Israel and Palestine?

I dont see a difference in killing jews for being jews, or killing everyone for being an anti-revolutionary though. They're both pratically genocide.
@Wiki Didn't say he was the reason for the last part. Hitler did a good job on putting Germany on the map, and he built that country to something great back then. The people after him made it what it is today.
Ok homies homies lemme just ask
How in the fuck does killing all the jews make the world change in any way (apart from the obvious lack of jews)
Yeah its so great how he literally killed people who didnt agree with him and killed slavs for no reason too. Also it was so cool how he was extremely racist. But hey he violated the treaty of versailles to build like 7 ships lmao
1. So because a religious text says so, they should just be allowed? Many religious texts also condone killing, stoning and so on, but we don't follow those, do we? "Because it says so" is not a valid argument, religious texts are belief, not facts.

2. No, other religions DONT have a COUNTRY. The COUNTRY has a majority RELIGION. It is just how it happens to be. Should we also just steal some territory and give it to Scientology, Jehovas Witnesses and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

3. You mean like what happened in 1939? It's not about not being able to cope, it's about literally stealing territory and then expecting everything to be good after that. If I came in to your house and stole your new flatscreen TV because a book said I could, would you be okay with me after that?

Also if we in the West is so modern and civilised, why don't we welcome Jews properly in our countries? Why don't we give Wales to the jews instead? While we're at it, we can give southwest England to Scientology. Seems fair?