Community Discussion - What do you want?

mute everyone and if someone wants to make a point they ask for it in chat, and then u unmute them?
I'd much prefer to have a player owned economy where we have to collect raw materials.
So currently you have the Crown vic, thats decent 5 seater. Keep that. The Dodge charger or what ever the regular officer gets. It doesnt function right to how a proper car would function irl. The SO car is fine. The Porsche Cayenne is glitchy both civilian side and police side. Civilian side you get the wheel stuck in the floor. Cop side, it has difficulty from drifting to turn back properly/getting any speed after drifting cus you would just disabled your car if you lightly tapped something. The Escalade is slow for a police vehicle, could be a bit faster, yes it is a 6 seater but needs to be faster. All of the police vehicles sorta have low health to a standard car. few shots in the trunk by an AR disables it. You could add in a new car to the server for RTU unmarked and that is the Volvo V40 estate. The decals on the car doesnt explicitly shout oh its the cops. It needs to be bright yellow and white like we have it in England. Some of the choices for the RTU unmarked cars are terrible. Evo doesnt go as fast as you think it would.
could do something to counter the atrocious winrates the PD has because they 0 brain rush in.
when people like collier are tfu civs get clapped, when retards are tfu, pd gets clapped.
but I don't think it's a great solution.
Give full exp, but you pay crafting price for the ammo, worst part about leveling marksman was getting people to craft your ammo :).
@Slayerduck The only recent encounter you've had is when you logged on, bombed olsen, died and logged off? I don't think thats enough for you to understand the change these players have been through. All you've done is seen someone is in olsen and assume they're cancerous. I've spoken to @Exnem about something similar to this explaining that these people are not the Olsen that you remember but something else. But if you want to jump on the hating bandwagon and call these people cancerous and try to shame a staff member for unbanning players that you simply dont like. Go for it. At the end of the day, you are part of the problem.
Market should determine the prices of raw materials.
Then I can control the mines and control the supply of raw materials thus controlling the price ;), this could lead to some cool org wars for raw materials.

Farmer Gang
Maybe change burgers into bread and let farmers produce wheat?

Wheat should be able to be grown over the entire farm field and should give a massive yield but should grow for a long time (3 hours?)
Let the farmer create the bread or sell the wheat to a baker.

I'm sure some people could create a "Grand Exchange" @Brinch and profit massively.
Farmers can also grow flax to create the materials for clothing.

Where you have to pay income taxes and tax on your produce?

Could be fun to have "Can't pay we'll take it away" perpheads edition.

Could also have a PD Financial Division @Samuel @Ayjay

Mayor position

Instead of a mayor we could have a parliament?
Let us for example take 30 seats;

Communist Party of Paralake @Josef Stalin gets 34 percent of the votes which gives them an amount of seats correlating to the amount of votes.

Parliament members would then vote on issues for example; anti-trust laws, more government regulation in the market, higher or lower taxes.
stricter gun laws, legalisation of drugs, etc.

Could be fun to have literal wars between CEO Ling Wang of BlueCorp.



And the PD, City.

Instead of law 3.4 we need incentives to stay alive, you lose money in Hospital costs for example.

Clothing should be made by private companies, I'm not sure if you can put custom prints on clothes or if this is in the realm of possibility.
But if it is, could be cool to have companies make luxury brands.

Kevlar for civilians:
Should be very difficult to make, and could also be made illegal by the parliament.

This could lead to:

  • Companies that blackmail high standing CEO's of other companies or politicians, police if they have dirt on them, for example:​
  • Politician was bribed by Ling Wang, CEO of BlueCorp. to pass a law that makes it more difficult for other companies to compete.​

  • Bribing the PD, I think this shouldn't be against the rules, but should be dealt with internally.​

  • Actual roleplay, because Business. @John Daymon
I know this is REALLY ambitious, and is probably not even in the realm of possibility, just wanted to throw it out there.

Could also have cars be made by obtaining the raw materials. (This would take a fuckload of materials however.)

Also let us sell our cars to eachother ;)

  • Sweater 2 buys Mini cooper from Sweater 1, because Sweater 1 is buying another car.​
  • Sweater 3 buys Mini cooper from Sweater 2.​
They sell this to eachother on

this might require a hard wipe.

More suggestions for jobs would be NUTTY: please leave them down below bois.
For example: Pearl Diving to make Jewelry
Mining Gold to make Jewelry.​
The wiki idea I think would be really helpful, even though I joined some friends when starting out I still didn't know a lot about the game-mode & it's mechanics. Still don't. I think this would make it more appealing as new players can get an idea of what the game-mode & server is like. Basically, believe that the server needs to be more inviting to new players and help them more so there can more variety to types of players & such.
Another thing I would like to seen is when new people start the server, become a police officer and there is no cars available unless you’re VIP or have someone to partner up with. Let’s be honesty, the amount of times people ask for a partner up and don’t get is often the case. How can you expect someone new to have fun as a cop if they can’t get a car or even partner up with someone.

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@Adrish Mate it's just a game, you're making it sound like they've been to war and just came back. "I don't think thats enough for you to understand the change these players have been through" They've been banned for a year and couldn't wait any longer and wanted to be unbanned just to waste their lifes on this server which is quite sad actually, it's just a game I feel like people are taking this way too serious. What have they been through? They all sit together on 1 ts playing csgo or some shit quite a life they live lol