why won't you let me troll

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Genuinely curious, why do some of you get really upset when I do it? Like REALLY, REALLY, REALLY upset?

This isn't a troll thread, I'm actually just curious (and bored) and I'd like to start some discussion into it.

My argument for my general disobedience is due to the gamemode being heavily restricted to quite literally cops and robbers, plus Garry's Mod is a sandbox game by nature - therefore I fully utilise the sandbox potential to it's fullest.
Go on a darkrp server if you want to troll.

If you want to troll play League like me it's hilarious making kids waste their precious free time
idk dude i think you and @Exrobite specifically are really entertaining but there have been points particularly with exrobite where a line gets crossed and i lose loads of shit when im trying to do stuff which, as much as it can be defined as just virtual items, i translate it to time wasted and when that exceeds like 30+ minutes worth of grinding I personally can get pissed off but I'm a very angry man as portrayed by my profile pic

it depends on the individual and their willingness to go along with it
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You can troll and all to a point it doesn’t break rules or you annoy people on purpose, but either way, you’ve got other servers/games to play, why go on a server if you know how it is and then complain? It seems as if you’re coming on for the sole purpose of annoying people, you’ve got to take into consideration some people get easily triggered and angry and some others need a push to that anger.

Of course most of the time you can’t troll an insane amount due to rules mentally restricting you. More time people just get upset due to the time and money they loose from someone’s total disregard of the rules. 30K and near enough an hours worth of grinding can be lost due to someone looking for fun, yes they can make a RR, but it takes long and in the end isn’t worth the time wasted when they could just grow again.
Because when you have a set of rules that you obey, knowing there'll be consequences if you don't, watching someone else willingly disregard and/or bend those rules in favor of 'trolling' comes off as disrespectful and obnoxious, possibly even unfair, depending on whether the 'troll' is punished and/or how harsh said punishment is. Of course, in cases where literally no one is affected by said 'troll', no one should really care (which is impossible, considering (one of) the definition(s) of 'trolling' is to provoke people)

Loss of anything of value is also generally upsetting, so in cases where a 'troll' may cause such loss, people will get angry. Time itself is valuable, so even if there is nothing of monetary value lost, the time wasted dealing with a 'troll' may also be upsetting.
My trolling antics were mostly targeted at the police because in theory, if I were to negatively affect their gameplay, there wouldn't be any financial loss to them. By this I mean that if their cruiser got destroyed, then they can get one free of charge, same with weapons, ammo, etc.
The entire reason its fun to troll is because people are taking it seriously and if people were allowed to troll then it would make doing so very boring because everyone would be doing it. People get upset because they have to put alot of time and effort into making money or some shit and even then if they don't loose money they don't want to waste there time because they view playing the server by the rules is apart of the fun of a serious roleplaying server.

FREE @Exrobite

poor man did nothing wrong, we need him back in the army to continue gods will
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