Upcoming Server Update

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Added government radio names to the top right corner on the hud.
Hold on with automatic /mes! have to say something about panic button /me and about /mes in general.

First, I'm sure it is possible IRL to press the panic button on the radio while taking it and handing it over to the criminal gun-pointing you or while putting it on the ground. If you make it visible to everyone within 25 meters or so, it would be abused like "I saw you pressing the panic button" in situations when a criminal wouldn't be able to see it, thus possibly leading to admin situations and uploading more demos.
I can imagine me pressing the panic button while the criminal turns his back to me and him saying "I heard you pressing a button" because of the automatic /me action.

Second, the distance you see them from should be lower and it would be even better if it showed up only when you were looking in the general direction of players doing actions.
Accessories are now fixed and shouldn't do that weird floating thing they do now. It would seem as though some have wrong positions, but I'm not going to take the time right now to correct them all. So if you find a problem with yours or see someone else's as being wrong, please report it, include an image of the character which shows the accessory and their face clearly. I will fix it then and will be corrected quickly.

It seems females may have more of bad placements than males, I may have forgot to save when I was setting this up before V2 who knows.
Continuing on the accessory theme, they are attached to dead bodies so no more suddenly disappearing hats/glasses. Additionally they are shown on your character when you drive in third person mode. Next step if I feel over ambitious is to make it so you can color your accessories as to help make your character even more unique than you can already be. But I'm quite happy with how they are now, so that may take a backseat while more important features are updated/added.
To explain the animations Fredy said were added a little bit more in depth.
  • Sprinting actually looks like sprinting, it isn't perfect for two handed weapons in hand but it's better than what it is now, in my opinion.
  • Using voice or typing for chat now look the same, it simply makes your character's mouth move slightly up and down, again looks maybe a bit weird, but better than always having a clear sign when someone is typing as this lead to a lot of fail RP based on the hand to their ear.
  • While handcuffed is now shown in game, so the text above heads saying if handcuffed will probably be removed as a result. (This would look the same if someone were tied up instead of handcuffed if/when we add ropes for personal use)
  • When blinded by a flashbang your character will now cover his/her eyes (you don't see this in first person unfortunately)
  • If you're below half health, your character will hold his/her arm to their stomach as if in pain.
  • When talking on the government radio (via voice) your character will hold the radio to his/her mouth.
  • As mentioned previously /me have been added to numerous things, so now when you have your phone up, your character looks as if they are holding their phone (presently we don't have a phone attaching to the hand yet but that may come later)

More to come eventually as we get to it and find good ways to animate certain actions, or whatever the case may be (e.g.) hopefully we can find a way to make a decent limp cycle for broken legs.

If you can think of some other things that could potentially use some animation rather than having to always explain it via /me, get an idea thread going. One thing to note beforehand, these need to be things that shouldn't matter if played while moving. Such as putting a ticket on a car windshield has too many factors, such as car size and player location from the windshield. As well as it would require freezing the player as this action is performed, similar to that of when you use the "act" commands in console, as to prevent the action looking totally misplaced, so not sure of ones like that would be worth it. So keep your ideas realistic, and if someone already made an animation thread, please add onto that, don't make more than one.
This is absolutely Awesome! Especially the handcuffed animation!
This will hopefully bring a more realistic experience to the general roleplaying, especially when RPing as a cop.
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