Shay's Enforcer Application

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Steam Name: Shay

In-Game Name: Shay Shnider

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79638253

Age: 18

Country: Israel

Why do you want to be an enforcer:
My name is Shay Shnider, I am an 18-year-old guy from Israel.

After being a part of this community for over 2 years and a moderator for half a year I would like to be back.
There are several reasons why I am interested in becoming a staff member again, First, I see there is a lack of staff members(After many resigned), Recently there are only several staff members on which is very difficult for them to deal with so many people and reports, therefore I believe if I become a staff member again, I will be able to help.

The reason I resigned from Moderator a few months ago was losing interest in the server and getting bored, After taking a break and playing less, I feel I have motivation again and ready to return.

I have the required skills, abilities and qualities to perform this role properly, I am calm, professional when needed, have good leadership and communication skills and problem-solving skills, In addition, I have been a staff member for half a year, during that time, I dealt with various reports and gained experience and skills.
I enjoy playing in the server and want to contribute more as I used to.

Moreover, I am a part of the police department for nearly 2 years and currently holding the rank of LT of Internal Affairs and Ex-Head of IA where we deal with Complaints on police officers. This role is similar to being a staff member in several aspects, Both, Staff members and Investigators deal with various reports and use evidence before making a decision(Investigators use evidence and base on laws/policies and Staff members use logs and rules).
In conclusion, I am a very active member In-Game on weekends and in OOC(The forum), approachable, friendly and experienced.
Due to all this, I believe I would do a great job and help as a staff member.

Are you active on Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have anything else to say: Thanks for reading my application.

  1. Your time played on the server must be at least one week.
  2. No warnings within the last month or bans within the last 3 months, this includes both the forums and the server.
  3. You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them.
  4. You must have access to and use a microphone.
  5. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server
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Communication Banned
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United Kingdom
Even though i'm sure you was a good staff member, I remember having a big issue with you false banning me before and your knowledge of the rules was horrible. You had lied to me in a sit and it wasn't until I started getting everyone involved that you removed the ban. Even though this is a minor thing your knowledge of the rules were shocking and I was surprised that you lasted so long as staff no offence.

Story: @Shay walks into our apartment taking pictures of our drugs threatening to send em to "9 1 1 1" baiting people into a reaction where i react I pull him under gp and tell him to delete them where he disrespects me and starts pushing me under gp. He then says "I'm going to shoot his penis" which he was threatening my life, I then run out the apartment waiting for him to walk down with the m4 he got from storage as he chases me outside I kill him and I get banned. Even though this ban had been removed off my record it was stupid how in the sit you was lying to me saying you didn't threaten my life and if it wasn't for @Adrish n others and me getting the video where it proved you wrong I wouldn't of been unbanned because in the sit you didn't want to listen to a word I had to say all you wanted to do was say i'm going to be banned.

After this incident you was talking about resigning just because everyones opinion was going against yours which just shows you wasn't really ready for staff if you're gonna threaten to resign over peoples opinions going against yours, however times have changed and your knowledge of the rules may of gotten better and your stubbornness may of also gone so. I can't say what you're like in game so for me atm i'm gonna just say I won't be supporting this till I see that you have improved on the things such as being stubborn and knowledge of rules. I shall remain optimistic because you may of changed however at the same time you may not have.

EDIT: Shay has recently reached out to me to apologize for these actions, so this is a good step forward for him. As I said none of these actions should be used against him on his app, this was just my first experience with him and everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
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This incident happened around 3-4 months ago, It happened after a long day and I just wanted to have a laugh and some fun with a friend(thought I could have it with you since we were good friends).
I realised I made a big mistake banning you and went too far with trying to have fun.
After realising I have done a big mistake, I thought about resigning, It was not over other peoples opinion.
We are all human and make mistakes, I made a quite big one ,realised it shortly after and tried to fix it.
I have nothing else to do than to say sorry and admit I made a mistake.


Communication Banned
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United Kingdom
As stated above it was a while ago, however somethings never change with people. As I stated i'm currently banned so idk what you're like now. I'm going off past interactions with you. Tbh we was never really friends that was probably my first proper interaction with you which led a bad first impression. However you have had a few months to change so i'll give you the benefit of the doubt
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By my opinion I think he will be good staff member as he was in the past, He have the knowledge of the rules from the past experience.
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