Market should determine the prices of raw materials.
Then I can control the mines and control the supply of raw materials thus controlling the price

, this could lead to some cool org wars for raw materials.
Farmer Gang
Maybe change burgers into bread and let farmers produce wheat?
Wheat should be able to be grown over the entire farm field and should give a massive yield but should grow for a long time (3 hours?)
Let the farmer create the bread or sell the wheat to a baker.
I'm sure some people could create a "Grand Exchange"
@Brinch and profit massively.
Farmers can also grow flax to create the materials for clothing.
Where you have to pay income taxes and tax on your produce?
Could be fun to have "Can't pay we'll take it away" perpheads edition.
Could also have a PD Financial Division
@Samuel @Ayjay
Mayor position
Instead of a mayor we could have a parliament?
Let us for example take 30 seats;
Communist Party of Paralake
@Josef Stalin gets 34 percent of the votes which gives them an amount of seats correlating to the amount of votes.
Parliament members would then vote on issues for example; anti-trust laws, more government regulation in the market, higher or lower taxes.
stricter gun laws, legalisation of drugs, etc.
Could be fun to have literal wars between CEO Ling Wang of BlueCorp.
And the PD, City.
Instead of law 3.4 we need incentives to stay alive, you lose money in Hospital costs for example.
Clothing should be made by private companies, I'm not sure if you can put custom prints on clothes or if this is in the realm of possibility.
But if it is, could be cool to have companies make luxury brands.
Kevlar for civilians:
Should be very difficult to make, and could also be made illegal by the parliament.
This could lead to:
I know this is REALLY ambitious, and is probably not even in the realm of possibility, just wanted to throw it out there.
Could also have cars be made by obtaining the raw materials. (This would take a fuckload of materials however.)
Also let us sell our cars to eachother