Logo by Dr. Jeffery Wellington: https://gyazo.com/02003625cf9cf6f10e140c0bd87c51a6

Last updated: 29/08/15
I would like to welcome all our new members, and thank the organisations that took it upon themselves to accept our ally requests. To those organisations, we want to make clear that Quality Street assistance is always just a call away.

Quality Street was founded on the 29th of August 2015 by Viktor Belinsky. With the state of Paralake's underworld in ruins at the time, the establishment of a new superpower was inevitable. With grit, determination, and a fully loaded AK-47, Quality Street set out to claim centre stage, and become Paralake's newest most feared organisation.

Our weapons are hand-crafted by our most skilled weapon smiths. We provide nothing less than the highest quality firearms, that are guaranteed to remove your unwanted.
Our stores, named: 'Quality Street Armaments' can be located all over Paralake. From our black-market stores in the slums apartments, to our open-front stores in the Bazaar and Business district.
Our open front stores are open to anyone within Paralake. From medical supplies, to Barret 50s, we have it all:
[Work in progress]
[Work in progress]
Our Black-market stores are secretive armament stores that are only open to our most loyal and trusted customers. To gain entry to the Black-market stores you must become a reputable and loyal customers of Quality Street Armaments. You will also find that the prices of our Black-market stores are considerably less than that of our Open-front stores. Due to our 'under the counter' selling methods.
Lining the shelves of our Black-market stores are the finest contraband in Paralake, as listed:
[Work in progress]
Lining the shelves of our Black-market stores are the finest contraband in Paralake, as listed:
[Work in progress]

Consigliere: The Godfather's right hand man, and a loyal member of the organisation. The Consigliere's main job is to ensure the protection and safety of the Godfather.
Underboss: It is the Underboss's job to physically maintain the organisation's stability, this includes: Attending meetings and so representing the organisation, carry out inter-organisation whackings, and advising the godfather.
Quartermaster: The Quartermasters job is to supply the organisation with weaponry, munitions, medical supplies, and general equipment. Quartermasters are permitted to open in-base stores, selling all equipment at crafting price plus 10% labour cost. To ensure Quality Street is constantly well armed and equipped.
Capo: It is the Capo's job to organise the Made-Men. To ensure they are following the organisation articles, and that the Made-Men are well protected.
Enforcer: The Enforcer's job is to ensure the organisation's articles are being upheld. When instructed by the Godfather, the Enforcer is responsible for the 'whacking' or problematic organisation members.
Made-Men: Made-Men are the lowest ranking members of Quality Street, they are free to do as they please so long as they follow the organisations articles.
Associates: Associates are not official members of Quality Street (They have not been Made). However they are affiliated with the organisation, and their activities. Associates work for the family by completing jobs, hoping to eventually gain access to the organisation. Once they are Made, they will be promoted to Made-Men, and officially accepted into the organisation.

If a member of Quality Street has a job, the job tittle will appear next to the members' name in the 'Current Member Position' section.
Base Constructer: It is the base constructers job ensure that Quality Streets properties are well defended against raids from either the PLPD or other criminal organisations. This includes the building of barricades by carefully selecting the right object with the right amount of ballistic resistance. For this job, you must own a large variety or defensive props, and have good knowledge of how to build a successful barricade.
Construction Manager: The Construction Manager's job is to over watch the Base Constructers, ensuring the base is fully secure and defendable. The Construction Manager will give directions of where to place the barricades, and what to use to build them. This job is usually obtained, by proving your worth as a Base Constructer, and therefore being promoted.
Hitman: A Quality Street Hitman's job is to take care of the 'unwanted'. Usually associated with the Enforcer rank, these assassins must put down those who stand in Quality Street's way. A Hitman will only take orders directly from both the Godfather and Underboss.. The Hitman must display skills of stealth, marksmanship, and combat/strategic intelligence. Hitmen are a small and elite group of the organisations most combat hardened members; This job, is an extremely difficult one to obtain.
[Work in progress]

