Community Discussion - What do you want?

Do you have links to these other vehicles?

The RTU Porsche is not meant to catch speeding vehicles by chasing them. The Mercedes is meant for that.

The Unmarked Vauxhall uses the same vehicle script as the civilian version, which I own, and haven't had any issues with driving. Are you able to show me what the problem is?
It seems you really just want the Ford Focus RS 16, rather than any other cars specifically.

We alraedy have the Ford Focus RS and the Ford Focus SVT. Why would we need another very similar car? Surely it would be better to focus our time on adding new different cars instead?
I want to see "this player is newbie" on the top of character head and people know what they gotta do to them.
well you can mute people though, it can be very civil but you need active mods in the chat keeping it there like an army controlling civilians, if not handled properly, riots begin
Maybe have subtle hint, like a sims popup thingy above their head or just a small sign that every player that has been in the city longer knows about but sweaters don't notice?
so we can make it civil? sure there's likely bound to be some :asshat: but with decent staff members we can take care of it :)
@Ethan I never told you of bases that didn't exist. I cheated on a one off occasion. It was for a day, I came on, we raided regal and we left. I dont hide what I did or when I did it. I dont think the community or staff owe me anything and I know the mistake I made. I'm more then happy to discuss more over PM as I dont want to start a screaming match here.