that system any day as it constantly gives me something to work towards.
When you say "what is the point" the point is we are trying to imitate a real life environment and a real life police department. Now I don't disagree with you entirely I would like to see some changes to certain things, but I will never go back to the old system where you had supervisors who didn't know what the hell they were doing or couldn't show any leadership qualities.
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United Kingdom

I must say, either our definitions of enjoyable don't match up or we're not playing the same gamemode.

You act as if this PD system is perfect and that everything is fair. The truth is, it isn't. I'm not out here to expose the PD like some Illuminati conspiracy, but it's plain obvious that certain members are subject to bias both in the past and recently. It takes away the fun when you wanna get a high rank but you know someone with a higher role has a grudge against you and will do anything they can to fuck you over, that is exactly what I mean. Not enjoyable at all, no thanks.
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It seems like your main issue is progression, or the lack thereof, and I agree to an extent that it's become a lot harder. Are you speaking from personal experience or in general though?

You're never going to have an unbiased PD in the same way you'll never have an unbiased staff team. Reputation is everything and if you have a bad one with the wrong people then sometimes it seems like there's nothing you can do which really sucks.
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South Wales, United Kingdom
I never said the PD was perfect, there are most certainly things I would see changed, but its not so bad that I would see it removed in place of the old system. I'm not having a go at you or anything, but this is how I see it. In terms of being enjoyable I do enjoy working in the pd as it is, having all those ranks gives me something to work towards and what keeps me motivated, back when it was just lieutenant and sergeant it made absolutely no sense the recruitment to it was so easy to pass and to go back to that system would simply be terrible.
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United Kingdom
Never said the current system is atrocious either, just flawed. They decided to add way more positions and ranks than necessary because everyone and their mother wanted an important position in the PD but they simply couldn't get it. It was perfectly fine having a command team of 2-3 for each division. Now with more ranks and positions, there's greater liabilities as seen with the over complication in promoting people simply because the patrol command team used their inactivity as an excuse to implement a system where they don't even have to really be active anymore in order to promote people.
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South Wales, United Kingdom
I'm obviously opposed to this topic and I will try explain why in most civilised way that I can.

Bringing back the old SWAT System has already been explained by Aquaa and is likely never to happen, however my two cents on the matter is simply no. The current TFU are better as they have undergone a tough process and training period in which to become that role and actually know how to handle the situations they find themselves in, Old SWAT half of the time would not have a glue of how actual police tactics work and would often run into gunfights with no comprehension of public safety or the safety of officers, on the odd occasion you would have a decent bunch of swat officers but that was rare.

The current rank system. Obviously, changing it back to the old LT&Sgt system is something that I would not want to happen and simply because the system we have in place now is good, it keeps me motivated to come on and work towards the higher ranks of the police department. Back in the old system I was very unmotivated to actually come on duty cause you would get LT/Sgt and that was it you were a supervisor, additionally the recruitment to become a supervisor was extremely easy and you had people who were on duty as lieutenant who couldn't lead and was a terrible leader, now the supervisors within the PD are competent enough that if you called them to a supervisor call you can confidently be reassured that they will make the right decision.

The server is aimed to imitate Real life which unfortunately means we need a serious police department which I feel despite some things that need to be ironed out we're doing a good job at that. If we went back to the old system though it would literally go back to how it used to be and that being quite honest with you would be the point where I would leave the community because that will just undermine everything people have worked hard to create and we will be left with police officers who are terrible at their jobs. Having the ranks of the department to work to climb up is what keeps me here and what keeps me motivated and if that was removed that would go. I also know that if we were to revert back to the old system it would be like before where trolls would join the PD and start shooting people for no reason which NEVER happens with this new system and if it does they are quickly ironed out.

Now, there is the flip side of the coin where yes there are things that could be changed I'm not doubting that, the pd is not perfect, but a lot of things are rarely perfect and we can only try and improve it. I agree that it can be extremely hard to get to the higher ranks of the department, is that down to biased? I don't know, but it is hard which yes can sometimes be fair since you don't want someone incompetent and unprofessional leading the department or leading a unit, but these are things that can always be improved.

Finally, I noticed a mention of "should staff be allowed to have ranks in the pd"? I honestly believe that TinySlayer who is senior administrator and Deputy Chief of Department does an amazing job at balancing the two positions he holds within this community and that is evident from everything he does from pushing out updates for the server and helping maintain the department. However, I do believe that if someone is a part of the staff team (Moderator+) then they should not be allowed to obtain a rank higher than sergeant. In terms of senior administration I feel they should act as a liaison for the organisation instead of holding a senior position such as lieutenant, captain, major and even chiefs and allow users of this community the opportunity in these roles instead. The reason I say this is so that senior administration can still oversee the departments progress and act as a liaison for the community, but dedicate their time to their roles as senior administrators and allow a chief of department or captain or lieutenant to focus on their roles within the department which will in turn grant more activity to the senior ranks of the department.

The above is just a simple idea and me trying to balance a little more, do I feel that it should be implemented? honestly I don't know cause anyone currently who is in the staff team are somehow managing decent activity and maintaining the roles within the staff team so why change something that appears to work.

This is my opinion on the topic and I hope that those who are opposed to me can understand where I'm coming from as a long standing member of this police department even dating back to the old system and I'm sorry to say but I would not ever want to see that system returned.
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Berlin, Germany
@MAGE Command teams are 2-3 members already, in fact they had gotten smaller up until recently. Dispatch, for instance, was once a 3 man team but got reduced to a one man operation for a long time until Kile was moved to it. PS is a one man command team and headed by someone who is also the Head of Traffic.

Line Managers have been a thing for ages now too, except Line Managers used to be Captains but are now Majors