My critiques of PLPD and PLPD online.

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Great Britain
I don't really know what the point of this is, like you said it's been posted about a lot and in every post the points you've made here have been highlighted. I don't really know what the actual solution to the problem is cus there's always gonna be kids on the internet who like to think they're actual police officers. I don't agree with your 'solution' though, you're suggesting someone can just pay and get a rank in PD that takes months to get to and rightfully so because tfu are trusted with lots of firepower and just imagine what could happen if someone yoinked their mums credit card and got trigger happy. That's why it's hard to get to that rank in the first place cause its alot of trust. You're kinda just repeating already dismissed ideas.
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Zagreb, Croatia
The PLPD much like the community has degenerated a lot since it's inception in 2016. The first major problem IMO was the unbalance in the ranks since, instead of it looking like a pyramid it looked like a fucking parallelogram since there were more higher ranks then regular cops. In addition the cops today literally make no fucking effort to even try and RP. In a nutshell: any cop after 2016 can't police, all they know is TFU, dodge charger, automatic weapons, aggro at harmless crooks, not obey gunpoint or respect their lives and die.

I would also like to add that IA were a bunch of, in the words of black gentlemen, 'stank ass hoes' that were almost as incompetent as sweatercops when it came to dealing with complaints. What's that officer Grant? You were shot several times by a crook while transporting a criminal and gunned him down as he was running away? Too bad, he wasn't a threat to you anymore so thats a strike for you. Because nobody cares for officer Grant who is working a dead end job as a senior officer as long as Deputy Chief Captain Grand Marshal Major General McButfuckingson was getting promotions like my friends give each other discord ranks, even though that officer is doing a harder, and often at times better job.

My little 13 year old johnson used to get rock hard when I managed to capture a wanted criminal by following leads I collected on my own, nowadays cops are too busy fucking dying in bazzaar for the 128th time in a day to even do that. You can literally fucking stab someone to death or break several road laws infront of them and they'll just ignore it or be like 'olroight, whats all this then?' not before fucking dying cuz they're uncoordinated, despite having tactical advantage in every situation.
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I think a mayor flaw in this community is how it went from an okay roleplay server to simple cops versus robbers. And one of the most contributing factors of this, in my opinion, is the modern version of the PLPD. The introduction of big boy clubs like TFU and gestapo clubs like Internal Affairs has caused two clashes, which is what i think caused the chain reaction of reduced roleplay and escelated deathmatch.

The rules of the old Paralake Police department where quite simple, if i recall correctly? It had, lots, of freedom. It allowed for people to create certain subdevisions. I'm not saying that that's fully prohibit right now, but with the full application system having taken over the roleplay aspect of that i've barely seen any of it like it used to be.

The second thing is the whole big boy club thing. The PLPD exists solely on a exclusive, big boy club system. So you have the two 'teams', right; Criminals, and the police. The cops know the moment they do anything they get gatted down because the criminals know they are going to expect 6 TFU members, and the criminals are aggresive because tapping a single cop has few consequences, but getting 10 cops and 6 TFU on their ass for shooting a raider has led to such a tension between these two the smallest amount of friction implodes the fucking planet. It's a tightly bound-together magnet and the smallest tremor makes them spasm out.

Another thing that sprung to mind is the whole IA thing; which attaches to the second point. You rimlick your ass off to get to a certain point in the PD and for the smallest reason you could risk your progress to the big boy leagues! ohh, forgot the shotty on your back? apply for TFU next month! What's that you called a suspect a dickhead for trying to kill you woops there goes your dna scanner privilege. Not play for a single month, goodbye 3 years of dedication l8r bitch.

In Ye olde days anyone who applied for it and was not a complete retard could become a supervisor.

this, in my opinion lowered the entry bar for dedicated roleplayers. Everone had the opportunity of having a say, be in charge without dedicating themselfs 6 months into it while every org threatens you with IA complaints for the antfuckeriest reasons you can imagine. Like jesus dude i was 12 years old and got in on first try while having the shittiest english you can imagine and a voice.

Yes it's a roleplay server, that doesn't mean you need to roleplay getting a degree in criminology and a full seal team six training course to rp as a cop and get some fun aswell. I think having better roleplay opportunities for everyone(One rank; a committee chosen by these players are the higher command can judge on major gameplay altercations, official divisions, stuff like that) would in my eyes be a more simpler system. That way, you can keep too!

The test week wasn't fair and neither was the vote. You stripped all policies and people were activitely out purely to ruin the test. Nobody was punished. Staff gave absolutely no fucks.
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Trying to prove a point of the system not working, by intentionally not making it work. The only person that I saw once threaten anyone with a punishment during the test period was @Samuel. Every other staff just joined into the chaos, even saying "no policies, now laws lol".

Also regular supervisors or even as high as captains were dicking about and it showed that without a handbook or rules, they don't know what's right or wrong.

