[DEBATE] Is Olsen Banden ruining PERP?

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Things people fail to understand:

An orange suit costs 12k
Orange Suit pants cost 8k
Brown shoes cost 2k
An M4 kitted costs like 25k
Monorail is free.
Creating an org will be 10k

Max anyone can earn from growing on their own is 36k an hour.

Timed Explosives cost 8k
Remote Explosives cost 9k

but https://citizenhack.me/ is £20 for a lifetime membership.

So really you can all be in Olsen for 74k after just over two hours of growing in the forest and £20, you can be Olsen too kids. :zing:
I mean to be fair, Perp has changed a lot since I joined almost 2 years ago, Back then there was more RP and now its just the case of powergrowing, raiding, defending, selling stuff at Bazzar. I mean I can see why some people say that perp is turning into "Cops and Robbers" but I personally don't believe that. Olsen is not going to go away anytime soon unless the staff suddenly made a rule that would limit or get rid of raiding all together which I know would never happen in a million years but truth is, Perp is a hard gamemode, Unless you got ancient friends who can help you out you are going to struggle end of story. Olsen doesn't really care about who they raid which is why I don't know why people rim lick them. I mean @Feng Yamaguchi can confirm, You can help them raid, defend, flank or kill cops but that doesn't make you immune to them, Because if that was the case Olsen would not be able to raid anymore and raiding is what keeps Olsen alive, You take away raiding you take away olsen. At the end of the day, you just have to deal with it. Yes, it might be bullshit or unfair or annoying but I know myself from experience, Getting salty in OOC gets you nowhere because I have my past of being an angry kid haunting over me so that now when I try to apply for anything it will constantly be brought up. Its a bit like a criminal record, You may commit a crime but even if you change that crime will still differ your chances in future positions/roles. So what I recommend anyone to do if you dislike or hate Olsen is to just tab out, watch youtube and chill, Yes they might make you want to punch your screen or smash your equipment up but it's honestly not worth it. Now I know I can't really talk but just take my word as I have suffered the consequences of my mistakes.

Perp is a hard gamemode and it's not easy to get rich on unless you get help from wealthy or powerful members.
Olsen raids whoever they want in which they don't target people
Helping Olsen in anyway does not make your invisible or immune to them.
Olsen is not going away anytime soon
Don't get salty in OOC its not worth it, Just calm down and forget about it
How to be immune from Olsen 101

you cant be, they're always watching. hearing your planting, smelling your cocaine. hide your kids

eh, i mean it doesn't help that everyone in this community takes someones word as a godsend and inflates their ego beyond belief but i think there are some nice orange individuals.

comment to the clickbait title: no they aren't ruining anything garrys mod is just boring and there are better games to play atm
to be honest I think this entire post can be summed up in 3 words:

perp is dying
salty kids getting salty because they cant handle a few idiots with guns
Staff resign (4 in 24 hours)
So what? They can make decisions for themselves

I don't see what's the problem here at all. All it takes is to create a big enough / good enough org. You're making it sound like we are running around spreading salt everywhere like there was no tomorrow and that we deliberately pick fights with people for the lulz. Olsen has been years in the making so there is a reason why so many of the good players are in our org.
don't see the point in this post it's a org that raids tuff shit. Raid them if u don't like it?
To be honest all because of olsen banden i can't base in the morning hours, i have to stay up all night with my friends just to grow without getting raided by those horrible people. We get raided by these poor blue people that are absolutely shit shooters but i can agree, olsen banden do kinda ruin the server. I have to stay up until 5 AM when the server restarts to actually do batches without being raided thats how retarded the system is right now.
Pretty sad when u say u gotta stay up till 5am to grow drugs cause of some ppl on a gmod server
To be honest all because of olsen banden i can't base in the morning hours, i have to stay up all night with my friends just to grow without getting raided by those horrible people. We get raided by these poor blue people that are absolutely shit shooters but i can agree, olsen banden do kinda ruin the server. I have to stay up until 5 AM when the server restarts to actually do batches without being raided thats how retarded the system is right now.
Eh? Horrible people? ;( Just learn to aim kiddo
If you don't like getting raided all the time then raid other people. Raid Ols3n and gain experience from them. You're not going to get good if you are just sitting in an apparent all day.
I actually think that having people who think they can create a little safe-space in a cops v robbers game is what ruins PERP. Olsen don't make the server worse and It's getting to the point where you're purposely shit-posting but making it look like you're being constructive Aaron. If you think that users, whom try to do something other than raid but it literally blows up in their face @MachineGunO @Husky @Nade Alardin and others , are at fault for this you should study their actions for rule-breaks and get rid of them. Also, the reference to "blowing up in their face" is because some of the lads from Olsen made a tree-house that got bombed by a staff member (don't call them out even if you know who it was because you'll look like a nob) and some of them actually got so pissed off because they were trying to play PERP in a way that hadn't been done before, in their eyes, but they just get pushed back to raiding and power-growing every time.
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because some of the lads from Olsen made a tree-house that got bombed by a staff member (don't call them out even if you know who it was because you'll look like a nob) and some of them actually got so pissed off because they were trying to play PERP in a way that hadn't been done before but they just get pushed back to raiding and power-growing every time.
I like it how a lot of the replies now are, "Raid Olsen yourself" I mean a few of us would but we can't really afford it as we have a 99.9% of losing the raid. I mean me personally I don't want to put my guns to waste, I'd rather use logic and raid or participate in a shootout which I have a decent chance of you know.... Winning.

p.s I myself would raid Olsen if I had guns to spare but the chances are and my luck is that as soon as I start to bobby pin a door I would be wall banged and if by some miracle that doesn't happen I will most likely be 1 tapped because I myself haven't played CS:GO in god knows how long.

Conclusion: I can't afford it :|
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