Why aren't you playing?

Why aren't you playing?

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spend 30 mins in a base to pay for a rifle.

thats before the mags, ammo and attachments which exceeds 30 minutes to get a rifle in your hands.

then you've to spend how long as a resident sleeper to get your marksman in order to use it efficiently.

can you tell me where its not a grind coz thats grinding to me
the grind has always been a part of PERP and making it "less grindy" will make the server even worse
So seeing as Ayjay commited seppuku I figured I would have a go at starting a discussion about the result of the poll.

Starting off with a hefty 60 votes is Lack of actual roleplay, the most arbitrary option on the poll.


The majority will be referring to the loss of any meaningful roleplay in favour of mindless 'Cops and Robbers' gameplay. Where there used to be Org vs Org beef in Roleplay there are now kill montages. Staff suppress attempts to create passiveRP situations because it might cause trouble for them (See roadworks/roundabouts/fight clubs being removed by staff). There is no physical reward to encourage roleplay and the people who do try end up being mugged or made fun of. I don't have all the answers on how to fix this one, possibly some form of monthly prize for "Best Roleplayer"? Ingame cash or an unobtainable car might provide a good incentive. Staff should also try to encourage roleplay that deviates from the norm by actively working with players to ensure it runs smoothly instead of just erasing it from existence.

Next up with 47 votes is PD needs to be changed, the age old "PD Bad" argument.


The PD has recieved some good updates that have balanced gameplay by adding Light TFU and nerfing the SWAT Van. But there are still issues with the PD that are covered in this thread. The main concerns are that TFU is too exclusive, there is a lack of progression which frustrates members of the PD and there are accusations of nepotism and favouritism being thrown around. See Daymon's thread for all the juicy stuff.

Following that with 41 votes is More legal opportunities,


I'll pair this one up with More jobs need to be added with 30 votes.


More legal roleplay, jobs and moneymaking methods have been sought after for a long time. With the improvements to fishing there has been a large increase but players are still crying out for more. There have been many suggestions for activities such as mining (which could provide crafting materials) or farming (which could be done at farm or through legal use of planters in your home). Jobs that have been suggested in the past such as the City Worker have been deemed too excessive despite being a well thought out addition. Expansion of the current EMS jobs is also a popular demand as the firefighters and medics have been neglected as far as updates go. Additional activities for them such as stabilising casualties, extracting injured persons from wrecked vehicles; Updates to their vehicles such as new models, and HD skins; and updates to the structure, while it may not be necessary a VIP job such as Fire Chief or EMS Chief would be a nice addition. All of these have been pushed to the side in the past as being "Not needed", but fresh content like this is what keeps players playing whether it is necessary or not.

The final subject I'll cover is More criminal opportunities, with 30 votes.


Also a fairly popular one in the past, at the moment you can grow drugs, raid other players or rob the bank for money. What has been suggested for the longest time is the ability to rob the stores such as Jennifer's or one of the gas stations. These would obviously provide less money than a bank robbery but should come with less risk as it takes much less time, would be a good activity for newer players and a welcome change. Other activites such as being able to sell stolen vehicles might be interesting but require a bit of thought on what limits to put in place.

The remaining popular ones were Reverting the recoil and drug updates, people always don't like change so these were always going to get a decent following. I think it's too late to go back personally but we shall see.

It will be interesting to see whether or not we'll get a response from senior administration about this now that Ayjay died. Communication is important, as Pusheen covered above, people don't like secrecy. Tell people what is going on, discuss updates with them and gauge what the really want to get them excited again.
I am a victim of roadworks being removed, it was a very sad time in gamer history.
The grind is what makes perp fun, atleast you have something to do, but if you grinded too much and got everything you want theres nothing to do anymore and its boring which is why most people dont play much anymore, so imagine wanting to reduce the grind
Except all shotguns do the same damage and except for the sawed off, they all more or less have the same spread patterns? The benelli and spas 12 have only a slightly longer reload time and a nudge of a crafting price over the Remington yet they offer a lot more benefits? Aiming the remington is literally lining up the end tip of a sight with a literal rectangle that blocks most the sights, that is its "Balancing" factor. It's not even overpowered, People have just gotten used to it.
Gonna be 100% honest rn . I stopped playing because I got bored of all the "grow all day" vibe when playing. Growing is the best way to earn cash so everyone does it. I personally love passiveRP more but you won't really gain any money from it. If you only do passiveRP you're gonna deplete all the money you have. I just wish there was a way to earn a lot of cash by *enter passiverp scenario here* you know. And the players are far too focused on the growing part so no one will exit their bases for "passiverp" :pensive:
Hmmmmmmm I've been watching threads like this for my week forum ban wondering what I could say and try to be as constructive as I can but completely honest.