The test period was a massive flop. Everyone was sergeant, there were no supervisor rank, so everyone just went (like me): "Fuck off, we're the same rank". It's still different if there's a VIP SGT, LT since they are the highest ranks at the time. Even if bad, they can still organise stuff.
Also staff no enforcing any rules on officers was pathetic. And everyone starting a fight outside of PD was also bad as well.
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I understand where you are coming from @Scatman John with how to PD has changed and seems more aids than ever however the community voted for Minor Changes and those will stay. At the end of the day, Supervisors understand if you're having a bit of fun, but sometimes that 'FUN' turns to aids for other people and means that supervisors are left to pick up the pieces. Patrol have set up Training Sessions (Like Academy's) where everyone is welcome. These have been stopped for the time being until myself and @GamingPeach review on how we want to proceed. If you have any ideas then please do let myself or peach know either on the forums or on PLPD.Online/helpdesk.

Another note, Supervisors have been given a choice to issue reprimands or Training if it is (minor)Misconduct. However, for gross Misconduct, they have no choice. They have to make an Internal Affairs complaint, they can, however, choose if they wish to suspend said officer if they feel they may do it again and be a "Safeguarding" issue.

Of course, the PD Is open to ideas, but Ideas such are "REVERT IT BACK!!" have been tried and failed. I know a lot of you will start saying "That's because people who wanted it to stay minged around!!!" That is partly true, however, people who thought it'd be a good idea then changed their minds and didn't like it. We'd have Officers setting warrants for stupid reasons. Think how more aids it could have been/ would have been if we had reverted.
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>Community very upset about how the PLPD works
>They want a big change, get rid of PLPD entirely almost
>They vote for minor changes
>minor changes

community is a fucking disgrace.

Also context behind my post, I haven't been active on PERPheads since my service of doing something constructive with my life and I have been unaware of said "vote".
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If I’m the clown when you’re the one crying about teenagers being involved with a fucking garrys mod server then I’d rather be the clown than the fucking brainlet.
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Dear reader,

I understand there has been countless amounts of threads highlighting the failures of the PLPD, but I am hoping that we as a community can narrow it down into this single thread.
I will narrow the main issues down in a bullet point style beneath this paragraph to enable some form of discussion to form around these topics. Just click the spoiler boxes per critique I have.

My first critique is the "aggressive approach" that officers tend to adopt. What I imply by this is that they'd much rather be shooting and locking up would-be crims than actually starting any form of investigation. When PLPD online was in it's heyday back a few years ago, investigative roleplay was heavily encouraged by the more senior ranks, usually by Corporals and above. Members such as Prepper or Medulla or JustFedorable would be those who would actively encourage investigation into crime scenes.

More recently over the past three years, I have seen a significant decline of this form of investigation and instead as previously suggested, would rather shoot somebody and lock 'em up. This obviously makes people rather cross getting locked up for something they probably didn't do and gives people a bad view of the PLPD.

Another meaning behind what I meant by aggressive approach to policing is them actively seeking crime, even the most minor things such as jaywalking they will literally hunt you down for. Obviously, a man of my calibre would actively seek to evade such a nuisance police officer coming to harass me for not being street wise on a virtual online fictional synthetic environment emulating a city.

Let's say for example you've been raided, and you've shot a few raiders dead and a few run off. You call the police and they show up insisting they search the rest of your property and hey look, you've been growing drugs, so now you've been locked up. This too is supporting my "no investigative roleplay" argument.

I'm not sure if this is a PLPD issue, or just an issue with the community in general. Complaints are rife. As an ex-staff member, I received a lot of complaints from a group certain individuals, one of whom was a moderator and coincidentally a part of an organisation that boss had been very active during this time. You know who you are, and I admittedly was a very naughty boy but I was only having a laugh so the joke's on you at the end of the day you gigantic clown.

In the PLPD, I have noticed that if you do something or whatever, you should expect your PLPD online inbox to be flooded with complains about yourself or suspensions. No matter what you do, someone's going to complain. Why do they do this? You'd get complaints from fellow officers who witnessed you driving slightly odd due to out-of-character issues such as framerate issues, or for shooting a suspect one too many times? Or perhaps even using your car to run over a suspect.

As an officer, I have been called into the office so many times by a cocky teenager thinking he's superior than a fully grown man on the internet because he holds a virtual rank of a sergeant and insists that I refer him as such for him to end our little chat with "I'm making an infraction on you for that".

I was once in the internal affairs department a few years ago. I understand time has gone by and things may have changed, but seeing that I haven't touched IA, I assume things are still the same.

I was waiting to be trained up for dealing with complaints, and everytime we did one they seemed like they had no idea what to do and decided to just give out infractions left-right-and centre. Personally, I think that any PLPD infractions should be dealt by staff because they (sometimes) know what they're doing and have some sort of pride about it.

A solution for this problem would be to totally eliminate the PLPD from PERPheads and revert to the classic system with an LT, and two sergeants with a handful of regular officers, obviously implementing SWAT for VIP.

The PLPD is vastly overly complicated for the size of PERPheads, and obviously development is heavily focused in that area. I feel as if the points I have highlighted have contributed to the decline in players over the years as there's nothing more degrading than getting your roleplay twatted by a man-child.

The best course of action is to re-simplify the PLPD.
To the aggressive approach thing. I remember I shot some raiders down before and cops arrived, before I had called the cops. I tried to explain to them that I used my gun in self defence, the raiders but was even outside the door and was clearly a raider. Though they decided to take my gun.
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I try doing investigations but the only way to do them without getting 180 esported is to cuff everyone and when you cuff everyone people sit and make reports about fucking pRoLoNgEd dEtAiNmEnT