Community Discussion - What do you want?

I have addressed my thoughts on marksmanship here:

I feel that any bias that is left is always much less than it was when I joined the staff team. If you see any actions that you believe are bias, please do let us know through a staff complaint or a private message.

I think everyone would agree that legal jobs are a good idea. The difficult question is what legal jobs are we able to add given the existing content and map that we have? If a new job is going to require a lot of content to be added, it's going to slow down the development time considerably.

The issue with mouths is a bug. @Xquality will make sure that it isn't there when the next generation of player models are released.
How often would you like events to be held?

Punishment guidelines have been discussed heavily before, but they were not implement because there is far too much variance in situations to be able give a fixed guideline for something like 3.4. It would either only cover a few specific scenarios or end up being a very long list that nobody would want to read and would cause disagreements about which rules are "worse" than others.

Regarding slow vehicles, I would much rather that the map just wasn't as steep in places. The physics engine really isn't designed for significant gradients. I will investigate if some of these vehicles need a buff in the meantime though.
I'm not really sure how the seeding change makes it feel more grindy. All of the drug variables were balanced shortly after the release of the meth update, and the overall result is that you can make more money per hour.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, it takes noticably less time to earn enough money to by a gun than it used to. Weapon prices have gone up, but the amount of money you can earn has gone up even more.
The general issue is that every org teams up with each other, organisations should instead of having alliances with each other because of mates here and there look to fight everyone to be on top, if there is no one who runs against an organisation like we did have it with Chosen Few, Belinsky, Olsen, Montreal Family they will have too much power and influence, as they have such a high economical stand point they will be able to force the gameplay their way, and there is no way of denying that.
Regarding server performance, we are heavily limited by the capabilities of the engine. Things like vehicles are no where near optimised, and there is a lot of Lua code that has to run at a high frequency otherwise the server would never be in sync with the clients. We are constantly looking for how to improve the performance though. Most recently I optimised a large chunk of the voice chat code:

I don't know much about the effects, this is something I would have to look into.

We will make sure your comments about the map design are taken into consideration with the next map update.
To be honest I think there should be more ways of your drugs failing in some form of way, make it so you have to keep your marijuana/cocaine clean, make the risk of meth blowing up higher, this is somewhat a way to save a broken economy, I know that a lot of people are not gonna like this on paper but seriously, think about it we currently have people who have played less than a month driving around in Mclaren P1's so this is something that should work out pratically
Who are these people with 2+ mil in bank that are arguing lower gun prices?
the necessity of comps is the issue not gun prices, recoil needs adjusting, specifically for 5.56 rifles, not a full revert but a midpoint between old 5.56 and now

basically take the craft price of any rifle and add 4k because have fun using one without a comp, the last thing you'll see before your red screen is the ceiling

this is the reason why smgs/pistols have become meta so hard, much more cost effective

i rest my case
that opens up way too much potential for afk crafting, which was avoided by adding the new craft system so people didnt use macros and also outlawing macros
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