- Viktor Belinsky
- Eddie Grey
- Jon Goddin
- Fredy Newman
- Jefferey Wellington
- George Wellington
- Kenneth Walker
- Lewis Doman
- Moher Moussy
- Richard Zharikov
- Tyrone Trevon
- Aaron Doman [Construction Manager]
- Gino Luchicizi
- Alex Shaw
- Amy Henderson
- Anna Griff
- Ayjay Harlem
- Ben Anderson
- Brian Husky
- Dalton Jefferson
- Ellena Belinsky
- Jack Noah
- Jay Henderson [Base Constructor]
- Lewis Robertson
- Mikhail Belinsky
- Nikita Belinsky
- Paul Matthews
- Robin Ljungberg
- Zayne Rashid
- Jack Kier
List organised by Underboss Jeffery Wellington.

To gain entry into the organisation, you must first prove yourself to be a competent and loyal criminal. To do this, you must first become an Associate. However, to become an associate you have to become known to the organisation (For good reasons) this could include assisting us in our criminal activities, such as raiding and defending. Once you become known to Quality Street, and we get to know you and trust you on a personal level, you will become an official Associate, and will be called up on to complete jobs. Eventually, you will be considered ready to officially join the organisation. An internal vote will be held, and if the results fall in your favour, you will be Made, and allowed official access into Quality Street.

Capo: Kenneth Walker
Members: Jack Noah, Lewis Robertson, Mikhail Belinsky
Doman's Bracket:
Capo: Lewis Doman
Enforcer: Aaron Doman
Members: Dalton Jefferson, Ayjay Harlem, Ellena Belinsky
Moussy's Bracket:
Capo: Moher Moussy
Members: Amy Arnolds, Jay Henderson
Trevon's Bracket:
Capo: Tyrone Trevon
Members: Paul Matthews, Alex Shaw
Zharikov's Bracket:
Capo: Richard Zharikov
Members: Brian Husky, Gino Luchizi

In any situation in which the godfather is unavailable. The Underboss(s) is to take full control of the organisation including the responsibilities of the godfather. Upon the return of the godfather, responsibilities and control are returned.
Article 2:
Unless an order has been given by the godfather, members within the organisation are under no circumstances allowed to cause harm to other Quality Street members. Breaking Article 2 will most likely lead to an imminent visit to the lake.
Article 3:
If an organisation, in any organisation relation status, causes damage to Quality Street they will become marked as hostile, the organisation should remain within the 'Enemy organisations' subsection of 'Organisation relations' for the rest of it's existence, even if non-aggression pacts are signed.
Article 4:
You must, under no circumstances break the rule of 'Omerta'. Simply, the code of silence. As in: do not cooperate with the police. And release no information of the organisation's activity to any government official.
"I know nothing, I didn't see anything, I wasn't there, and if I was there, I was asleep"
Article 5:
The act of mugging is strictly prohibited within Quality Street, doing so will, in most cases lead to a visit to the lake. However, during certain situations in which the organisation is at war the Godfather may allow mugging to take place, during these times only known enemies of Quality Street can be mugged.
Article 6:
In an event in which a Quality Street member is in need of assistance, choosing to respond is not optional. You must respond to calls of help from organisation members, this includes arriving armed. In some cases you may be unable to attend, this could be because (but not limited to): You need to protect your produce, or you at that point in time are also running from the police. However, in most cases you must respond.
Article 7:
To reduce injury and death, all Quality Street members are required to carry multiple bandages on their person at all times. Failing to follow this article, will clearly result death, via a severe loss of blood.
Article 8:
Quality Street members are under no circumstances to carry life alerts on their person. Also, house alarms may not be placed in Quality Street properties. Appeasing the PLPD is not the same thing as asking for their assistance. We can take care of our own problems, without PLPD intervention.

[Work in progress]

- Peter The Prophet
- Crimson Mafia
- Bug Mafia
- Narcos
- The Saints [Surrendered]
(This thread is purely information based, do not post applications. If you wish to join seek Quality Street members in-game)
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