For those who are saying it's not as enjoyable as it was before it's simply because you're not grinding for anything anymore, you have everything you want and everything you need, if you actually want to start off and have fun again you should just go ahead and sell all your items and give the cash away and start over at 0, I joined on an alt account and did this once and I enjoyed it a lot.
Not wrong, I requested a character reset at one stage to be able to do this but it never actually happened, tried going on an alt but got told it wasn't allowed
Player-owned economy is still a good idea, i think the focus of the server needs to be shifted from cops v robbers back to serious rp and POE is a good step in that direction.
On the PD side, replace old police models such as Crown Vic and Charger to their TDM police counterparts with appropriate equipment. RTU Porsche needs to be altered or replaced as well because it really handles horribly for a car meant to catch speeders. Unmarked Vauxhall needs a handling change as well, it literally doesn't turn at all
I understand I'll get roasted for this, but @Ayjay you said yourself in Slayerducks post ' but I do believe that everybody deserves another chance.'
If people like me and @Shokron13 are still around attempting to have a positive influence on the server, why can we not at least get some feedback or information from the staff team on our appeals rather then simply getting denied and angering people anytime we attempt to get more information?
Thank you @Ayjay for creating this, I think this is a great starting point in establishing the what the community wants and it's important to do so.
I agree for the most part of what everyone has already said minus @Slayerduck. Already, I feel like there's been a lot of improvements to the server since last being on. There is a couple concerns however, where I feel like suggestions are being neglected despite the overwhelming positive responses from the community. Some suggestions are left for months on end, even years without a response as to whether it would be practical or not.
Discussion Post: Main Idea: Having a craftable splint to fix a crippled leg Full description of the idea: Craftable splints that can be made out of materials or something which temporarily fixes your leg until a timer or your...
Main idea: Removing 5.56 Nerf Description: Reversing the nerf for the 5.56 recoil Pros: Give people what they grinded for People can actually have a chance at fighting off TFU and Police Sweaters dont suffer from headbreaking recoil Actually making marksmanship worth it m4's are cheaper to...
For gameplay as a whole, I think that there's stuff being added as a measurement of whether people are winning or losing against criminals. Criminals stomped the PD back in 2017 and there's now items and other additions being added as a measurement of that, making it far too OP now for cops(i.e reflex sights on pistols for cops, 5.56 nerf for civilians).
As well, cops can respond back to situations after NLR but civilians can't? It doesn't make sense at all. What is the difference from a cop telling another cop to a friend telling another friend?
These are just my current thoughts from being on the server.
I understand I'll get roasted for this, but @Ayjay you said yourself in Slayerducks post ' but I do believe that everybody deserves another chance.'
If people like me and @Shokron13 are still around attempting to have a positive influence on the server, why can we not at least get some feedback or information from the staff team on our appeals rather then simply getting denied and angering people anytime we attempt to get more information?
@Inchs PERP has always had a zero tolerance towards cheating, you've known that the day you registered and you knew that when you cheated, consequently, that is the result of your actions. Cheating should be permanent if not, 3 years <
As you probably know, cheaters never get unbanned.
As much as I agree with what you are saying, this is sadly how it goes, and I believe that people that do attempt to have a good influence even whilst banned showing their change or their progress in change should have another chance.
I always deemed to think that the 5.56 nerf was only put in place to nerf civilians, which isn't even neccessary as PD is already OP because they can set a warrant, respawn, and go again with their given pistols and or rifles.
I totally understand at why I should just be banned forever, but even in a majority of competitive e-sports, cheating is not a permanent ban and multiple players are known to reform and play again.
I've tried my hardest to remain part of the community, attempting to cast any opinions I can on things that may benefit the server, hence why I take part in these things.
I'm not here to publicly debate about the point, more then free to pm me however.
I remember a time at when you, and all of people we could both call friends had been permanently banned with multiple staff members saying they will never come back, yet here we are. Anyone can reform and do good.
Right, granted, but cheating and being banned for 1.1 are 2 seperate things in itself and even you should understand no-one would stay banned for that.
I've previously been fairly open with my view that cheating bans don't have to be permanent if the person admitted what they were doing at the time and didn't cause a massive hassle trying to hide it. I've also made it clear to many cheaters that I'm not open to discussions about removing bans for cheating until at least 1 year after their last ban (either cheating or ban evading), let alone actually unbanning them.
You have been supplied with this information, yet to have chosen to ignore it and pester us every few months requesting special treatment. If you want to ignore what you've been told, the fault lies with you, and there isn't much we can do to change that.
(It's worth pointing out these are my personal views and not everyone in the staff team agrees cheaters should ever be unbanned)
@nade I suppose it depends on the severity, I don't exactly want to comment when I was hanging around with you guys at the time as my view would be bias. I just think the most of people, that anyone can change and become better. The trouble is the server, as far as I know, hasn't tried it so we have no idea what the results would truly be. I just feels it frustrating when I was a different person at the time going through a rough spot, but now I am much better and have worked to improve myself, but that past mistake is completely undo able. Murders' get released eventually.
I actually wasn't directly told this information about waiting a year, rather heard it through Shokron I believe, I'll have to double check on that. Even though I did make an appeal, I did eventually admit it to @Dom_ and have him close the report.
Not at any point have I wanted any special treatment, just clarity when every staff member seems to say different things and anything I hear has been through Shokrons appeals/communications with the staff team.