I did the maths
You can raid and mug me 5 times if I base for 10 hours and I'd still make 200k profit.
100k per hour = 1 mil in 10 hours.
My average inventory consists of Leaves, Mags, Ammo, Gun etc which comes to a total value of around 100k aswell.
You'd take my planter and chemical table, which would make me lose 30 minutes + 1 dry batch which = 60k
So you take 160k from me every raid you do, that * 5 = 800k
I will always make profit, no matter what. Drugs are way too good for making money.
Of course not everyone bases that long, but you never get raided AND mugged 5 times a day. This is just to show you can make profit easily.
Lets be more realistic.
I base for 6 hours, which would get me 600k in drugs.
I get raided 5 times and lose 30 minutes and 1 dry batch each raid (60k).
I only lose my rifle because I didn't get mugged. = ~22k.
So the total loss is 82k for 1 raid, that * 5 = 410k.
I'd still make 190k if I get raided 5 times in 6 hours.
Get my point?