I am losing a lot of interest daily at this point on the server. Mainly due to the lack of organisations, raids and criminal roleplay. I blame a lot of things for this. I think the playerbase became way too tryhard after big organisations had to compete with the PD and the PD having to compete with big orgs. This meant orgs had to get better, zerg due to not wanting to lose anything. The big orgs are then way too powerful to compete with smaller orgs who now, leave the server, cop main or play a passive job. Players have cried for the past 2 years we needed more organisations, bases, raids but now I really think its too late. Police roleplay died for me when Jordan resigned, now it's all about ego's and tryharding. Want an example? Remember when after a raid you'd round up every gun and drugs, take a picture and ask a supervisor is it code 4 to confiscate? How great was that. Right? Made sure nobody could complain about confiscating with flankers and everyone was happy. Look at it now. After every suggestion I make, officers main priority is to confiacate guns as fast as they can. Remember when Officers put people in the holding cell, investigated suapects one by one before charging them. As much as we hated it, it was something to accept but now its arrest them for the maximum amount you can as quick as you can before someone jail breaks them. TFU made a massive problem for me. I'm all for unwhitelisting the PD but when there's 0 risk you should be limited on the guns you have. What I mean is TFU applicants should have been high standard officers like the first and second ever recruitment cyle with a limited number of slots. Giving low standard TFU the oppertunity to have an AR with 0 risk and have shootouts all day every day meant we had A LOT of players choosing to ONLY play as tfu. This means they have less reason to go off duty, be in an org where a good reason would be to use rifles if they weren't in TFU. I think we fucked the economy with the new drugs and when gun prices first increased. It seems like we lose a lot more due to how expensive guns are now regardless of how much more you get from drugs. If guns were cheaper and we still earned 36k an hour compared to the 56k profit you earn now. People would care a lot less about losing guns and encourage them to rp as criminals. Now every time you lose a rifle you think of it as -20k which is another 30 minutes of your life gone. Previously, you'd pay 1-2k for a berreta, a gun you would waste, youd try and mug with it, bait shootouts with people but all in all you'd create rp for the server. I still think Pistols, revolvers, shotguns need to be cheaper. Encourage people to base, raid and have org beef. It seems like you lose a lot more because you don't realise how much you can make an hour, so a lot of people have given up after being raided once, twice ect and lost everything. The lack of innovation leading this server is unbearable. People work on a moon for a moonth with 2 years of players suggestions that kept the server just being ignored. Its been so obvious how bad the number of orgs and criminal rp has been for 2 years with so many suggestions to improve it being ignored. Something as simple as competitions for orgs with a cash prize or even monthly "Roleplay Acknowledgement" trophy giveaway decided by the staff team given to a player as well as a cash prize. But you want to waste time on a moon and probably now a shirt. I can't slander the chiefs or SA but I think @Ayjay resigning is a huge loss for the community.
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The shockingly low player count emphasizes that there are beaming issues are prominent in the server and community.

The community is in a state of dismay and constant polarization, you all seem to be seeking a resolution or reasoning behind this and I think you're owed that. Many of you want a solid gamemode, promoting healthy development, which can be agreed on by a majority, rather than a small group (or specific individuals), who think they know what is best for the community (it's clear this isn't working). I propose that every moderate/major change in gameplay is voted upon prior to being put into practice on the server.

The police department is a problem, and it took me resigning from my high horse as Chief of Department to understand that - I see it differently to many others, I do agree that it can be too complicated and there are more ranks than sense in many aspects of the department, and yes there is bias for friend groups in specific instances. Though I do believe the roleplay that the department can offer is unmatched, removing it is a ridiculous idea and if you're suggesting anything similar you should go and play GTA freeroam. Issues such as the ones I've mentioned need to be promtly fixed, as they're affecting the gamemode as a whole. I'd also call upon the current CoD to be more active within the gamemode, or hand over the reins to someone who wishes to provide a sandbox for stellar roleplay and isn't attempting to initiate the fourth reich. The department is the backbone of the game for many people and it's vital that it's managed properly, and higher ranking individuals aren't out of touch with the community generally.

I do also think that many members of this community don't know their arse from their elbow, and love sitting there being seeping cesspits and blame everything on the staff team or the PD as it's an easy target. Many arguments are unconstructive and unevidenced, this isn't how progress is made. A few love being toxic, and will do everything in their power to vent their awful vibes, they have zero respect for the very staff members who volunteer their spare time to do reports, action requests and other administrative duties. In my opinion these people should be removed from the community and seek refuge in their nearest rehabilitation centers.

Having people shouting down their microphones, shooting each other for a laugh, speaking out of character in voice chat constantly, not cooperating with roleplay generally are some of the core reasons gameplay is suffering. This is a roleplay server, a serious roleplay server (it says it in the title) and the state of the gamemode makes us look more like a prettier dark RP. Playing GTA:RP for the past few weeks has shown to me the absolute potential that roleplay servers can offer for people who wish to engage, the gamemode has evolved but the players have not.

A comprehensive analysis of structural integrity of this community needs to take place, because the jenga blocks will fall and we'll be left with 6+ years of nothing. I believe I failed as a Senior Administrator, I could of absolutely done more. Although I do feel that I was somewhat trapped in what I could offer, and the lack of appreciation and willingness by members to aid in change made me hate every second of being in that role. I did attempt to change things, I believe internally the staff team is in a great place, but many more things need to happen to make things complete. I bit off more than I could chew when taking on that role, I didn't think I'd end up trying to prevent a PERPHeads civil war. I also felt that sometimes I was doing this solo. I hope I left some form of starting block to fix this gamemode, and hopefully whoever is tasked with fixing this thing can do so. I will stick around to help develop now and again alongside @Fredy and @TinySlayer, and hope to develop something meaningful that you guys want, as I really do have a lot of love for this community as I am sure all of you do too. I hope something changes, and I hope that issues can be resolved before it's too late. Time to head back to GTA.

I'd write more but my cats stuck in a diet coke box, also thank you all for the nice comments regarding my resignation.

You get what I mean though.

Thank you.
I'd also call upon the current CoD to be more active within the gamemode, or hand over the reins to someone who wishes to provide a sandbox for stellar roleplay and isn't attempting to initiate the fourth reich.


All of the shit you've said is true, still hate you for resigning because I believed you were one of the people who was most willing to bring PERP to what it once was.
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