Why aren't you playing?

Why aren't you playing?

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Still need to take the exam, but thanks for predicting the future man.
Because the Game mode is incredibly linear all you do is get money to buy cars. Everyone sits in the same spot for several hours a day often times AFK. All for a car. Maybe for guns to make more money to.....buy more cars... the PD was the best aspect of the game and they whitelisted it to remove cancer, but some of the cancer is what made it fun, and makes being a cop the best way to go. However if you don’t get approved (like me despite being here for 5-6 years or so now.) than you’re forced into the small room with some drug pots that you idle next to for hours a day. role play is dead here and there isn’t much sign of it coming back. If someone would like to counter any of these points with new information I would be completely open to that.
i played yesterday and i have seen efforts to improve roleplay, there were some nice shops at the city hall selling cheeky newspapers @LEWIS 088 and I enjoyed myself. there was also some medic rp with @Prepper and we bimbled about in the medical mobile looking for patients. Overall it was good fun
Apart from everyone minging a little at the end, (which nobody got punished for because it was all in good fun), the bridge build from docks over to city was a fun little project. Appointing @Madda was a great decision imo.
Honestly, since a few of the OG lads are coming back, the relaxed and fun form of role play is emerging again too. I think PERP is getting a lot more fun again, the PD “circle jerk” is pretty much going now as more and more non-perpelite command members are coming in.

On the right track for summer, hitting higher counts in no time
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