
My last post gained a lot of traction and (some of) the responses were relatively constructive. The player count has clearly dwindled even from that post,
and it's important that we come to a conclusion of exactly what needs to happen in order to draw you guys back in.
This follow up post is aimed more towards narrowing down what needs to be done from both a development and an administration perspective. I have selected
a number of topics which were the most prevalent in the previous thread, this will be the subject matter for this discussion.
Once we have a clear consensus on the direction and approach we should take, senior administration and the development team will attempt to resolve these issues via the most requested method(s).
Can we ensure the discussion stays on track with these topics:
- Material Prices
Many members of the community believe that material prices are too high and the loss of guns or other items makes doing criminal activities worthless and less enjoyable.
What direction should we take when it comes to material prices, should they remain the same or be lowered?
- Police Department
Many members of the community believe that the Police Department has become too complicated and the previous simple nature of the job made it more enjoyable.
What specific approaches can we take toward improving the police department for the better, and making this kind of role-play more fun for both sides?
- Lack of roleplay
Many members of the community believe that role play is somewhat discouraged and/or limited, this is a huge factor in many people not wanting to play the server.
What exactly needs to be done in order for roleplay to be improved?
- Legal opportunities
Many members of the community believe that there is a distinct lack of legal opportunities to explore in-game.
What legal opportunities need to be added, or which current ones need to be altered/changed?
- Gunplay
Many members of the community believe that rifle marksmanship needs to be changed, or have highlighted other issues with guns generally.
In terms of gunplay, what exactly needs to be changed?
I have purposely left out a few things that have already been addressed / are in the pipeline to be solved, this includes: map updates, organisations & lack of development. Any posts that do not follow the above topics will be deleted, this isn't the place to go off on a rant.
I have also set up a google form, please do respond to this and be honest with your answers - This is simply to get a rough idea of what you guys want, leave more detailed responses in this thread.
Thank you.