I saw someone talking about being raided so I thought I’d offer this
One of the things that truly make my blood boil is hearing newer players talking about having to put fees to larger orgs so they don’t get raided, it’s unfortunate but often times one or two orgs dominate the player base at any given time, and will often try to sell you ‘protection’ from themselves.
Since this is a recurring issue, I’ll give you a few tips o how to survive a raid as a newer player:
- Build defences if you can afford it ( newer players often don’t want to make it look like an apartment is owned, so if you still want to attempt the look of an ‘empty’ apartment, leave windows unblocked and don’t let anything be visible from outside )
- Make sure you have a good but easy to use gun, for defending I always recommend shotguns for newer players, try and get a benneli or Remington, they are OP for defence and come at a fairly cheap price
- GET A HOUSE ALARM - not enough new players do this, you can buy these in safety first and they mean the second your raided, you have the entire PLPD flanking FOR YOU, the PLPD now know exactly which apartment and house is also being raided so they don’t (hopefully) enter by mistake
- Base with other people! There are lots of newer players who have the same issues! The more you can base with the longer you can hold out on a large scale raid (and maybe even win)
- Let them know you’re new! Especially if you’re on your own basing, letting people know you’re brand new is essential. While some players still don’t respect this, the majority of large orgs currently won’t raid you if you’re new.
A final note: some larger orgs will let you base with them, just ask!