Why are people banned forever?

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Why would you have to check their demos if they get unbanned lmao. If they aren't blatantly cheating again then you wouldn't know anyway, regardless of if you watched all their demos. Until someone were to report them because they did something fishy, you would have no clue that they are cheating no matter if you watch 1000 demos
Well... People sometimes comes to regret extremely much their actions of cheating and a lot of people really don't think twice before they do it. Some people like Shokron who got bored obviously did it cause he didn't want to play anymore, but I've heard of another person who just didn't think twice before he started up his cheats, which is an extremely dumb thing.

Some people really really really regret their choice and that leads them to be sad or just pissed on themselves, which they then have no chance of turning back as theres a zero tolerance policy. I understand that theres a 0 Tolerance Policy, but I'd say if let's say they would make a whole essay of an Apology might seem like they actually want to come back, and second chance would be a possibility I WOULD MEAN, but it's nothing that's up to me, but the Senior Management Team obviously. All after all you should just not cheat in first place, and you get what you deserve, but again some people regret it.
Face reveal videos and community service hours this is great
I don't remember where it's from, I just remembered those specific parts.
Once I was 14 I cheated in CS:S and it took me about 4-5 years to get rid of cheating and hacks.
I knew from the very start when I was gonna cheat If I fucked this up there is no way I'm gonna get any second chance but you still can start it over again somewhere not here If they weren't gonna give you a second chance.

Why should staff do this every week? watching through multiple demos, it is not our fault the cheater cheated.
Quick math: A player plays 6 hours a week, for example, let's say we unban 11 players who were banned for cheating and are in need of a demo check every single week.
6 hours * 11 = 66 hours to be watched by a staff member, not to forgot most of the staff members do have a fulltime job or go to school.
Sir don't worry i can check cheaters demos all day (just hire me :=))
Catching cheaters is a fun sport though ngl, having you banned for cheating after you killed me was quite satisfying. You also used your cheats to mug guys growing in the forest and all, I bet they were pretty annoyed lol

VAC is perma ban, so should perp be. The only difference imo is that cheating at a roleplay game is sadder then CS
Cheating is like cutting ur legs off and later whining about how you're not able to walk anymore :laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:
Being banned permanently for cheating is what the Staff team put in, of course people might of cheated more in terms of self gain compared to others, but it’s still the fact of cheating, I agree with the permanent ban but at the same time I agree you should gain a second chance, the reason cheating is so severe is that it’s cheating, it’s unfair and plain wrong and messed up for fellow players and possibly friends.

@Shokron13 has reformed himself and shows care and takes time to come on TS and Forums to try make a decent impression, he imposed a demo check if he was to ever be unbanned in which he gives up his weekly demos to staff to review if he’s cheating and an account reset.
Shokron is a fucking idiot, he cheated, we have evidence, a reset doesnt make his recklessness better, he might aswell go do it again to get into it again faster. He shouldnt be unbanned.
Think of all the players you made “mad” by cheating. To the players that lost their guns and drugs from your unfair advantage are they going to get their items back?

And like @Ethan said, you’re not sorry you cheated. You’re sorry that you were caught.
People should stay banned regardless if they have reformed to ensure Perp stays zero tolerance on cheating, it is a good enough deterrent for most people.

Having your character reset just seems irrelevant.
still would like to large up haytham for the teamviewer madness
Or maybe it’s because we’ve had specific instructions from Fredy himself to never unban Martino and the others
I based my response off of what @Shokron13 had proposed at one point and I thought it was half decent only because of an account reset which seems reasonable. Of course this wasn’t a fully on thing I’d like to see happen but suggested it out of thin air.

It was just a thought and I fairly clearly stated it saying staff can’t be asked to watch those demos which you even quoted @Henk.

I know staff have jobs and school just like many others do and that was taken into consideration too and I know why no one can be bothered. I believe a ban over 1 year or so and an account wipe is fairly reasonable, of course that’s what I think.

This whole thread is a bit controversial in terms of punishments to cheaters and reductions in a way but right now I can’t think of many ways to get a cheater unbanned or consider it.
You don't have to always check the demo, u can sporadically pick one out, even the chance that someone would look at their demo is probably enough to deter cheaters.
People usually don't care about the punishment, only their chances of being caught.
Shokron is a fucking idiot, he cheated, we have evidence, a reset doesnt make his recklessness better, he might aswell go do it again to get into it again faster. He shouldnt be unbanned.

All our interactions ooc, started with you saying something bad about me and trying to start shit.
YES i cheated, i admitted to brinch a few weeks before i even knew / saw the evidance.
I cant stress enough the amount of times i told people i shouldnt have done that.
Why would i do all this to end up purchasing the cheats again and get banned. We never said anything about being unbanned at the moment we make apeals or stuff like that, and i know the chance that i will be unbanned is minimal, and im willing to take my chances over and over just to maybe get to play on the server again.
We were never cunts to people who said bad stuff about us, we never went after the people who reported us for what we did, we respect everyone, unlike you daymon, every time i post something that u might not like, you always say something about me being cheater, it happend more then once or twice.
Now, i know im not some saint, but atleast i try to improve myself.
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